Explain Tree of Savior class system
Bonus point if you can compare it to Ragnarok Online
Explain Tree of Savior class system
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It's worse than RO.
You start from one class and then branch into another. Some are more popular than others.
Its shit.
How do you classchange in this.
Monk is an obviously physical DPS looking class, its higher class BOTH look nothing like physical class. What the hell is this.
7 ranks total (so far)
each class has 3 "circles" that take up one rank each, each circle adds new skills and lets you make your older skills stronger by having more levels.
all classes unlock at a specific rank, pyromancer rank 2, elementalist rank 4, etc.
there's hidden classes that only have one circle.
you go circle2 monk
just as a note, monk is one of the worst designed classes in this game by virtue of the cleric tree being composed mainly of magical damage classes, meaning they have little to no synergy with any cleric class.
I started playing Swordman, made it to Peltasta, around level 40ish and 11 in class, and gave up.
The class is not leveling at all, unless I'm missing the better method, Im not going to play a game again that takes a week to level up once, I had enough already of that.
All the monsters I fight (Im at that dark basement in questline) my level take too much hits, and are only a handful monsters, I thought I was supposed to be killing hoards here. I'm full STR, youd think that would mean Id kill shit fast.
it's needlessly complex and there's classes that are overall more useful than others
>meaning they have little to no synergy with any cleric class.
Priest and Paladin dipshit
The games not only Grundy (which I don't mind that much) but also needlessly confusing to level. You have to bounce back and forth between the two starting quest lines and save your cards at optimal times, otherwise you have to REALLY grind up on mobs to catch up.
Speaking of which, the spawn rates and kill steal systems are TERRIBLE for a game meant to be grindy like this. Mobs spawn in entire sections at a time together with the fact that last hit gets all the experience means that ranged aoe classes can KS you all day long. It's no wonder everybody is running around with a bow or staff. As if leveling clerics is not painful enough.
It's the same as Ragnarok online in which can you choose different branches as you level up, except that the skill points of class can only be assigned to that class.
Also the devs mock people that choose their skill points wrong, even thought the balance patch's make some skill worthless, they are also the most incompetent chick devs I've ever seen in online games, the GM apparently don't even have the power to modify your inventory so they can't fix any of the bugs player have, some people are stucked in the same place since a month without even a single response from the staff, there are so many bots you can't even login sometimes and the ping is terrible 24/7 in all servers, the swordman class sucks balls doesn't even have decent damage and nobody wants you on parties because it's seriously under powered, they fired the only staff member that communicated with the community because they didn't like her, at least half a year behind of korean patches, useless quest everywhere that takes hours doing a mindless task for little reward, terrible fucking atrocious unforgivable spawn rates of 40 HOURS wait for a single monster spawn that you NEED to kill to advance a quest. But it has nice art, better than ragnarok.
paladin at circle 1 is shit and priest barely does anything for monk
if you do that you are one of the worst possible builds in this game and you should feel bad
>priest barely does anything for monk
>paladin at circle 1 is shit
Smite hits stupidly hard
This, you need to stay in a -5/+5 level range from the monster you kill, or you get less experience from them, you need to save the XP cards only for when you are falling behind, it's a new meta level of stupidity.
This explains it better, it applies to all classes:
There's no exp penalty for being underleveled now but you get a damage penalty which makes it take longer to kill things.
Why cant you just use the cards as you get them?
They give a flat number of exp, or do they give more exp if you use them after? I dont get it.
It's kind of sad, this game has some great ideas and concepts and gorgeous visuals but the game is coded like fucking SHIT and they have made some very bad decisions with the game.
There comes a point in the game where you have to literally grind mobs to advance the story/dungeons/whatever and saving the exp cards for that moment is of significant help.
Play here guys, Ragnarok isn't over yet!!!
But that doesn't make sense.
The exp they give you should still be in your character after the fact of using the cards.
If you need a billion exp to reach say 100 from level 1, regardless if you used your cards at level 1 or at level 99, you still need to collect that billion exp, so if you only got 100 million worth in exp cards, you still need to grind that 900 million off monsters, even if you do since level 1 or down in the road at 99.
Because if you use them all you will get a lot higher level than the monster of the area and thus receive less XP from them so you're technically losing xp, but if is true then I don't know.
I only remember when I was level 49 and falling behind I had to use a lot of lvl3 cards to level up, then all of sudden at level 50 the same cards filled like 15% of the XP bar, and I still had like 80 lv3 exp cards with me.
It's not hard to save them anyways, you don't need to use them right away since the game is too easy even if the monsters are 5 levels higher or less.
>alchemist under wizard
One is science ands the other is fucking heresy.
I've found that mixing mob/quest grind on easy hurdles(1-35, 46-50) while leving and then using. A few cards during the last stretch of levels before the exp reset yields the fastest and best feeling results as you level.
Like, I tested this shit on a shitty trash swordsman and by fucking god was that 40 to 46 the worst korean shit ever without using like 5 or 6 lvl3 cards every so often to push yourself over the humps. I have to wonder how this idea of card spending will hold up post 120 though.
How is the leveling compared to RO? Faster or slower?
I no longer have 10 hours to spend everyday
ah I missread "underleveled", so yeah you receive less xp from weak monsters and bosses that may be the cause.
>comparing tree of savior to RO
>it doesn't have the best class (bard/dancer)
shit game
i just want RO back
Longer if you don't spam the exp cards from quests after completing a map
Fast as shit if you go hog wild and use every card you get right away. Just expect the be grinding later down the line when it will hurt the most.
It's faster than RO of the old days, but slower than the current RO which more people are use to playing.
Even if you play a few hours a day, level 100 will take you a few days tops, and 200 maybe 2 weeks. It's not until 220ish when you really have to grind a lot. At say 4 hours a day of playing, it'll take you a month to go from 200 to max level.
No lifers can go from 1 to max level in 2-3 weeks.
Is this game decent
How good of a class is sorcerer
I really tried to enjoy this but the full keyboard controls bothers me - and I play PSOBB and FFXI with the keyboard only. Fixed camera kind of sucks. The UI is so huge. Weird fucking head glitch pointing southward wasn't resolved when I last logged in.
I understand it isn't supposed to be RO. I suppose I'm just fated to keep returning to ragnarok.
I couldn't tell you. The game is so laggy that it is unplayable.
The game it's self actually had potential. It's fun and has a lot of good ideas.
Problem is it's not finished and may never be finished at this rate. It lacks content, isn't balanced and is buggy as fuck. If it had another year or two of development time to fix these issues, the game would have been really good. But it was released before these things could be addressed and it'll probably end up dead long before they ever do get fixed.
The game supposes keyboard only, mouse+keyboard and controller. Not sure why you wouldn't change control methods if you didn't like the one you were currently using.
I looked and saw some mapping options but by the point I got to that I had lost interest.
desu I didn't grind even once until lvl 100, as long as you do both quest lines like in you get tons of cards to catch up.
Slower but you have more content/stuff to do so it's not bad, but after level 125 it gets slower you need to do a few dungeon in parties, and 200+ is just unbearable. Max is 280
>I didn't like the controls of a game and lost interest in the game before I could be bothered to take 2 minutes to change the controls
What's it like having severe ADHD?
I feel people often say it lacks content because they beat it too fast, for example bosses have unique attacks and patters but it's doesn't matter you don't get to see it because you can kill it in 1 hit, they die so fast you don't even see it, they should just tune the numbers.
What do think it lacks besides balance?
Just a PSA for anyone considering playing this game:
The company who produces this game, IMC, is absolute shit. Their practices are retareded (see: The way they "deal" with Gold Farmers"), and they give absolute zero care about any suggestion of how to improve the game.
The game itself is fun, but be warned that the game is run by an aggressively incompetent company.
The game lacks content because on average there is 1 zone to play per 1.73 levels. Upto level 220 there is about 130 zones you'll visit.
Not only this, but these zones are mostly small, have 3-4 mob types each, no more than 10 very short quests per zone and the route you take through these zones never changes. There is no alternate routes or optional zones.
And after level 200, there is no new content. Everything is reused content from lower levels. Maps are made up of parts from low level maps, mobs are all low level mobs just recoloured, even items have the sprites and models of low level gear.
As for end game. It's one dungeon that is overly difficult and limited to 1 run a day so people don't burn through it before they can add more to the game.
The game does not have enough content. It's as simple as that.
It isn't a matter of attention span. Already knowing the game is going to be a long haul grind and having to decide on what to spend my time on I had figures if I wasn't pleased with the initial control scheme (among other mechanics I mentioned) then I probably should come back at another time. Never did I say my experience marked whether the game is good or not - I personally was turned off from WASD. Obviously I don't have issues with primary keyboard controls considering I've played games that utilize it. Maybe it's a problem with expectations and familiarly with ROs mouse movement and keyboard shortcuts.
One less player on the server doesn't make a difference for y'all anyway.
>I don't like WASD
Wait... So how do you play PC games?
With WASD. Like I mentioned - I'm assuming its familiarity with previous controls schemes that gave me trouble opening up to ToS.
You can play ToS using almost nothing but a mouse (obviously unless you want to manually click to use skills you'd use keys for skills).
I don't recommend it though, it's a shit control method.
Why don't just stop playing when you feel like grinding? I don't plan to reach max level, I had tons of fun playing in random parties and I'm level 60 even with lag. Didn't have to grind, yet.
Like no one is forcing you to grind just walk away from the screen niga
I'm cool with the grind. Didn't mention having difficulty with it. Matter of fact sometimes it's enjoyable to sit back and listen to something or have the tube on while I mindlessly kill shit. Did it in RO for too many years.
>mfw mmo are made for people that do this
I just can't, when I play a MMO I just think I'm playing an RPG so when grinding comes I just call it bad design and stop.
It is bad design. Though I would say I find running around picking up quest markers is equally as shameless. I'm able to find both styles of play tolerable. Support play is probably my favorite role. I still occasionally log into RO just to priest.
Are there all male and all female versions of this image to see all classes as all genders?