>be me >patrolling the Mojave >have bros with me taking out bandits and shit >see a stranger in Brotherhood armor and a fuckng party hat running towards me >takes out a weapon from behind him >hes got some sort of nuke launcher aimed straight at my head >doesn't make me comfortable but whatever >talks to me >figure I'll talk to him about the weather >"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" >he talks to one of my comrades James >"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" >god damn it James >takes a few steps back and points it at all of us >don't do anything during the nuke launch >I fly through the air and smash into a building >break my arms,legs, and neck >stranger puts his mini nuke launcher back on his back >seems like there's no sense in trying to fight back now even though he broke every bone in my body >runs away and injects himself with various chems
Anybody else have similar problems?
Parker Johnson
you eyeballin me?
Nathan Ramirez
>be me No
Michael Lee
who are you quoting?
Jackson Lee
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Jose Lee
You asked for a nuclear winter, he was just tryin' to help.
Jason Myers
Haha I see what you are doing OP. Very clever, I like it.
William Cooper
>Be me >Take boat to fight the legendary Red Death >My boat despawns >Have to swim to the Island >Kill the bugger >Boat still hasn't spawned >Can't fast travel because survival mode
Anyone else have similar problems?
Jaxson Ramirez
What's the matter, huh? Can't stand the sight of your blood?
Wyatt Sullivan
>be me >make cancerous shitpost already made 100 times over Anyone else have similar problems?
Charles Gomez
>be me >Really old >Retires in a house in a small village >Hear rumours around the village in the morning that a guy got shot in the head and then got recovered by the robot >comes by and goes into bar 3 minutes later >the guy wants to talk to me >he asks me for my dynamites >he's shown capability to handle dynamites >agree >he gets them from Sunny Smiles >mfw he never uses the dynamites >mfw nobody actually uses the dynamites >mfw the powder gangers are complete assfaggots and raid the town >mfw I'm no longer important in the story because I no longer have any way to help in any quest
Cameron King
Zachary Lee
>keeping watch over Mojave Outpost >some guy suddenly shows up and kills everyone >pulls out a ripper and cuts off my limbs and head >dumps my body parts into the brahmin pen >just stands there staring at me for 15 minutes, then disappears
Hudson Reed
>be me >get soaked in radiation >become a ghoul after excruciating mutations >spend dozens of decades assembling fellow ghouls and parts for a rocket to leave this shithole of a planet >human scientist thinks he's a ghoul when he isn't, agrees to help and push our rocket project into its final stages >get stuck when nightkin move into basement >guy in his underwear with a gunshot wound in his head kills half my old friends downstairs along with the nightkin >underwear guy convinces our scientist to pour cereal in our rocket fuel mixture >mfw our ship explodes upon takeoff
Elijah Ramirez
>yesterday >birthday >my birthday >first thing in the morning is checking my phone >my gf sent me an audio file to my phone >play it >its Legate >he is wishing me a happy birthday from him and the Legion
should i marry her Sup Forums?
Christopher Gray
No, women are memes.
Caleb Green
>see a stranger in Brotherhood armor >don't become hostile and open fire Fake and gay