>Battleborn. Overwatch. Paragon.
>Not to mention BattleCry. Gigantic. Paladins.
>It starts with Gearbox in 2014
Are you guys excited to see a new genre?
>Battleborn. Overwatch. Paragon.
>Not to mention BattleCry. Gigantic. Paladins.
>It starts with Gearbox in 2014
Are you guys excited to see a new genre?
Other urls found in this thread:
If Paragon is a shooter, so is Smite.
>linking gamasutra
>so is Smite.
You what
All of these are still original TF derivatives, the genre is not new. It just in many cases ties in neatly with the """"moba"""" craze which makes it popular atm
I guess so, but once there starts being 12 released in a 6 month period, I won't be at all.
Now someone create a new ASSFAGGOTS-esque name.
Overwatch doesn't fit because there's zero in-game progression.
Meanwhile Monday Night Combat was completely ignored.
Thanks guys.
Paragon isnt a shooter but rather a real 3d MOBA.
Smite pretends its 3d but its 2d in reality.
Really I think it has way more in common with mobas than class based shooters.
No mention of Battlerite, this place is filled to brim with filthy casuals nowadays
The joke is if you're going to just name games like that you're going to cover a lot of games that share only small parts of the gameplay
Some of them do, and others lack in-game progression like said.
The grouping the article makes is more based on style than gameplay. Either way none of the games do anything significantly new
Hero shooters are restrictive and uninteresting.
One thing they seem to forget about the dota-like genre they're imposing on FPS games is the fact that in dota-clones you can still customize your builds and item choices, but in 'hero' shooters you're essentially stuck playing a class with no options what so ever, just a static kit that is designed around counters and hard counters.
I mean we've had class based shooters for a long time now, but even shit like TF2 and Tribes Ascend knew well enough that you shouldn't have a hard counter based metagame
In reality, Hero shooters are just shooters for normalfag market, its going to be the new age of multiplayer shooters, I just hope New Doom sparks more interest in actual single player shooters with good levels and gameplay over more e-sports/casual pandering faggotory.
Spotted the Bethesda shill.
Class shooters actually do do hard counter metagames, that's why you're allowed to pick dupes. Which is where it gets kinda weird for Overwatch, but allowing dupes seems to be the only skill ceiling the game has (and remember that esports "athletes" are not geniuses, most of them won't mix things up mid-game to make an upset when they do drills every day for years with one set-up).
If you weren't allowed to pick a dupe, like proper Hero based games, then the design should reflect that by not having hard counters to anything in particular, except maybe just one hero (to make a big daisy chain of X beats Y and offer some minimum amount of use for a class).
Can't wait until EA does a Marvel hero shooter like that cancelled Avengers FPS.
What's next, """Hero""" Hunting Action Games?
Your aiming skills is not important in Paragon therefore is completely a shooter.
MNC was a shitton of fun
I'm still salty over the pants-on-head retarded bitcoin miner shit they pulled in SMNC
I don't think the problem is restricting what you can use, it is how restrictive the actual weapons or abilities are
Take overwatch. Some abilities allow you to boost, but cancelling early doesn't net you a reduced cool down. Some abilities can change, but only under certain conditions you can't choose to do them the button changes for you. Most classes have one gun, and the ones with two generally have a shitty one not really meant for combat. The game is made so you never have to choose between two abilities, it has one and it does one thing and if you got counter picked well fuck you
The probably isn't having set characters, it is having characters with little variation in playstyle.