it's HAPPENING isn't it?
It's HAPPENING isn't it?
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I read that as tranny
>they'll make another VtM game
>it will be 2D isometric, turn based and the dialogue is put though a politically correct filter with lots of forced diversity characters
Pillars was not that bad though as far as she shit goes.
No, those two fine gentlemen are only at obsidian for bugfixes and balancing for PoE, Paradox is going to develop it themselves, Stellaris really made them intimately familiar with the genre.
It was always going to happen after paradox bought White Wolf and Obisdian meaningfully announced that they were very happy to work on things they could not speak about as of then in the future.
>Unreal Engine 4
Do you trust Obsidian? Is there any developer who can do a proper Vampire game?
Too bad I can't see a modern VtM game be anything but pure fucking shit.
I think anyone would be hard pressed to find even a single definite example of bullshit is raving on about.
Boyarski is back!
Oh yeah, cant wait to have a sequel shit all over the original, be ten times worst, be ten times more succesful, and generally be a buggy mess of a game like the usual paradox flavor.
Was him an art guy or what?
he was the one that brought troika down, allegedly
also some slav friends have warm feelings about him
>he was the one that brought troika down
>muh SJW paranoia
At least run spellchecker
if I remember right he was director on VtMB that killed troika
Didn't valve essentially kill VTMB and by extension, troika by giving them an unstable source build and forcing them to launch in competition with HL2 or something?
You're retarded if you think a sequel would be politically correct, the setting alone makes that nearly impossible. But one is almost guaranteed, it can't be as edgy as Bloodlines was. The industry, and the writers themselves have changed too much. In the early 2000s nearly everything was permitted, you had characters calling others fags, retards, nigger, dyke, tranny and various other derogatory terms, quite often women were dressed in heels and short skirts and sometimes we got a hot lesbian couple making out for the viewers pleasure. While that offended some people, there was no social media platform for them to band together and form a massive storm of outrage.
Yes, the Vampire setting alone is anchored deeply in eroticism(seducing the victim to suck his or her blood) it will never again go as far as it did in Bloodlines. Chicks you could seduce in bars and mechanics that allowed you to, from todays outrage warriors point of view, basically sexually assault them(hypnosis) would never make it into the game probably because the lead writers(especially Mitsoda and his wife) have changed so much over the past 12 years that they would no longer find that particular part acceptable.
I didn't think mitsoda was working on this, isn't he doing something else
I think it was Valve and Activision.
If I remember right, Activision decided to release the game at the same time as HL2, and while the game was waiting to be released, Activision refused to let Troika work out the bugs in the game, so it just lied there for several months awaiting it's death on arrival.
>You're retarded if you think a sequel would be politically correct
You say that and then proceed to list reasons why it most certanly will be made politically correct.
Well that depends on what you view as "politically correct". PC is having "McDonalds commercial level of diversity", a black, a brown, an asian and a white person. Two of them women, two men. Nothing bad happens to the minorities and everyone is happy. For the game that'd be only men can get hurt, women can't be forced to do something they don't want(seduction, coercion, hypnosis, drugs, threat of violence), all the blood dolls and the main villain would be male while the protagonist would be a strong non-binary identifying person of androgynous appearance and mixed race who always has the upper hand. You know, typical tumblr shit. Not a single gendered insult in the entire game and nobody would ever point out something bad about another persons, especially womens, appearance or (sexual or racial)identity. That would be the worst case scenario and i just don't see that happen.
>Do you trust Obsidian?
They're the only developer I would trust with the attempt.
Why do people want another sequel of this game in today's political climate? It will never be done right. Just fucking stop trying to ruin another franchise.
It just need a proper setting. If they attempt to replicate Bloodlines, well, probably will fuck it.
But if they found a setting far of political bullshit, maybe we got another game with soul.
Can't think of any I'd trust to do a Bloodlines sequel justice. I'd at least give Obsidian a chance though.
>In the early 2000s nearly everything was permitted, you had characters calling others fags, retards, nigger, dyke, tranny and various other derogatory terms,
Yeah this pretty much never happened except for retard and dyke
>going against HL2 by choice
HL2 is completely forgettable horseshit game, while Bloodlines is a legend, but I remember how HL2 was THE GAME for that year and the next.
That's like going up against Doom in '93.
Or invading Russia in the fall ...
I have a bad feeling it will be sjw. Please don't ruin this obsidian.
Paradox own the IP, right?
Welp so much for boogieman:
After Fallout NV I think that at least Obsidian deserves a chance.
It is from Obsidian.
Everyone does.
Didn't one of the lead guys say they would not work on any game they do not get to keep the IP?
That would put an end to the rumors if true.
Holy shit, glad I didn't buy that.