Name a game worse than LoL
I can't
Name a game worse than LoL
Dota 2 ( two)
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Heroes of the storm.
DoTa 2
pretty easy tbqh
I agree, I managed to play lol for a few hours, couldn't even stand dota for 10 minutes (literally)
>haha just play smite user it's for people who are fed up and wanna retire from the cancerous communities of league and dota it's really fun honestly you should give it a try
>games a fucking mess
>every items a stat stick
>supports barely fucking exist
>no strategy whatsoever, just 5 man deathballing 24/7
>completely unsatisfying to win
>gotta pay for heroes or grind like FUCK
>cosmetics are a fucking joke
>community is absolutely as braindead as any other moba
>item builds are strict as fuck and there's pretty much zero room for innovating
great game smitards
was it too hard for you, baby? :*( that's ok, you dont have to try hard at games.
anyway haha :) you wanna play some minecraft later?
>zero room for innovating
>when LoL bans people for not building to a strict meta
wew lad
User has given you reddit gold for this post.
thanks user sniff sniff i'm really sick of these toxic buttholes ruining my fun why wont they let me pick pudge every game
Games boring to shit and easy, I prefer games that require more skill than just clicking stuff
>strawman argument
wew lad
>boot up game
>search for match
>see heroes
>woah okay this hero looks pretty cool i guess i'll pick him
>click click
>woah what the shit is this some sort of rts
>click click click
LITERALLY what happened
>can't bring up LoL in a thread about games worse than LoL
nice one
>just clicking stuff
you mean literally 100% of all pc games to ever exist?
back to the loo
You're dumb as fuck tbqhwy.
I'm stating that SMITE itself has zero room for innovation and you come in trying to make out as though I implied League doesn't have a strict meta. When that isn't the case. That's literally a strawman argument.
LoL can sometimes ban people for saying "gg".
Someone's upset.
When two games do the exact same thing, there's no grounds to claim one is somehow worse than the other based on that thing. Learn what a relative comparison is before posting words you learned on the internet.
Note how I said just
I was in 3 games on lol, didn't think of any strategy other than kill stuff.
My team won in those 3 games, most teammates were doing what I was.
Pretty much nothing.
The game is in such an awful state of imbalance, with over 30% of the cast either in an unbeatable state or just so poorly designed to be unfair and unfun. The rest is occasionally well designed, but in such a way that they cannot compete, and are totally outclassed by the 30%.
The community is filled with the scum of the earth, and you cannot play for a day without being told to kill yourself. I've been playing it for six fucking years and it's only gotten worse. I hear that as you rise in ranks, people are still unhelpful pieces of shit who do nothing but lone wolf, spam pings, and flood you with death threats.
With every patch, the developers ruin things that worked perfectly fine just to favor their chosen characters and design elements, even though every new character is actually well designed. You just cannot enjoy them, because of the prevalence of the exceedingly strict meta that does not favor them. Every decision is totally removed from the state of the game and only serves as a marketing ploy. The only thing the design team is interested in is more money, not making the game any more fun.
League has fallen to such depths of shit that I cannot think of a single game worse than it. Even fucking Sonic 06 worked better than this pile of crap. The only difference is this one is the most popular game in existence, and is making millions off a sports farce. What the FUCK.
Fuck, I can't do it. Everyone saying Dota or Smite is bait tho
Did your main get nerfed, lad?
First Karma, then Quinn, and now Cassiopeia. All three have had their kits and playstyles gutted. I've had to stop playing all three in my chosen role for them, because of how completely outclassed they are.
But that doesn't mean this game isn't total garbage.
>le ur mad
Good one. I'm totally sitting here foaming at the mouth because I off-handedly called an idiot, an idiot over the internet. Right.
>When two games do the exact same thing, there's no grounds to claim one is somehow worse than the other based on that thing. Learn what a relative comparison is before posting words you learned on the internet.
League is strict meta by fault of the community. Smite is strict meta by fault of shit game design. I'd argue that if we're talking which game is worse. Smite would come out on top.
I feel ya user.
I used to main graves corki and ap kog
Even when they were considered piece of shit. All had their kit changed and I finally don't have anything to tie me down to this game. I only enjoyed the first 2 years of this game anyways
God, what on earth happened to this game?
We actually had fun once. Remember that? Yeah.
is AP kog dead
i only enjoyed kogmaw when i played league, but changed soon to dota
is the meta so forced you can't do ap kog
Dota 2. At least when LoL gunned for the Farmville Ashley market, they committed. Lately, Doto has been in this awkward state where it's been trying to be a serious game and a "dynamic" anime moba at the same time.
fuck off retards
nobody even wants retards like you in my dota 2
yet none of this makes it worse than league
the f2p model is enough to make dota better
Yes it's dead. They "redesigned" kogmaw to be "better" and made it unplayable. It's not about meta. Ap kog was really never in meta. I've always played league but never denied that Dota 2 is simply a better game.
Legitimate question. Are you autistic? I was quite clearly being ironic.
>all these people debating over which moba is better
You are literally comparing turds sprinkled with aids. What a nice fucking life.
>i was pretending to be retarded hurr durr
holy shit fuck off to league of lesbians kid
The problem with is that people expect and want new champions to be released to keep them playing, while other games that have been in the competitive scene for over a decade (broodwar, wc3, cs 1.6) don't need that, because it's pretty much the best it can be and not based on microtransactions.
I see the same trend like they started on WoW (have some of the same devs too at riot now), that they change things for the sake of change, not to improve the game, just to keep people interested
And you are getting angry over people's choices. What a nice fucking life. Go play games faggot.
I'm glad I stopped wasting my fucking time with this game.
I don't think there is any game with a playerbase filled with more underages and retards then LoL.
I have never seen anyone get madder at a game then LoL, they go apeshit over anything there is something about the game that brings up the worse of humanity.
Even playing with friends is insufferable they WILL get mad and you won't have fun
People will feel like they can boss you around just because they have a higher rank like its some kind of college degree or something holy shit.
How exactly? The community is the most toxic in video games hands down, the meme passes encourage objectives that have fuck all to do with closing out matches and the game itself is lit on fire just to enforce new metas. The patches are more interested in shakinthingzup XD than fine tuning what's already worked before.
>can't handle Dota 2's complexity and League of Legend's babby mechanics
lmao, nice
Getting angry over people wasting their lives isn't as bad as wasting your time comparing 2 shitty games.
LoL CSGO & TF2 is like the holy grail of cancer, toxic communities and micspamming 10 year olds. Think im gonna get shit that has a real pricetag from now on just to avoid the trash. Like Overwatch isnt half bad when you compare it to the alternatives.
>worst community
Ayy fucking lmao.
dota 2. Everything bad about LoL compounded times 10. Even worse more snobbish people wasting their lives
>fun for the first hours
>quickly becomes a huge timewaster
>matches take way too long
>matchmaking is a pain and people quit and throw fits
>can't play ranked even though I played hundreds of games
>have to grind for years or spend tons of money to unlock the characters
at least LoL looks decent and has readable UI and stats that make sense
>looks decent
>readable UI
League is strict meta by fault of the community. Smite is strict meta by fault of shit game design.
it's the games fault for the community being that way. If there were other viable options, people would choose them. its still game design at heart.
forgot to include > League is strict meta by fault of the community. Smite is strict meta by fault of shit game design.
FIFA/PES, TLOU, Overwatch/Battleborn, Doom, Uncharted and a lot more.
It would help if Riot's balance team wasn't filled with silver shitters that think champions like Zed are healthy when he's been permabanned for nearly the entirety of his existence
>lol stop liking what I dont like
>maybe I'll fit in if I stick to a contrarian opinion!
weird i do whatever i want and dont get banned
or are people still circlejerking over that pendragon picture from 2011 (he got fired like 3 months later btw)
>had a Japanese summoner name since 3 years ago
>enjoying the hipster cred while everyone I'm matched with freaks out
>fast forward to now
>fucking Chinese players are invading every server
>foreign character summoner names are becoming common
>no one noticed anymore
Fucking China.
>games a fucking mess
this isn't elaborated further, the LoL shop is a fucking mess, matchmaking is a fucking mess, the client half the time doesn't work, you need explain why it's a mess.
>every items a stat stick
>supports barely fucking exist
who is Athena, Aphrodite, Geb, Nuwa, Ares, Hades, Khepri, Hel, Bacchus... ect, there's more but I'm lazy
>no strategy whatsoever, just 5 man deathballing 24/7
Actually, this isn't very true, if anything this applies to any game where the matches proceed in the exact same way everytime.
>completely unsatisfying to win
this is a hot opinion
>gotta pay for heroes or grind like FUCK
Okay, so this is bait, got it.
>cosmetics are a fucking joke
? I'm not seeing how the cosmetics affect gameplay, but if it's something to add to your bitch-fit list
>community is absolutely as braindead as any other moba
no comment, it's true, but doesn't need addressing
>item builds are strict as fuck and there's pretty much zero room for innovating
This is wrong, flat out wrong.
>dotababies desperately defending their game
Dota hasn't been good since 6.81. Before that I'd give Dota the benefit of the doubt and at least give it that it had some sort of strategic depth for what it lacked in needing mechanical skills. With the 6.82 gold economy changes and every carry-related balance change after that.
> me no like farm me 5-man roam carry team for memeback golds jajaja izi mid comentme
Real talk though, there are people on reddit who think that Windrunner and PL actually take skill to play.
>hating Mobas is a contrarian opinion on Sup Forums
how fucking new are you