How do we stop fanboyism and corporate defenders? Why is the consumer always wrong?

How do we stop fanboyism and corporate defenders? Why is the consumer always wrong?

I love the new Doom game, but I would never defend it. Why? Because I want games to improve and be criticized.

Other urls found in this thread:

>How do we stop fanboyism

Make our current generation of men less feminist and get laid.

You stop being a whiny cunt when you get some cunt.

Its poetry, nigga.

The problem stems from lonely faggots who think devs, publishers etc are their friends who are making stuff for them, and you're insulting their friend. So just start rounding up NEETS and school shooter types and gas them.

nothing wrong with feminism

Such weak bait.

Because they dont want to admit they wasted their money or got fucked over.

lol I kno.

Gurls drool rite???

>The problem stems from lonely faggots who think devs, publishers etc are their friends who are making stuff for them

that's all it is

Too obvious. Poorly made.

You're awful at this.

>lonely faggots

>I unironically browse Sup Forums


>people are stupid
>fix is already there
>can't bother looking at the forums before making a negative review
>those people are somehow right?

>Changing the subject

I would too, if I was being rekt this hard.

Given up lad?

Come on now.

>How do we stop fanboyism and corporate defenders?

With your wallet.

If you feel a game is being shilled or you think it's shit, don't buy it.

If you don't like the way they handle content updates and think that their DLC policy is cancer, don't buy it.

If you don't like liberal diversity bullshit or SJW views injected into your games, don't buy it.

Because that's what shareholders care in the end: your money.

You can bet your mom's life on the fact that if Sony made a baby killing simulator and it sold well enough, we'd get a baby killing simulator 2 before the next CoD is released.

Have your (You) and go back to eightchan, stupid gamergator.

You're really bad at this. Unless that is the point, in which case, bravo.

I have more important things to do than to trifle with intellectual lightweights such as yourself.

Ok then. Thanks for playing.

Ebin bro xd


If you don't like liberal diversity bullshit or SJW views injected into your games, don't buy it.

Oh shut the fuck up, Cleetus. I'm liberal as fuck and OP. I was agreeing with you until this retarded partisanship bullshit. You polfags are as bad as bronies. Never know when to fuck off with your meme spam when it's not relevant.

stop posting dogs

>I'm liberal as fuck and OP

A rare "double faggot"


>How do we stop fanboyism and corporate defenders?
You can't you idiot.


Why do Sup Forumstards and gamergate retards keep positng on Sup Forums? Why can't you fuckers just commit suicide en masse? Fucking hate you niggers with a passion.




Why do liberal shits post here?
Look, you may or may not be a liberal, sjw or whatever, but being a useless autismbucks fag is just as bad.
Sup Forums is a white natsoc board, not a place for losers.

wow Daryl can go fuck himself, what a corporate apologist cunt.


Doom is a pretty good game. Probably the buggiest AAA game of the year as well. Pretty retarded how many CTDs I get.

Sad times.

The feeling is mutual, shitskin

Huh? Why did the janitors delete my post? ?

And why did they block me for ban evasion? What the fuck? I'm not ban evading, I didn't even break any rules at all, you faggots.

don't stop


What give you the right to post on my fucking board? Absolutely none. In fact, it's against the global rules for you spread your asinine bullshit.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums, and please die a slow and painful death.

because people just want to know if the game is fun or not

I'm so sick of this retarded anti-publisher garbage. No one cares. Many game reviews are totally useless because of this.

Stop being a little baby.

i like your doggos

>Game doesn't start
Is this a joke?

Double dog 4 u m8

have you got the latest graphics drivers for your card? can you reproduce the crashes?

They like you too.


do you recall how popular gamergate threads were in here? If the mods/admin didn't kill them despite how into them people were, we'd still have them.
You could open a thread and just by reading it, another full thread would have been finished.

is this the worried doggos general

>don't buy it.

problem is you're talking about fanatics who will buy the game just to use it as an excuse to shit on it and demand things and bitch and moan


hello dogs!

Please don't post angela anaconda

It used to be sort of like this. Granted, it never was completely, but devs truly had to try when making their games and show appreciation for their fans, because they were working out of their mom's closet coding on a toaster.
Now, it doesn't really matter, but devs still act like it does.

A lot of gamers are just sissy little nerds as you can see from a lot of the faggots in this thread

Keep sucking that dick faggot


Gamergate Sup Forumstard cancer had no place on Sup Forums. It was chanology 2.0 for newfags who keep thinking Sup Forums is the place for their autistic social movements.

Sup Forums isn't about changing the world. It's about discussing various topics among weebs. Keep that shit on reddit

We kicked them out, they left Sup Forums because mods did the right thing by banning the racist sexist scum.

Sup Forums is never tolerant towards republican views and we are liberalism at it's finest. IE: anonmynous posting.

People should go to reddit if they want to be conservative faggots.



What the fuck is happening in this photo

no I'll just buy games I actually want and enjoy them like an adult

if you buy something without knowing what it is or that there will be paid DLC which you hate for some reason then you're an idiot

and even then the topics are rarely quality.

nah gamergate was fun

What was your post

The doggo dump is concluded.

Reminder: Anti-GG + posting on Sup Forums = SJW.

Good evening everyone.

Voting with wallet is a fallacious corporate myth. It's basically corporations telling you to shut the fuck up if you don't like something when they are busy promoting their latest bit of steaming pile of shit.

the doggo dump will go on in our hearts :3c

A man getting cucked so hard even his dog can sense it

Oh, cute. It's "my wife's kid" episode.

Why do whiny cunts bust out the Sup Forums card or gamergate le boogieman at the drop of a discussion? Are you so bootyblasted that someone might have an opinion that doesnt line up with your world view that it must be a tinfoil conspiracy? You are Sup Forums in a nutshell at that point and you need to go back to your containment board

One more, for you.

>people hate gamergate for being racist sexist scum who shit on good people

I hate SJWs as well but most people hate gamergate for another reason because they're as bad or worse than SJWs too.

my armchair literary critic tells me this person is probably a teenager and doesn't buy his own games. teenagers have been and always will be stupid fanboys. just let them buy their stupid broken games and play something else.

>good people

Gave yourself away

7/10 bait


t. SJW

that's a fennec fox not a dog you silly person.

It's a wider cultural problem then steam reviews, people nowadays just can't handle criticism or negative things in general, nevermind if saying them is important. Better to die than to take the bitter medicine.

So what exactly are the issues?
Tempted to buy it cuz I'm a good goy and the shills got to me.
I know I should wait a year for the collection edition. But it looks so pretty.
Help Sup Forums, I'm losing my cynicism.

Works on my machine :^)

>just let them buy their stupid broken games and play something else.

lol but OP won't do that. He'll pirate it or buy it and still bitch about it because he's an entitled whiny little gaymerfag

I've bought games where my controller doesn't work or there is some technical issue that actually breaks the game and I simply refund it and go about my life without bitching

>He'll pirate it or buy it and still bitch about it because he's an entitled whiny little gaymerfag


>buy brand new car
>has production failures
>customer complains to the manufacturer that car doesn't work and demands a fix
>"fix it yourself you entitled asshole customers are the worst people fuck you and your entitlement holy shit"
I always have the feeling that the videogame industry is one of the the worst and incompetent businesses.

If you have something negative to say it's better to not say anything at all.

Don't be an asshole is a good thing in life.

actually, if you want to get technical, its a ____cute!_____

criticism is not "being an asshole"

If it's honest and accurate there's nothing wrong with giving negative feedback on a shit game.

My mum and her husband want to get a cocker spaniel. What are we in for?

>my board
Every board belongs to Sup Forums now. Nothing you can do.

constructive criticism is good, helps identify where a game needs to be improved or what is lacking.
Just saying the game is shit is negative criticism and isnt helpful.

>SJWs in a nutshell
This is the future we chose
Why didn't we listen?

>my board
Every board follows Sup Forums now, sjws ruined it for everybody. /mlp/ Sup Forums /lgbt/ /r9k/ Sup Forums /fit/ Sup Forums Sup Forums /vg/ Sup Forums /3/ /news/ /lit/ /his/ and many more already know that and listen, are you a newfag or something that you are not aware of this?

it tells you that they didn't like the game. that in itself is useful information. if four hundred people said the same thing, and there are hardly any people who seem to like it, that's even more useful.

It's not late, it's never late.

well they still need to say why its shit, otherwise the opinion is limited.

Is this loss?

no, this is dog.

since when did liberals start supporting censorship?