Thoughts on the possibility of the next fallout being based in england?
No guns, no game.
Fuck those muslim cucks. Britbongs are trash.
we do have guns ya dummy, just don't let the liberals know
almost the entire world is better off than the USA in Fallout, so no, it'd be boring
>Fallout UK
So it's set in modern England?
u wot m8?
>the MC is important because they have the only gun in the whole country
>UK Whites: 93%
>USA Whites: 57% (including hispanics)
Fuck those niggers.
Americans are trash,
my sides like this idea.
>no guns
That would actually be an interesting concept to inherit. Would be a change of pace from previous games that are starting to get stale. The franchise needs something new. The whole 50s-esque Americana theme is getting old.
Fallout under sharia law?
Fallout: Age of Allah
>America is literally 1 in 3 people is black
>America literally has people still in poverty
>America is literally the hive of all feminism and SJW shit.
Thanks, Yanks.
China was turned into a literal glowing crater. Middle East was getting nuked before the great War started. Africa. Maybe about 30% of the world is doing better.
Agreed. After playing Fo3 and Fo4 im kinda tired the the apocalypic city scape. Would like to see something new. A fallout on the euro country side would be interesting.
Only certain regions you scone eating, pizza microwaving cunt.
but yeah, we're basically a Sweden'
I'm not even American, Abdul.
Okay? What does that have to do with this thread
>basically a Sweden'
Jesus fuck, calm down m8.
You'll never be that bad.
>implying the other % is all niggers.
We have a lot of different immigrants here user. Not all of them are related to the niggers we brought here by boat.