Played with a buddy through the campain 15h strait. I have to say i like it.
Salt and Sanctuary aka dark souls 2D
Did you write that in your blog?
Yeah but the fact that you said "it's just like dark souls" makes it a shit game with no originality just like Lords of the fallen , Nioh , and Titan Souls.
>blatant rip off
>even less creativity put in than LotF
>2d indieshit platformer elements, of course
I don't think I'll ever agree with you.
>being a shit game with no originality is ok if it's the official 60$ Souls game like Dark Souls 3, but not if it's a cheap indie title
typical fromdrones
In this thread: THIS GAME IS AWFUL...what?.... n-no i never played it, why? Im perfectly capable of judging things i know little to nothing about baka!
But its fun
It has some new ideas such as Sanctuary Management. (do you want a blacksmith or a traveler in a specific Sanctuary).
And its 2D. The fighting is way different then dark souls. AND magic doesnt suck balls.
>And its 2D
So you admit it's shit.
So you admit you were born after 2000.
It's okay. Found my self using great swords most of the game. They're just better.
It is everything that 3 should have been.
Actually interconnected world, different bosses superior story and more fun fighting system
also spells are part of combo which is neat.
Also sanctuary system is fun and definitely better than just bonfires.
Fast weapons are fun too. You can stay in the air while slashing. Very usefull for the cagemonster bossfight
>2D Dark Souls
So Castlevania?
does it require flash player?
Kill yourself
The gameplay is quite fun but its uninspiring and really have an awful artstyle.
Aw yeah, this wonderful addition to the souls-like genre is quite good and well made.
You should also check out the studio's other games like I Made a Game With Zombies, The Dishwasher, and Charlie Murder; I put a lot of work into them.
the characters faces look like shit
shit you're right
Fucking right on OP
Played it a while back with a buddy on ps4, had a blast. I dig the art style (plus it seems to deter the normies). The tree of men and Thr Three were a great boss designs, magic was pretty fun and the skill tree gives you quite a bit of freedom. I played a magic knight my time, 2h greatsword and a staff as my 2nd. The last boss gave me quite a bit of trouble with those relentless attacks but dat bad ending tho
>Burning cities
>Bruis'd by war
>Prays not the three
>I am the Fourth
> Game tries to be darksouls.
> Tries too hard, looks like a 14 year old edge lord's sketchbook.
The ending poem is different depending on what creed you're in and what type of ending you get.
the skill tree in this game is fucking retarded.
>wants to use swords
>most swords scale in dex
>sword skill tree gives strength bonus
I know. There's a good and bad ending for each creed depending on the choices your choices when speaking to the scarecrow throughout. The poem i posted is the bad ending for The Three.
Looks and plays like a late 00's newgrounds flash game with some fancy "modern" effects that are cheap to tack on now.
It's a great metroidvania with high replayability due to the sphere grid.
My only issues with the game is that the greatswords are op and no map.
I just saw the cook class in the beginning of a let's play. What exactly do cooks specialize in?
Breaking necks undetected.
Where can i subscribe?
I was actually expecting someone to post the webm.
Looks good, and its not in fucking EA like half the games shilled here.
I never played any game for more than 3-4 hours and those were multiplayer experience.
Anyone who plays longer is a deficient retard. The fact that you need to add that you liked the game after playing it for 15 hours straight reinforces that notion.
It has elements from that, yeah.
It's funny because when somebody would bring up the idea of mixing Souls with Castlevania for 2D, anons would be screaming "want!". Now that it's actually happened, they're being little shits about it.
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It's like the Deprived class from what I can tell. The game seems to have two, including this and the Pauper, but the Pauper has better weapons and the Cook has better consumables.
Stop using memes you don't even understand.
Really though, I don't get it. Even if this game was an exact copy of the Souls system, wouldn't you be happy for more content after playing out DS3?
You guys sound like that kid who wants to watch the same movie disc over and over again.
I played it 15h because i liked it. Big difference
user, I don't care about DS. S&S is shit. You like shit and it's okay. You're just a shit-liking user. No need to justify it.
No problem my friend. Everybody struggels a bit at the start. No reason to get angry.
Also git gut
You sound mad user.
Anons, I repeat
It is OKAY to like shit, you don't need to look for excuses. S&S is just that, shit. It's a really easy game for easy people, no need to be embarrassed.
>easy = bad
>hard = good
the BEST meme right now
Even though the art style is pretty poor it has charm and kind of grows on you. Some of the boss designs are legitimately good, though some are extremely derivative. Some of the enemy designs feel jarring and out of place, like the zenomorph things, the spindlebeasts, and the eyeball things. Those guys with the glowing lampshades just look bad.
The world design is quite varied but maintains a pretty consistent feel to it in overall detail, with the only real exception being the Still Palace, which feels very lacking in character for what it is.
The level design is mostly good with lots of alternate pathways and shortcuts to find, optional areas and hidden passages to treasure. On a first play through it feels huge. But even during that first play through some areas feel underdeveloped, like the Fort Beyond the Mire, Pitchwoods, Siam Lake, Cran's Pass, the Ruined Temple, and the Still Palace all having far less to explore than any of the other zones. The Still Palace, being the final zone of the game, was especially disappointing as there is just nothing there. Making it a long walk from the Crypt to get there just doesn't cut it, especially when the last boss before reaching the Palace, the Kraken, is kind of a push over.
Some of the enemy placement is jarring, like the first few times you come across the giant knights they're guarding items, but later there's one in Mai's castle and a couple in the Crypt that are just obstacles you can easily get around. Having a logic to why the enemies are located where they are translates to a player very easily, and sometimes it feels like that logic is absent.
The Crypt is one of the most disappointing areas aside from the Palace. Its total enemy population is around five or six giants and I think three giant knights. And every one is avoidable. The only difficulties in getting around the zone are some tricky jumps and unavoidable fall damage. It feels boring.
It's a good game. I wish they had more people working on it.