This is widely considered to be the greatest game ever made

>This is widely considered to be the greatest game ever made
>People actually spend time "analyzing" this franchise's threadbare story
>People actually praise it's overworld
>People actually consider these games difficult
>People actually, unironically think the puzzles are hard

This is all the proof I need that Nintendrone-ism is a disease.

>r-right? r-right guiz?


Fuck off Arin

>People actually praise it's overworld
If anything, Hyrule Field is the most oft-criticized part of OOT, especially when compared to Majora's.
>People actually consider these games difficult
>People actually, unironically think the puzzles are hard
Who? Literally who?

I hope you felt clever making this thread OP. It's not like we haven't had a contrarian "OOT is bad" thread every day for the last week.

When compared to games of its time it was pretty sweet. It was a compelling epic with interesting mechanics and aspects like time travel, secrets, day/night mechanics. It was a good game for a generation.
Sorry you're and edgy asshole that thinks baiting a bunch of artists on an anonymous image board to replying to your thread is your only form of acknowledgement that you exist.

Edgy man really edgy

You can explain the popularity pretty easy:

Best graphics on release date
Best music
Best 3D gameplay on release date

It was a masterpiece on release date , it inspired so many games you cant even count them all today

Obvious bait thread is obvious

>Best music

You're kidding right?

I don't think OoT is bad. I think the entire Zelda series is overrated as fuck.

I resist the word boring because I like to think that every experience, no matter how seemingly mundane, is enriching, but when I played parts of Ocarina of Time on a friend's N64 back at university, boring was all I found it. I haven't returned to the game, let alone made an effort to finish it since then, because Nintendo's style of simplistic, childish wonder is patronising and insincere. Unlike the majority of the gaming industry, I don't wish to return to childhood, nor do I believe that the perspective of a child, or any appropriation of childlike innocence or naiveté, can provide valuable insight into adult lives or emotions.

The fairy tale aesthetic, like in Ocarina of Time, allows game-makers to do their favourite thing, tell an insouciant story then claim it valuable because it gives players access to cheap, temporary and vaguely pleasant feelings. I'm baffled by the thought that any adult who's read books, or lived a day in his life, could play Ocarina of Time and consider it substantive enough to be called "classic." I haven't finished it because I consider it a waste of time, a response I don't have even to the worst of video games.

What a top quality post!


/lit/ cross poster detected

I don't even find it whimsical in a childlike way. For me, that would be something like The Longest Journey, or Little Big Adventure, or Morrowind even, even FF7.

I'm amazed people can actually enjoy the story in any Nintendo game.

I tip my fedora to you.

At the time, the large open world adventure was incredible. This was a time before World of Warcraft. So it was ground breaking. Those awful fucking dungeons though. The Nintendo 64 controllers weren't exactly the most perfectly configured things. One small jerk and you go plummeting down.

>awful fucking dungeons


Really? Ultima had been doing it for a while.

I don't think any Nintendo game convincingly pulls off good world building.

It's almost as if some people play games because of gameplay and don't give a single fuck about story, or something.

Unreal looked better.
Quake is much better as far as 3D gameplay goes.

The only people who consider OOT "the best" are consolefags who know nothing about videogames.


>This was a time before World of Warcraft. So it was ground breaking.
Fucking underagefag.

Yeah listen to the nintendicksucker

>The Nintendo 64 controllers weren't exactly the most perfectly configured things
Actually, they were. A fresh N64 controller has one of the most precise joysticks on any home console controller.

They did wear down quickly, but that was the only real flaw.

the dungeons are the only part of the environment that still holds up to this day

The two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

>don't give a single fuck about story

But Nintendo fans actually debate the "zelda timeline" and scrutinize the series' threadbare lore...

It's not even the best Zelda on the N64. It's pretty fun though.

>arena shooter fag compares his games to ocarina of time


contrarians are so fucking pathetic

Maybe because they are better than any Zelda game ever released?

the story is shit but those timeline debates before the official timeline were super interesting

it's an autist thing, you wouldn't understand

Completely different audiences. Most of the time someone who likes one will not like the other.

It's as redundant as saying Metallica is better than Michael Jackson.

Do you think that making these threads will somehow take those things away from it?

Ok but he's still right about what he said

I get autist things, I get why autists like fantasy worlds, especially ones with reams of explanatory world-building text and media, e.g. ASoIaF.

It's just that Zelda's world has barely any lore to begin with, there's hardly anything there aside from a few fantasy staples. It's like speculating about the lore of a children's TV show or something.

Arena shooters were lucky enough to be perfected as soon as they came out and could only go downhill from there, really.

Why don't people prefer Majora's Mask? It's significantly better (better atmosphere, better puzzles, better side content, the fun goron rolling, darker atmosphere with more memorable characters, better graphics, more difficult). Are people too casual to enjoy the lack of handholding?

Subjective. I made that extremely clear already.

so you were a baby when ocarina of time came out and you didn't get to enjoy it when you were growing up. could have just said that.

I played most of my games on PC when OoT came out, along with a few Playstation games. Think of games like Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Little Big Adventure, Thief series etc.

Don't be bitter about what other people like

I never played Ocarina of Time as a kid. I have 0 nostalgia for it, and it's easily in my top 5.

I have a shitload of nostalgia for FF7, and after a recent playthrough I think it's a brutally terrible game.

No its not subjective

It's a fact

Has metallica named the jews? No? I didn't think so. MJ is far better.


No, it's subjective. This is extremely easy to understand. We learn the difference between fact and opinion in elementary school. I think you might be retarded.

>I like everything no matter how boring
>this is boring
despite contradicting yourself, oot is not just a childhood fairytale. More than half the game you play as an adult.
Playing as a child then as an adult gives you a sense of accomplishment, like you're bettering the character.
And who the hell plays video games for the story, hows that spoon taste

The plots of each game have nothing really to them, but if you were alive before the Hyrule Historia you'd have known the little hints connecting games made it kinda fun to speculate about how they were connected.

They're kind of the quintessential "Legend" games, so trying to connect the dots of a pretty thin series story-wise was neat.

Then the Hyrule Historia came out and ruined everything.

>I think you might be retarded.

I'm not the one who thinks OoT was the best at anything

When did I say I thought OOT was the best at anything? Not only are you retarded, but you're hallucinating too.

I can't deal with zelda games and most JRPGs, they are so patronizing, not that modern western games escape this but
>go to X to find X with a forced tutorial about unrelated mechanic that you don't care about because is boring so you can enter X where you can find X to defeat X, don't forget to collect X for character X
>repeat all that in a different area for the next 20 hours util you can break the pacing a little AND GET BACK AT IT
Do people REALLY feel like they are in a adventure in these games?

the game is absolutely excellent, no matter what you claim

this. also, his OoT playthrough is atrocious.

>calls "Bolero of Fire" "Bordello of Fire" because he clearly is retarded and lacks a formal education
>hurr we still need the light medallion (was actually talking about the spirit coin.)
>still has small magic meter when reaching Shadow Temple


The only way anyone, even an autist, could become enamoured with Zelda's "lore" is if they were myopically attached to Nintendo products to the point they'd never experienced anything else.

1) it's not better in any way
2) with only 4 shitty temples it's shorter than OoT.

>inb4 b-but muh le mask quests

go the fuck away. a fully-fledged dungeon isn't replaced by a bunch of errand boy runs.

People wax poetic about the water temple and have so for years

>try this hard to appear to be intelligent
>don't know how to use a semi colon

It's only shorter if you blaze through only the essential stuff. I'm not saying you should meticulously complete everything, but clock town is so densely packed with things to do that it serves you right if you ignore such a large chunk of what the game has to offer.

>spotted the underage gen-z'er.

It was revolutionary for its time, but obviously not anymore.

OoT is the best game ever made.

Ocarina of Time took me 25 hours to complete. Majora's Mask took me 33. I wasn't ever stuck or lost either, there's just way more stuff to do in MM. There's little side stuff in Ocarina other than bombing holes to find heart pieces and going fishing.

Its overrated as is the whole zelda series. Stay mad nintendrones.

>everyone loves oot and praises it relentlessly
>Sup Forums criticizes oot and points out how flawed it is
>poking fun at oot and its fanboys becomes common practice
>too common
>Sup Forums starts unironically defending oot

Defending bad Zelda games is now a meme.


>my anecdotal evidence of an 8 hour difference for both games is somehow important
>make it look like MM is somehow longer

>People actually spend time "analyzing" this franchise's threadbare story

When I read this I couldn't help but think how ironic it is that OP actually spends time bitching about games he doesn't like/hasn't played.

Cry more OP, your favorite video game is overrated.

Nostalgia fag please leave. The game is a one trick pony. I played through it once and that was enough. It was average at best.


Haha what?

People mention the Water Temple a lot because it's fucking annoying and badly designed, the only 'difficulty' in the Water Temple is not turning the fucking game off because of how annoying it is to go in and out of the menus a hundred times just for the Iron Boots. I don't think that's the same as people legitimately praising the game for being difficult/challenging.

Zelda isn't a RPG, why would it be?

How do you know? You don't know what game is his favorite therefore you couldn't possibly comment. Nintendrones get so mad easy.

>You don't know what game is his favorite therefore you couldn't possibly comment.

Anyone's favorite game is bound to be overrated. Entry-level rule for any internet video game discussion.

Also good try but bad aiming, I'm not a "Nintendrone", I'm from /vr/ and I'm more of a Sega guy than anything.

The warp songs are SOAT

>>This is widely considered to be the greatest game ever made
For a reason yes.

>>People actually spend time "analyzing" this franchise's threadbare story
It is much more easier and fun to theorize about something that hasn't been completely explained.

>>People actually praise it's overworld
Because it was something new when it came out. Much like overworld of GTA3 later.

>>People actually consider these games difficult
>>People actually, unironically think the puzzles are hard
Look at the picture

You're a fucking idiot. We know you watched the Egoraptor Zelda video. You have no opinion of your own regarding this because it wouldn't surprise me if you werent alive when this game was released

Do you have even a concept of what Ocarina of Time had to compete with? This game was amazing and still holds up to this day. I had my baby brother play it and he was loving it. It still holds up even in an age where the early 3d shit really just does not do a good job holding up due to low poly and small textures.

Go fuck yourself and this meme bullshit shitting on something that did no wrong.

Shigeru Miyamoto is still regarded as a fucking god amongst game developers.

Zelda games have really dropped off lately. :c

It's a normie meme.

>It is much more easier and fun to theorize about something that hasn't been completely explained.

but it's not even a matter of conveying a sense of mystery, since it doesn't do that well and dozens of games do it better.

Nintendo are finished in the long run anyway.

Man, I wish people would stop talking about Egoraptor's video, it's embarrassing. The guy already said he regrets making that video because many of his points are wrong, he admits he made the video out of spite for people who say OOT is the best game ever, and not because he actually believes in what he said, basically he just wanted to piss people off.
Also, he SUCKS at Ocarina of Time.

>Egoraptor complains about the game being too easy
>Always near death in his gameplay
>Awful at the game in his Game Grumps run
>Even sucks at one of the easiest games, Wind Waker

Sorta off topic, never actually played Teilight Princess because it came out during my MATURE GAMES FOR MATURE GAMERS phase. Is it good? Should I pick up HD for Wii U?

>Shigeru Miyamoto is still regarded as a fucking god amongst game developers.

Nintendo fanboys are cringey fucks. Can't wait until the NX bombs.

The videos are funny. I always get bored when they do too well in a game.

>Can't wait until the NX bombs.

lol, not even a nintendrone, but you nintendoomers are even worse.

>Sega guy

Well your favorite game is definitely overrated.
Also why do people call themselves companyname guy/bro? I never got that I just like playing good games so I don't act like a bitch and say I am xboxbro or sonybro etc. What is wrong with people? Fucking idiots.

Dude I'm a pc gamer but you can't shit on Shigeru. You can talk shit about him I guess... because you have freedom of expression. But nobody will take this seriously. He paved the way out for the video game crash of the late 80's.

People like speculating about things it's an easy topic of discussion to share your perspective on the game. People do it with books all the time because truly "getting" the entirety of a good book is a monumental task so people discuss the significant bits and pieces for them. I don't mean to compare OOT to literature just using an example. Usually if you listen to this kind of conversation you'll pick up on some things you didn't notice before. Please don't compare all of this kind of discussion with youtube lore memers.

>I don't act like a bitch

But you do, you call everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion a "nintendrone". You are a bitch.

>Dude I'm a pc gamer but you can't shit on Shigeru
Star Fox Zero

We only have to wait and see. We know you're not confident deep down.

No you aren't. You're seriously putting the influence of Miyamoto on golden age pc gaming equivalent to that of Black Isle, LGS etc?

>We only have to wait and see. We know you're not confident deep down.

I don't even care about the NX (or any other modern system past gen 4). I just find it hilarious that times keeps going by, and people are still going "this is it! nintendo is finished!" lol.

None of points 2-5 are in any way related to point 1.

Why would the greatest game ever necessarily have to be difficult, have a complex story, or have the most well realized overworld?

Triggered you good.

It's good but flawed, as WW is. Haven't played the Wii U version, but it has hideous bloom, but it does fix some annoying little things that TP has, like the climbing speed being slow as fuck.

I don't think it's as good as OoT and MM, but it's still good.

All I got from this was "I'm an underage faggot who wasn't born in time to play OoT when it first released please check out my smug opinions because I think I matter.


>Haven't played the Wii U version, but it has hideous bloom
Because you've judged it off the announcement shots, after which they toned the bloom down because of backlash.

Outside in the final game it looks pretty good, inside it suffers.

>see, you are a retard, and a bitch
>-b-but nintendrone! triggered!

To get me triggered you would need to tell me something that affects me. You just spouted some Nintendrone boogeyman because you lack imagination.

>>People actually consider these games difficult
>>People actually, unironically think the puzzles are hard
Actual literal children maybe

Manchildren are usually good at games since they spend so much time on them.
People who find games hard are normies and casuals.

>tfw love most of the 2D and top-down Zelda's
>Have completed nearly all of them, even the supposedly shit ones like Zelda 2, the Oracles, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks
>Link To The Past and Link's Awakening in my top 10 games easily
>Own all of the 3D Zelda's but have only ever beat Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, and I only beat each of them once
>I just don't find 3D Zelda particularly interesting, even with those two games I practically forced myself to the end
>Can't give my opinion on Zelda anywhere because I'm lumped in with all the edgelords
Why must I be cursed with such apparently shit taste

PH was shit and ST is less shit
and I played it with the hack to move with the d-pad

So it still looks bad?

I would say just emulate the Gamecube version, TP HD was lazy as hell, compare the two side by side and you'll see they just did a very small upgrade so some textures, it was a pretty lazy job to sell for 60 bucks, only Nintendo can get away with this.

They should make a top down Zelda for a console with a huge overworld. ALBW doesn't count since they fucking recycled aLttP's world.

Fuck I'm retarded, thought you were talking about WW HD.

Yeah, TPHD was lazy as hell, not even a framerate upgrade, in fact a downgrade.