It's too fast on console. The characters wizz around at breakneck speeds and it's impossible to play with controller...

It's too fast on console. The characters wizz around at breakneck speeds and it's impossible to play with controller. I know kb+m is better for FPS bla bla bla but I've played many FPSes that play fine on console, this feels horrible. Gotham City Imposters for one is very similar in gameplay but controlled great while still having a great sense of speed (and was a cheaper, better game with more content to boot).

It needs ADS to make finer adjustments, this is why all console FPSes have ADS, faster speed for quick turns and ADS for finer adjustments once you have a target in your sights. Also the acceleration feels very wonky and it's very hard to do smaller movements. Overall, feels like a cut and paste hackjob from PC.

Aside from controls, too few games modes and I really wish heroes had more abilities and more weapons. Feels very barebones.

>too fast

Baiting all the way to the bank, OP?
No (You)s today!

Even CoD and Hall are faster than this game.

Does it support keyboard+mouse on consoles?

Overwatch is not meant for consoles. The only reason Blizzard included them was to squeeze more money from the hype

Other games have ADS and better aiming mechanics. This game feels like literally just plugging in a controller to a PC exclusive FPS and trying to play something that is not adjusted at all for controller.

Nah, they really put in effort with Diablo III and it's one of the few games that is arguably better on console than PC. Not sure what went wrong here.

Yeah, we saw your post in the other thread.

The PC version is a port. This game was built from the ground up for controllers

[citation needed]
Blizz explained Overwatch to be the child of a PC game they were making, Titan.

Turn your sensitivity up

The game literally aims for you, how was that not meant for consoles?

>Blizzard giving a fuck about consoles.

You got rused.

>people STILL play FPS on consoles
why in gods name are you guys still doing this?
its nearly impossible to aim without auto aim in those kind of games

I did. I'm on 40/40 right now and it's too fast because the aiming acceleration is janky, there's no aim assist, and there's no ADS so making fine adjustments is almost impossible.

That they might be, but CoD has only hitscan or AoE weapons.

I haven't played Overwatch on a console, but I can't fathom how you are supposed to play someone like LĂșcio with his slow projectiles.

>Giant HuD/Weapons
>No community servers
>Soldier character has a jetpack because it's to hard to rocketjump with a controller
>Tiny maps
>12 minute matches
>extremely shallow/casual gameplay

Everywhere you look this game reeks of console.

get good

>not 100/100

>Diablo III and it's one of the few games that is arguably better on console than PC.

All ARPGs I have played, I played with kb+m, I tried to play Magicka with a Xbox360 game pad on PC and it was fucking impossible to sapm all skills in a short time.

>too fast
console players everyone.

also & sage

To be fair on OP, a lot of the game seems fucked for controller usage.
Just take Tracer for instance. I can't imagine having to reorient your aim after every blink on a controller would be really possible.

You see OP, you are experiencing what PC players usually call a "bad port".
Sometimes a dev will incompetently port a game from one plataform to another and not account to the specifics of that plataform.

For instance, consoles are shit for shooters.
To make up for that, they usually include ADS to slow the gameplay even more as everyone must walk at crawl speed if they want to hit anything and then some auto-aim for everything, because sticks are not built for precision. They are built for fast response, but an imprecise one.

My advice? Suck it up and get a computer.
this game runs well on toasters. Ironacially, it runs better than TF2.

It's pretty easy