Can we agree at this point that FC4 is better than 3?
Most people only say that it's a reskinned FC3 with a few new small additions like elephant riding, but that makes it at least on par with FC3.
And plotwise, I don't think any of them shine.
Can we agree at this point that FC4 is better than 3?
Most people only say that it's a reskinned FC3 with a few new small additions like elephant riding, but that makes it at least on par with FC3.
And plotwise, I don't think any of them shine.
>>Most people only say that it's a reskinned FC3 with a few new small additions like elephant riding, but that makes it at least on par with FC3.
how can you miss the point by that much?
they fucking charged everyone $60 for a map change.
if each person at a table bought a $40 steak and you get pepper added that's another $40 you'll fucking say "ha my steak's better!"
But that's not a complaint about the video game itself, user. Reviews should be about content, not company history or marketing.
To be fair, that pepper adds in quite the pzazz.
>if each person at a table bought a $40 steak and you get pepper added that's another $40 you'll fucking say "ha my steak's better!"
>But that's not a complaint about the steak itself, user. Reviews should be about the taste of the food, not restaurant history or marketing.
Basically the same game.
>if each person at a table bought a $40 steak and you get pepper added that's another $40 you'll fucking say "ha my steak's better!"
More like
>you buy a pizza from some place and the second time you order a new type and complain that it's the same price since you've already had pizza from them
>food analogies
Far Cry 2 was the best one desu
I ignored it the first time, he's the one that can't work without them.