Played it 2 hours and already bored.
I want a refund, how do i get one?
Played it 2 hours and already bored
>he fell for the shilling
I did ;_;
how do i get a refund?
your fucked goy.
>Contrarion shitposting for attention
>we cannot guarantee refunds
gl buddy
ps. It's spelled "contrarian", pajeet.
Why is this the go to response when some dislikes a game? Did you ever think that maybe the person doesn't like the game?
I played the beta for ten hours and Overwatch is dead to me. It baffles me how someone made a game that is even more casual than tf2
fps games always boring
console masterrace, bought it for $38 at best buy which came with a metal plate to make $15 off of that and resell the game whenever I want
It's humanly not possible to not find this game fun.
Battleborn shills are out in full force, ignore them.
int x
x = flag
setFlag == false
I bought the digital version from bnet can I still refund it?
Say that you are from EU and that they HAVE to give you a refund by laws
That's why we have Steam refunds too, otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to sell anything inside EU
refund laws > tos/eula
never go digital
I bought it via paypal so maybe if you chargeback you can get your money back if you make up some excuse about how it doesn't work correctly on your pc and it's unplayable or any excuse?
So i can refund it or not? i bought it digitally, the US version since it's cheaper than EU, how does that work out then?
Didn't you play the beta? You had the chance to test the game out before buying it.
The beta was fun but it's getting old real quick.
>people in the thread already calling people shills
To answer your question, no, nobody on Sup Forums thinks that people have opinions.
doom was okay though
not for $60 but only retards paid that much
Doom was good thou, not 60 dollars good
I already got my refund
Feels good man.
It is perfectly fine not to like a game, but if you think threads like "this game sucks already I want a refund!" aren't just shitposts then I have a fine bridge to sell you.
Fuck you, Sup Forums, Why dow you always hate what's popular. Hivemind fucks.
Send them a ticket request on
Send us a ticket and we will look into it!
Feels good not being an idiot. I also didn't fall for the MGSV meme, which Sup Forums shilled to death and everybody was holding off suicide for it etc etc
I'd play doom if not for my specs, also can't wait for hearts of iron.
the game was only 40 € you cheap neo nigger
>oy vey dont refund bad goy muh shekels
>whats the matter, too poor to gobble down this shit? XD
>you dont like what I like, so you must be a contrarian
Just go back to whatever forum you came from.
>implying stellaris isn't the best 4x game to come out since civ 5 brave new world
It's actually pretty easy to get a refund if the purchase was made less than 30 days ago. Just fucking call them and ask them. Why is your first instinct to post here?
OW is okay... but it's just okay. There's people who played for 10+ hours a day but I couldn't stay into it after a few hours.
>The game LITERALLY was free for 4 (FOUR) days 2 weeks (TWO WEEKS) before the release
>lmao fuck shite, better buy it after I see all of those shill threads
Are you fucking stupid or what
Been on the fence about buying tomorrow or not, I guess I'll just keep my money. Might buy a jp psn card for new Miku instead.
Thanks op, I almost fell for the meme.
holy shit i probably made more money literally shitposting on Sup Forums or playing overwatch in the amount of time it took you to do that
>Haven't kept up with Overwatch news
>All I know is it's some free TF2 clone
>Open up launcher
>Overwatch ads on every single game
>Go to WoW site, overwatch ad
>Go to D3 site, overwatch ad
>Check price
60 fucking dollars for this game? I can't even fathom how much money they made off of this launch.
But what if its not a shit post. At this point i think a true overwatch shit post are the countless threads saying how awesome it is.
The jew launcher re-directs you automatically to the deluxe edition. The basic game is just $39.99.
40 without the extra stuff for Blizzard's other stuff (only on PC), plus macrotransactions with rigged RNG crates.
>he actually bought it
>he actually believed the shill threads
How long did you play the beta? One scrub down.
all of this.
didnt fall for any of it and it feeeeels great.
isn't it pastafarian
Oh look, it's the hourly Stillborn shill thread.
>play OW open beta for 4 days
>buy game
>play OW at launch.
>get bored
>REEE for refund
This level of stupid is beyond american education level of stupid.
Based BLIZZ pls no refunds, cash those idiots to the last penny.
It is a shitpost.
Sup Forums is not google or the blizzard support site.
Either of those options will be infinitely better to get on the path to a refund. But instead
>guys i really hate [game that released 15 hours ago]
This. All my friends saw that it was shit in the beta. Why would anyone think otherwise on release?
What is that in real money?
whats the name of this song? i had the youtube link but bookmarks got erased recently
>All my friends
All one of them? Sorry, but your mother doesn't count as a friend.
Reddit is that way, you fucking moron.
VITAS - The 7th Element