What would get you into EVE, especially if there are no better MMOs? Some say the gameplay is boring, but if you know how to play, it's still some of the most riveting experiences from any game.
EVE Online
I always wanted to play it. I really like the concept and how it's played but a couple of things are holding me back.
1. I don't like MMOs
2. I'm not the kind of guy who spends several hundreds hours on one game
3. It's probably too late, joining the party now would be shitty
It isn't too late i joined 3 months ago and im ok
A full and complete reset of all progression.
Everyone starts from zero. They have no choice in the matter.
THAT would make me jump right the fuck in.
if it was one time only payment I'd go for it. But monthly subscriptions aren't really my thing, especially when I don't have enough time to play 100 hours a month.
I did play it for a couple of months.
I was having fun but then I realized that nothing I could do would let me catch up to the big guys, also that training system doesn't really allow you to do more things, it just slows you down so you can't get to the good stuff without paying for a couple subs (isk or irl cash, doesn't matter).
I liked the combat and ship outfitting system, but the rest is really mediocre and the community is full of stuck-up tryhards. To kill that space craving I would rather sink a few months in Stellaris, even in it's current barebones state.
What if they just removed the leveling mechanic? FFA ships and modules?
This, id get back into eve if there wasnt a subscription.
I left because they added the micro transactions. its one or the fucking other not both.
But itl never happen because of the plex market and i cant be botherd to sink in all the hours of repetitive mission grinding to buy a plex every 30 days
>100 hours
Not sure I agree with this mentality. There are better ways to summarize enjoyment than hours as well. One is getting cool videos.
For me Elite: Dangerous just does it better
Isn't that repetitive and the PvP not very exciting?
I go on and off with it, but it seems I just unsubbed when some huge update came around.
I have played EVE in a couple 6-month stints, and I have no plans on going back.
Basically, the core gameplay is simply not interactive enough to be FUN. There is too much toggle-and-wait to all aspects of EVE.
Traveling between systems is either autopolit, or warp+wait, warp+wait, repeat.
PVE is toggle-and-wait until finished.
Mining is toggle-and-wait until finished.
Industry is toggle-and-waaaaaiiiiiiit until finished.
Markets are toggle-and-wait until finished. (unless you want to 0.01ISK in Jita)
1v1 PVP is rock-paper-scissors victory by ship/loadout.
Large-scale PVP is basically just like PVE.
Small-scale PVP is a mix of 1v1/large-scale PVP but with the downsides of both.
I just want a space game with the depth of EVE, but with actual controls instead of point and click. Why is that so hard?
>Basically, the core gameplay is simply not interactive enough to be FUN. There is too much toggle-and-wait to all aspects of EVE.
>he uses the orbit/approach buttons
It's possible, but not online.
Let me guess, you don't use warp either?
>autopilot in lowsec
>Lose ship
>Buy new ship courtesy of your credit card
>Lose ship
>Forced to actually participate in the fucking content and drive the economy
>This is okay because muh poorfags and muh shekels
>No clone insurance
>Capitals are basically fucking super subcaps this patch
>lasers irrelevant as per fucking usual because lasers are a kiting weapon and you can't fucking kite on laser boats because they're all slower than blaster/projectile/missile boats with the exception of the ONI
fucking joke of a game honestly. been so shit for years but with strat destroyers and all this shit it can go and fuck itself.
Bonus for those who are interested, you usually aren't playing with anyone under the age of 25, so that's pretty cool.
>What would get you into EVE
A brother, co-worker or friend playing EVE. It's simply autism tier for those who lack social skills. Either that or you like mining rocks while you chill out with a beer after work.
>casual babby game that appeals to retards with zero mechanical skill and is backed up by being able to pay to replace your ships with real cash
>appeals to adults mid 20s and up
Bruh, Eve is furthest away from casual you can get.
The depth is staggering, something I enjoy reading up and watching clips of more than participating.
>Some say the gameplay is boring
well there you go
i've tried getting into eve like 6 times, i swear to god i've tried, the premise sounds so fucking cool but the game is so fucking BOOOOOORING
In case it isn't obvious, a PLEX (1.2B) can get some 200 frigates at 5M. Dessies can be shitfit to be even more powerful at like 2M, which is even more. Higher class ships have insurance that completely refund the price of the hull.
Clone insurance isn't a thing anymore.
Bots only.
Poor fucking EVE. Every MMO I played just never cut it, it was the only MMO I could stomach. I miss it but damn it's boring a grindy Just like every MMO ever
What would get me back playing? The ability to DO. I mained industry and I could never get a good trading operation going for long. the best I did was control T2 BP for one station's system
>The ability to DO.
Like what? Any PvP?
The complete removal of the retarded skill system.
Everything takes so fucking long to do. shorten wait times or think of some other clever and engaging work around. I know it's the nature of MMO's to wait around and keep players there for as long a possible and a silly culture of MMO's to have, but if that's formula isn't working then change it. If EVE wants to continue to stay relevant then it needs to change to fit the times.
And if I wanted to play pvp in EVE I'd I don't know... oh yeah I'd just play pvp. Which isn't the only aspect of EVE that people should enjoy
It's a terrible game 2 be h
Can't quit
Or you could get skills by playing the game and making dosh
Fucking love Eve, but simply don't have the time to invest anymore.
Pretty much the biggest downside I'd think, is the sheer amount of hours you poor into it.
For the guys who say the combat is boring,
>you have never clutch-tackeled a joocy target as your bro's warp in and survived in 10% hull
>manual piloted a ceptor around a huge gang and broke the logistics by pinning one of them
>uncloaked a Falcon in what looked to be a fair fight
>Some say the gameplay is boring, but if you know how to play, it's still some of the most riveting experiences from any game.
There is hardly any gameplay, being AFK for 90% of the game isn't gameplay
I never understand the "point and click is bad" meme.
You can double click to move in a direction, what makes holding W to move in a direction so different? Plus you're controlling a (sometimes enormous) spaceship, a computer is going to be able to keep range and momentum better than you are.
Can't deny the complains about some roadblocks taking very long to pass sometimes. That part of EVE sucks.
Give up CCP. EVE was clearly a lucky shot, you're just too incompetent to make a good game ever again. Move on.
But it makes no fucking sense because everyone flies pirate ships in smallgang and even more blingy shit in 1v1 so a plex goes away in a minimal amount of welping.
All the original guys left so of course they can't make a new good game
They will just fix the horrible code until it breaks apart and then get hired by Riot
for real? Nothing. Most people I encountered who play this are either pedophiles or freaks with crooked BUCK teeth
>everyone flies pirate ships in smallgang and even more blingy shit in 1v1
Oh sorry, I forgot about the navy maulus.
Every time I think about a space game all those Eve trailers pop in my head and I remember the first time I played. It was so mind boggling to look at the ship list and see all these crazy designs and the scale of it. Then I play and end up bored out of my mind. I'm pretty sure I just was a large scale space game or a really well done movie. Eve just feels like I'm watching a spreadsheet. Not that it's bad for everyone but it just bores the shit out of me and most others.
Sounds like any fan base of non normie titles
nothing. i have played EVE on and off again since 2008. i try to get into it. even with a good corp, i get bored. it takes too long to do anything - that is, to train skills. the only way to save it would be to get rid of that god-awful skill system...but they won't. their core fanbase would be totally outrage because they are the ones spending $$$ on multiple characters (yes, CCP forces you to pay for another full sub to train another character, which is retarded as it takes so fuckin long to do anything - you are literally paying to wait)
it just isn't fun when it comes down to it.
No more pandering to the top corps
In fact, literally destroy them. Eve was better in its early days when it was lots of smaller players, not this stagnant shitpile megacorps we have now.
u whut
That's not even true.
>implying the 20-35 main age demographic of the game can afford exclusively flying faction ships
>Or you could get skills by playing the game and making dosh
Skill injectors bruv
You are aware that goons lost all of their space, right?
The only untouchable people left are PL
Uh, goons literally got wiped from the map. What the fuck kind of stagnating are you talking about?
And? In a months time the top 10% will dominate the entire galaxy again and it will be another stagnant shitpile for years until another event destabilizes it
Who gives a shit? Those wars are extremely rare. Your lying to yourself if you think Eve hasnt stagnated.
You are a retard if you care about sov space
Sorry im a retard for caring about the entire game and how it affects everyone and not your arbitary bullshit.
>affects everyone
It doesn't affect me at all
Just because you are too stupid to realize how or why it affects you doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
every corp wants me to use TS actively, its a drag
A real industry expansion.
Manufacturing is horrible in this game and can be maxed out in like 2 weeks. No way for those to skill into making better meta variants of items.
Invention is also lacking. For some reason the stats of the copies don't mean anything anymore. Even then, T2 items aren't that competitive to the drop versions.
Well since you are so smart prove it
Not going to waste any more of my time on someone who is either too stupid to appreciate it or just trolling. End yourself.
So you can't prove it
>can't get a $10 clip on mic and respond appropriately
What shittery.
And their pager app, and their out of game chat, and their ship fitting website.
hi doqo
>Manufacturing can be maxed out in like 2 weeks
>communicating in an MMO
seriously fuck that shit
fuck off shitter
>every Eve thread
>people who obviously have never played the game past 20 minutes giving mountains of retarded advice on how to make the game more like WoW
Here's your reply.
Not even him.
And this is what got me back into ark. I'm part of the alpha on 585.
I'm used to shitty time consuming games, but EVE is too old, top players level must be way out of reach.
And i hate having to rely on other players.
I'll stick with Ogame.
No fucking way this game still exists
There should be a Sup Forums OGame server.
yep, and is full of autists as always
i've tried getting back into it last month, to have something to play at work, but got bored after a week.