Tfw you realize he's completely right

>tfw you realize he's completely right.

Other urls found in this thread:


>synths are completely identifical to people in every way
>except immune to radiation in a nuclear wasteland
>hurr they're roo butts we must kill them

>meme hair
>meme coat
>meme beard
>meme ideology

Maxton was the only good thing out of Fallout 4. He's a good leader & he fucking acted like one.

Despite all that he still had some compassion left in him when he spared Danse.

>Might for right
>meme ideology

If you didn't side with your son you did it wrong. Enjoy living in filth and not having synth gorillas fight for you.

> Ignoring the "synth parts" synths drop when killed.
No they're not identical.

>joining the wageslave faction

What was his ideology? Serious question I could only play it for an hour before the boredom killed me

>implying any walking blasphemy against God and man will ever rival men.
>Railroad bleeding hearts

I felt like a supervillian. Part of me didn't wanted it but fuck sake it's my son.

Read it on the wiki, stupid cat.

What is he right about, exactly?
He didn't stand for anything. He is just a generic grumpy grunt.

I bet you're a girl.

How does doing the greater good make you a super villain? He was the only logical choice

>slaughtering non-threatening sentient beings because of a fear that they might someday attack you, for some reason
He, and the BoS, are wimps. They kill things because those things are different, even if they're of no threat to them. It's all bullshit.

Synths aren't real people. They aren't sentient, they feel no emotion and they can't even make babies for us. They're useless as anything but slave labor.

>Let's make synths as humanlike as possible!
>But they're not humans, they're just machines
>Oh yeah this is fine but making cyborgs is going too far!

What the fuck is with the Institute's philopsophy

Go back to dying of cancer, Shaun. You are literally the worst son ever.


>Lets kill everyone and replace them hollow children

that fucking haircut in fallout

the character design should just kill himself

>Danse selflessly serves the Brotherhood his entire life
>is responsible for helping accomplish several accomplishments of the Brotherhood
>Maxson himself recognizes and acknowledges this
>Suddenly, Danse' lifelong commitment, contributions, status, and relationship with Maxson are out the fucking window as soon as Maxson learns Danse was a synth

I was glad they made the Brotherhood a bunch of hard techies again, but they also made them so radical that they seemed like complete idiots at times.

>Institute has fucking teleportation technology
>They can't just teleport cancer out of themselves

Shaun is the dumbest piece of shit ever to have existed

>was brought up in the Institute
>never knew his parents because he was like, what, 2 months old when he was cryogenically frozen?
>once you break into the institute and murder a few things for him he appoints you as his heir for the sole reason of being blood related
>not his team of scientists dedicated to the cause for decades, no
>knows you're affiliated with Railroad / Minutemen / Brotherhood if you side with them for Bunker Hill
>oh well let's just leave entire command of our super secret scientific facility to this outsider who will betray us

>confirmed immorality/disease and radiation immunity
>military units have super strength, accuracy and endurance

They're better than humans. The Railroad is BS, the robots could save themselves.

>tfw you realize you don't give a single fuck about this game's story

It's a nice haircut

A result of Bethesda having horrible writers who could write a straight fucking coherent line.

>Stuck in an ideological rut
>Violently uncooperative with the outside world
>"For us or against us" mentality with no grey areas

Fuck the Brotherhood, fuck the Institute and y'know what? Fuck the Railroad too, to a lesser extent.

>they can't even make babies for us
Why would you need babies when you can just manufacture more synths??

They're an advanced version of Super Mutants - they're not brain dead and they actually have a good method of reproduction that doesn't involve using a live human specimen and the limited supply of FEV

How is it not logical? Humans are a plague on the world. They had their chance and blew it. Synths will make the earth a much better place in the long run

no it's not and it does not fit his character and and his status

also he is too young and his voice actor does a shitty job

>"making cyborgs is playing God and taking things to far!"
>creates androids with sentient AI
For fucks sake Shaun

Can synths reproduce?

How are synths immune to competition?

>and his voice actor does a shit job
I disagree

Do you think Josh Sawyer picked Railroad?

If you didn't side with the institute you are a 100% clown

They aren't sentient. They're just machines made from the memories of people who were abducted and killed by cold, uncaring scientists.

>they actually have a good method of reproduction that doesn't involve using a live human specimen

Except for the bit where they literally kill people and harvest their memories.

you have shit taste just deal with it

>"fallout 4 is not an RPG"
>0 results

Fallout 4 is not an RPG.


>Discussing story in a BGS game

I only join the Minutemen so i can tell the Railroad to fuck off and blow up the Institute or the BoS

You should never join the BoS because fighting them is really fun and might be the only challenging part of the game if you got good at it

They can't

>Meme opinion

Fallout 4 IS an RPG, but it is the worst RPG i've ever seen

First major apocalypse event happens again to destroy their infrastructure and it's game over. Why the hell would anyone advocate creating a species reliant on modern technology to reproduce? Civilization rises and falls all the time, synths are not built for the long run. By the time any civilization can produce the technology to reproduce synths they can create the technology to manufacture WMD's.

What does BSG mean?

Once you're more than 12 you'll see why it was a hard decision.

No you have shit taste

He bullied my waifu so fuck 'im.

Fallout have never been an RPG series so it doesn't really matter.

I assume so, yes. Synths can reproduce.
Considering most 3rd Gen synths are made of Shaun, and in turn Sole Survivor, DNA makes it obvious that every single human function is there.

The "key difference" is that the 3rd Synth ->human mind

Battlestar Galactica

Bethesda Game Studios

He is right , but i fucking hate BoS in general. Especially, the old original ways. Midwestern is the BoS i want to see, Fo3 BoS is slowly turning into the midwestern BoS but this maxson fag runs the show and bring the old testament back.

He probably would have, if he wasn't too busy making/playing better games than Toddout 4.

>Talking about stories in video games

Everybody in Fallout 4 is so poorly written that no one is right in that game




That's not true


>like any fallout did

No user, you need to see a doctor.

1 and 2 were RPGs.
They were even going to use the tabletop GURPS RPG ruleset until that deal fell through and they made SPECIAL instead.

Better than that piece of shit new vegas. Couldn't even stomach that game for 2 hours before I returned it.

nice one reddit

If you are siding with the Synths or the Tribals, you are turning your back on humanity.

Doesnt change anything, its not gurps, its not rpg.

So anons complaining about fallout 4, 3 not rpg never played an actual rpg.

4 and 3 are not RPGs.
1 and 2 were.

Unless your working definition of "RPG" is JRPG in which case you're being retarded.

Just because you use statistics doesn't make it an RPG. By that logic UFO: Enemy Unknown was an RPG. The fact you've a pre-defined character forced down the main story or else you get a game over makes it even worse.

>how come the railroad exist when the symths get a memory wipe once the leave institute.

>still no good space marine power armor mod

>muh sentience
Learn to into Chinese Room argument

you the kind of guy that wants space marines to have filthy xenos in their ranks.

Customizing your character with those statistics, and those statistics having in-game effect on your available dialogue and story choices, and indeed having dialogue and story choices all add up to RPG.

1 and 2 did this.
3 and especially 4 did not.

Eldar lives matter.

They are RPG, you roleplay as someone in this game and make "decisions"

If the game is an absolute disaster as an RPG that's Bethesda's problem

What the fuck is this heresy?

>Sup Forums, the faction

Loved watching their base blow to pieces as their screams echoed through the air.
When I was done, went to each of their outposts with an autoshotgun and blew them apart and burned them alive


If I found my family were heretics, I'd give them the Emperor's Peace without hesitation. They deserve no less.

You sound like you'd let your family fall to Chaos.

>things that have been retconned 10 years ago

> Customizing your character with those statistics, and those statistics having in-game effect on your available dialogue and story choices, and indeed having dialogue and story choices all add up to RPG.
But Fallout 4 did have stat checks in dialogues. You could play the game as a single long line of charisma checks. There was certain things you couldn't do if you didn't have high stats.

>Supposed to look like and be macklemore
>Nukes the Institute despite the Brotherhood in Fallout 1 & 2 saying nukes are terrible things that people of the Old World would only use.
>The Hatred of synths is completely understandable but why would you destroy all the other technology that could give the wasteland limitless resources to flourish?

I hope you burn to death, heretic.

amen brother. the Emperor will is above all else.

never mentioned "J" anywhere and yet you put words in my mouth.

And you think obsidian is still the same company decade ago ? You're delusional.

1 or 2 maybe, but NV is a prettt shitty RPG. 4 no doubt the same.

>sarcastic yes
>fuck you, but yes
>tell me more before I say yes
>[stat check]I am an expert on this topic, so yes

Nah, dude.

>implying i'm defending Obsidian or New Vegas

Now who's putting words into peoples' mouths?

The thing called Danse that can be your companion is not the Paladin Danse. The thing called Danse didn't do most of the stuff you mention, it's unclear when he was replaced but at some point Danse died and a replica took his place.

The synth Danse is a hollow lie of a great man and an unknowing spy to boot, he had to die.

Ofcourse, when shot at you shoot back.

Just like NV?
Cartoon evil- Legion
Incompetent on just about every level but still the most powerful force on the West Coast - NCR
Deranged zombie who wants to move to the moon someday- House
Mailman with delusions of grandeur -Yes Man.

Except I never put words into your mouth, I questioned your working definition of RPG and then you conceded that yours was wrong and mine was right, and then you tried to deflect that resulting butthurt by dismissing me as an Obsidian shill to feel better about yourself.

The next good game he makes will be his first.

Last thing story wise I remember was the Prydwen flying over. Have been doing side stuff since. About to cure Cait of her addiction. Had the game since launch.

Should I just start a new character? Is the new Survival mode entertaining enough? Will the lackluster mods on console be good enough?

It was never about making the wasteland better. It is about becoming a legend. You are the man who crawled out of the vault, and brought holy retribution to all those that were fool enough to stand in your way. You carved a unstoppable swath through the land, the brotherhood betrayed the codex in fear of you. They know what drives this lunatic who fought, and clawed through almost every radioactive hell hole for his quest. If they did not offer a final solution, if they did not present a challenge, a chance to make your mark, they knew they would be wiped out like all those in your wake.

Sometimes people forget that your character is supposed to be a legendary figure, that is why you finish the game with a narrator describing your feats, not as a (wo)man but as "The Sole survivor" "The Vault Dweller" "The Lone wanderer" "The Courier".

You are a force of nature.

Lets break things down, please describe why you feel that the Legion is Cartoon Evil, I would like to challenge this thesis, I don't think they are evil at all, in any conventional sense of it.

Quiet, brainwashed tribal.

I didn't say ->GOOD

Their ideals and ideas they follow are ancient and have no real place in a post apocalyptic world. The world has moved on.

Instead of embracing the science and working towards a better humanity for all, the Legion thrives on pointless cruelties, scare tactics, outright rape, slavery, etc.

It's like they took the NCR, looked at their "alignment" spectrum, and took those that fell out of that, as Legion ones.

In a heartbeat they would betray their own comrades because of "weakness", in a moment of miscalculated odds would men burn, in misfortune lives undone because that is the will of a megalomaniac who's too drunk with power to realize that what he started out as, what he wanted to do, is already fucked up and wrong. Ceaser turned into the very fucking savage manbeast he wanted the world to evade.