Is it only 6v6?

Is it only 6v6?

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Help, I'm already bored of the game, Sup Forums...

What should I do?

Because with more players you would have 5 ultimates going off at the same time and no one would know what was happening

Sounds like fun to be quite frank with you, amigo.

consoles would shit the bed

who needs 5 ultimates when you have pic related

If you were curious they were all shit-talking redditors spouting twitch emote memes

Arcade mode already has 75%cooldown reduction

I was really looking forward to this, played it all night. Booted it again this morning and the magic is just gone amigo. Its not there anymore.
I-I even bought loot boxes for 10 eurodoubloons.
I can see myself playing a match or two every day, but...fuck me its just boring and the balance is all over the place.
I regret this probably more than any other game purchase to date. No, wait. I regret starbound more.

I got bored in beta

I dont know why would anyone spend 60 on this

>Sup Forums shills shitty games to no end, and then they end up regretting it but the game peaks at something ridiculous like a million players
>tfw have tried for the last month to find a single person to join you in the multiplayer of the game you like which has a 24 hour peak of like, 14 players all in single player

Just counter pick 3 junkrat, 3 genji.
Deflect between them, not back at the one firing.
Use all three wheels at once and use different routes to make it difficult to stop them.

My team actually all picked Pharah and when I saw them all jump jet at the start of the round it was like that moment when the ducks all fly out at a duck hunt

dead brownfus falling from the sky en masse

Luckily I picked genji and got POTG going full edge on them we still lost though

when it comes to loot boxes, is there a level limit? will we be forced to buy boxes down the line?

No level cap, so infinite boxes pretty much.

Just like wow they nerfed every "class" to become the same
Theres no mechanic to learn making the game boring fast
40 burgers + loot boxes

overwatch doesn't have custom servers?

Because they aren't you? Differing tastes, friend. Some people will love it, some will hate it.

No need in trying to understand why people enjoy a game. If you don't like it, you don't have to play, and can instead play something that you do enjoy. Free world, brah.

from beta, cap is 50 but every time you reach 50s XP limit again you get a box, so it doesn't get stupid hard to get a box at level 70+ with xp increases

Stop with this meme please.

same as dirty bomb

don't know why,
class-based game sounds awesome, but get bored really quick

Dude I just exhausted all of the game's content in a few hours

I don't want to grind skins for 3000 hours.

I always start salivating for some reason when I see those holes.

I bet you don't like any retro/arcade games either.

At least Dirty Bomb is fast-paced and actually requires skill.
Overwatch is even more babbymodo than TF2 ever was (I think vanilla was the best, what we have today is just gimmicky as fuck).

>$60 AAA game
>micro transactions


I wish people who bought the 50 loot box pack bought me the game instead

I wish people would stop getting overhyped for meme games.

>40 dollar game
>Micro transactions do nothing gameplay wise
>Boxes are a dollar each

>Dude I just exhausted all of the game's content in a few hours

yeah and I did that in the FREE beta so I don't even have to buy this

>$60 for consoles, $40 for PC
>There is a single microtransaction, and it's random loot for 100% completely cosmetic items that in no way affect gameplay or balance.

No better argument than that? I kinda feel bad for you...kinda.

I've already bought 2 40$ loot box packs. Got some skins I wanted and a lot of trash. Feels nice to finally be able to spend money however I want after being a NEET faggot for a while.

Why are you fags so damn retarded. Did any of you bitching about bieng boring even played the beta? You had like 5 full days to try it out.

>40 dollars = 1 dollar
sure shill

Stealing POTG from a 6 man group of shitters feels so good.

What's your email? Bestbuy sent me a duplicate and I don't want to resell it.

They don't even try hard anymore



People uses the same argument against TF2

except at least TF2 is free and has more gameplay mechanisms.

The fuck?
[email protected]

[email protected]

I make $90kUS a year, and you're retarded.
>feels good to blow my money on gambling boxes in a game that I already paid for
No wonder you were a NEET for a while. Congrats on breaking out, but you really should learn how to handle your money.

HereLooks like this guy got it first, was reading other thread

>Makes 90k
>Bitches about how someone elses wastes his money

And you should learn how to manage you time. Comming to Sup Forums to get mad about other people's spending habits isn't exactly what I'd call productive.

>gameplay mechanisms
they said summer was just a meme

>I like these threads because each one is filled with different opinions and not the same arguments.

>lol u mad?

>somebody gave me good advice
>better get mad at them
Dont be a nigger and take the advice.

>On attack
>Team getting stomped
>Switch to Zarya
>Run in, shield up
>Ult, start bombing them
>Play the game is some Hanzo faggot who pressed his ult at the same time
I'm not salty at all.


It's just literally the same group of f2pers trying to brainwash others to stop playing the game.

I am pretty sure you're the one getting mad over someone else's spending habits.

I'd play Overwatch if it had Poplar in it.

>get a quad kill while using graviton surge
>two people say I'm getting PoTG
>PoTG is a bastion using ult and killing 3 people

Did you got it from the best buy guy? Was lucky enough someone offered it to me but it's my fault for browsing other thread and not post email

Oh well

"Spend your money wisely" is good advice.
Dont be a sucker.

What do the loot boxes have in them?

>Play Zarya
>Get a quadra kill by flinging my balls around with precision and defending the point
>Play of the Game goes to a Zenyatta that pressed Q, his whole team died anyway, and he was immediately decimated as soon as his ult ended

Skins, sprays, voice over clip things, and emotes.

And you expect someone at an Anonymous to take such advice because?

I mean the board's biggest problem is shitposting and do you see Anons stopping any time soon, despite some telling them to stop?

Yeah good luck with that.

skins sprays and stickers. i dont like how a fully priced game has free to play model.

The board's biggest problem is brain hemorrhages from uncontrollable fits of rage every time someone sees something they don't like.

IMO if it's restricted to skins then i dont mind. Just like dota 2, it's all skins, as long as it doesnt tamper with the gameplay it's all good

>just gave in and bought the game for $40
>this is the first thread i stumble across, with people expressing their supposed buyer's remorse

please tell me i didn't just waste $40

>unpopular opinion please prepare anus

Overwatch is a meme game.
Y'all got tricked by blizzshills.

Does the rate match thing actually do anything?

i will take free character, map, modes with skin box rather than "expansion" shit

It's subjective and you need to make that decision for yourself. Do yourself a favor and leave the board before loud posters get in your head.

Wow is full price + expansion + monthly subscription + microtransactions + pay for basic account management services like server transfers

Do not underestimate Blizzdrones.

>They don't play with friends
Find yoruself a group of people to get invested with it
Get a discord or create a skype group convo
Have fun

Same shit happens in TF2.

Hell Engineer is more E-Z mode to not-a-dwarf. At least not-a-dwarf has to use his ultimate to get a rocket shooting kill machine.


>make shooter to compete with tf2
>Lower skill ceiling
>heighten skill floor
>people get bored within hours of playing


>have friend
>have discord
>dont buy overwatch because it's way over my budget and i feel it's not worth it

au lmao

What did they change from beta?


>it's the 'play it with friends' episode on Sup Forums again
Everything can be fun with friends you jabroni.

I'm talking to people in their situation, not to people who weren't even interested in buying it.

>heighten skill floor

>hey lets poop at each others mouths its probably more fun than pooping in my mouth alone but since im pooping with a friend its socially more acceptable right, RIGHT?

What's Blizzard's return policy for glorious EU citziens who insist on their consumer's rights?
Companies are legally forced to accept refunds, but how do they handle it in detail?

You can be a literal fucking faceroller and get kills in this game. There's almost no room for improvement either.

How do I find friends to play this game with? My real life friends are all busy or not interested in playing video games.

They lowered the drop chance on legendary skins after drowning us in them during the beta so they can make more money off the loot boxes.

How do you know this?

What do sprays do? Just like the CS sprays? Why does Valve not sue Blizzard?

>poop analogies
I thought nothing could get worse than food analogies. Congratulations, you proved me wrong! Now go have fun with your inferior product with your 'friends'.

you can't copyright gameplay mechanics lmao

Then you should've said they lowered the skill floor, that would mean it requires even less skill to get in and start doing stuff.

People bored and wanting refunds after a few hours, the beta was literally the game, as long as you pumped a few hours into that you shoulda fell asleep. OVERKEKS

>spraying pics on walls
>gameplay mechanics

Play it with friends.

Eh, you might be right. Point is though, there's so little room for improvement due to the mechanics being as shallow as they are. But I guess that's what the casuals want.

dumb dumb greentext poster

But TF2 was a normal game you had to pay for when it released. It also had micro transactions. Day one.

>It also had micro transactions. Day one.

>balance is all over the place

The only really overpowered comp strat i can think of right now is double winston because it's hard to counter. Balance is great outside of that.

>It also had micro transactions. Day one.
No it didn't. It didn't even have alternative weapons and items until the medic update months later.