He's falling for the diversity is cunt-jews meme

>he's falling for the diversity is cunt-jews meme

Does that mean Sackboy is going to be playable on his next game?


Tactical sticker action

He hasn't been alright since announcing Ground Zeroes

do they have to report on every little thing hideo kojima ever does?

Happy, satisfied devs make better games than jaded fucks that hate every minute of their working day because of shitty working conditions.

Prove me wrong.

I understand him.
Id rather be stuck in a room with girls all day then a bunch of dudes

Magnum P.I. is on board, holy shit.

That's wrong since a lot of the "golden era" games came out of japan.


source, please

Don't be lewd user

>falling for the diversity meme

Yes, Kojima, you need rainbow haired feminists in your studio. The very people who will scream bloody murder when they hear your ideas and see your designs.

holy shit someone just kill me already this diversity bullshit is pissing me off

delete this

MM seems to be super experimental and nichely successful.

Also they seem to be on some mind altering drug at all times, which in sure Kojima is on too, so it'll work.

He wants to snort cocaine off of his female employees bodies while dressed up at Solid Snake and channel his inner rock star. Let him do it for once.

He's a very impressive man. I don't know about everyone else but I enjoy hearing what he's been up to.



after working in Japan where it's like a prison camp I can understand him wanting the complete opposite

>all women are rainbow haired feminists

I won't, aslong as you provide me the source

Is that Karl Malone on bottom-right? It's not, right? Although, he most likely would have a few rifles

>implying that happens in Japan

what did she mean by this

Who is this sperm vermin?
I want to wank on her face while she calls me a disgusting pervert


I'm 35, older than most of Sup Forums and I have experience with this. I own a restaurant, it's fairly big, I started it with my older brother when I was 25 (put all my savings into it, he did the hardest work) he was 30 at the time, he passed away two years ago. My wife decided to change the restaurant and hired an all female staff. It's been 1.5 years since she did this. None of the women have ever been on time, they all take tons of time off and max out vacation days. They suck at their jobs, it was a mistake. Also, when I say all female staff, I do mean all female.. right down to the cooks. The reason we were able to change staff is because we shutdown for 2 months after his death, terminating employment of all the employees at the time. Re-branded and re-opened with her in charge.

Women will ruin any business and your life. I am cucked forever, not sexually, but business wise, financially and most of my life. Don't get married and don't do business with women.


>imblying he's not surrounding himself with qt 3.14 white women that his chinky little cock so desperately craves so he can bomb their pussies like they were Pearl Harbor
Joost was just the beginning. Kojima won't rest until he slays all the white pussies he sets his eyes on.

Sasuga westaboo, they are all huge SJWs

You fucking ruined her for me.

I hope you learned from your mistakes.

hater will say he's pandering SJW

but the fact is he just want more tits in his office

You are extremely cucked if you let a woman tell you how to run your business
Guys that let 4 niggers have their way with his wife are not as cucked as you are

In my experience, starving, suffering artists make the best works.

You can't tell me you don't have a favorite developer who went to shit and became a lazy ass after getting rich or famous.

Notch, suck-my-dick-choke-on-it, Breeding Grounds dev, you name it.

Japanese women are basically office flowers. They look nice but don't have much practical use.

How can a man be that old and still behave like a perverted 12y old?

One of these days he's gonna get sued for sexual harrassment.

Notch was and is the same loser he just got lucky by trying an idea the whole world really wanted to play

Japanese women are alright though.

To be honest hiring women as waitress is not a bad idea, especially if they're good looking.

But replacing everyone including the chefs was a bad call.


You sound a little beta. You could've said no, you could've chosen to preserve your brothers legacy, but you chose to let her take charge instead.

This is all your fault.

Japanese SJWs are not redpilled because the situation in Japan has nothing to do with the situation in the west, they just wouldnt understand why feminism is bad no matter what you did.

>Little big Planet
Little Big Planet is already youtube shitulator.

what kind of stuff do the board of the national rifle association do?

>hiring wrong employees
>blame female race

Bad management leads to bad employees, plain and simple. The service industry is shit, and it's impossible to find people who care about the job they're doing, let alone someone patient enough to not get offended every time someone opens their mouth.

Yes, female employees may tend to argue more than males, but they bring in better tips than men can.

The creative industry is a different ball game man. Project development is contingent on executing creative ideas and you'd be surprised at how ridiculously impactful one good employee can be. Gender notwithstanding.


Sackboy cute as fuck though.

I don't think it's a matter of diversity, I think kojimbo just likes pretty girls

yea I know.

I am, I wasn't always (happened within past 3 years only)

no, they are horrible. I've been in the industry for 10 years now. Before, we hired male cooks, busboys and maintenance people. A male waiter if he was good looking, mostly female waitresses for obvious reasons. Over 10 years I have seen how people handle their job. Males do better in female positions as workers (minus tips which they have no control of) they show up on time, work harder, fuck up less and stay on the job longer, when they leave the job, 90% of them in all positions give notice. Women do poor in every position, constantly quit after short amounts of time, take tons of time off, use the bathroom way more, they quit by not showing up, they don't call, give notice, nothing, and I'm not speaking recently only, throughout my entire time as an owner. Only now does it shine so bright how they are, having an entirely female staff.

>Let art/fiction be art/fiction
A concept that's too hard for the West to grasp these days.

I work at a place with both sexes and the men there are fucking lazy pieces of shit and do way less work than the women. The boss's son especially is a fucking retard who's been working at the firm for at least 20 years and still fucks everything up and throws temper tantrums when he has to do something he doesn't want to. So by your logic I guess I should draw the conclusion that all men are fucking useless.

The boss is male.

Check fucking mate.


Sounds like your wife is fucking retard and you are just fucking pathetic.

>I am, I wasn't always (happened within past 3 years only)

Let me guess you got a kid?

So are you still making profit or what.
You can still uncuck yourself its not too late

Media Molecule.

What kind of job is it?

>b-better say nothing to my wife and shitty employees and whine on Sup Forums about it, that'll show them
Damn, you're so pathetic I actually pity your wife.

>Japanese women are basically office flowers.
>I know nothing about classic Japanese video games.

Phoenix Rie alone makes your statement fucking retarded.

They were determined guys who wanted to make the industry valuable. Most of it was pure passion.

Gaming's "made" it, so the fire's a little cooler

>The reason we were able to change staff is because we shutdown for 2 months after his death, terminating employment of all the employees at the time.
You're literally scum anyway. That's no way to run a restaurant. When something like that happens you take a week or two off and get a consultant on board, maybe let someone you trust keep things going at the status quo for an extra week or two while you deal with your feelings. You don't fucking fire everyone and cause a complete upheaval.

it's bait

My family's in the business and I've seen other places do even worse. You can never be sure with some retards.

Told you he's a nu-male now.

You're still talking about the service industry, where the primary motivation for all employees is to collect a paycheck. Put that in a frame of reference of the female population and tell me it isn't a recipe for disaster. Especially in today's American society with people under 25.

Male employees differ, because they bitch less.

However you're one restaurant. You've been in the industry long and have only seen how you do it. I've seen expertly run restaurants with happy employees who don't get paid less than minimum wage. And when I interview them and ask them about their past job, they express gratitude for their experience as well as regret that they weren't proud to work there.

The only way to get employees to not bullshit you is to not bullshit them.

This drama doesn't exist as wholely in the creative field. You let a person drive their passion and they blossom. No one is passionate about waiting tables.

Service is hard work and is even harder to nail 100%. Best employees get poached often. Turnover is almost random. The cost of training a new person frequently has the hidden coast of time away from other employees to assist, which is also time away from the customer. A new hire is easily 2-5k worth of time investment in addition to their pay rate.

Oh and
>employees maximizing time off

This is because they have an allotment and want to use it because they can. You're offering it, so I don't see how you can blame them. Men have a different "I don't care" attitude to this, usually. My close friend is a creeper that wants to wait tables as often as possible so e can flirt and get laid. All he talks about is women who "gave him the look" or left their phone numbers.

The point being that motivation is different between genders.

Clearly the hack wants a harem.

Binding books, mostly manuals and calendars and shit. They are printed elsewhere and then shipped to us, we continue from there. Very boring.

>Binding books
I'd probably kill myself before I did that for 8 hours straight.

He wants to put his Solid Snake in the Zone of the Enders and make sweet love on a Silent Hill while Quiet listens in on her Codec while she diddles herself with her Metal Gear

>Japan is the straightest talker on women's rights in the world
What a fucking time to be alive.

As long as he isn't hiring any western women he's fine.