Get through smouldering lake

>get through smouldering lake
>fucking old demon king is hard as fuck
>I'm str/2h mace
>get to irithyll

What the fuck is happening?
How the fuck am I supposed to kill that fucking mage with two enemies than can 2-3 shot me in 1v1

the other option is going into a dark cave with fucking invisible zombies where you just see some eyes glowing in the dark fuck off

You practice.

You should probably git gud

> str/2h mace

I am so, so sorry.

Simple, you git gud.

>old demon king is hard as fuck

Get the greataxe from the glack knight behind the illusory wall in smouldering lake and pound them hard


is this weapon not going to be useful? I can't exactly afford dex because of the vitality and endurance split.

Is that the fire mage you're on about?

Also if you go the dungeon way, the invisible enemies are only in that room

Zweihander or bare fists, there is no other option

I see the memers have already arived.

>Pick up the Dark Sword or Irithyll rapier
>Win game

step 1: start using a straight sword, they're fast as fuck
step 1.5: be at light load so you can fast roll
step 2: learn enemy attacks to dodge them properly
step 3: after dodging something that you know it opens up a window of opportunity, attack the enemy ONCE
repeat step 3 until enemy is that

in case of multiple enemies, try to aggro them individually using an arrow or something ranged, and also use line of sight in your favor

Get a bow/crossbow to lure enemies out to 1 vs 1 them.

>regular strong enemies slapping your ass so hard you don't even know how to approch them

The whole game felt like that for me. I didn't have too much trouble with bosses but holy shit did I get my ass kicked by those big knights. Silver Knights were a nightmare for me.

One advice OP, is to play it agressively, might want to try a faster weapon that giant mace's too. Try getting better at dealing with regular enemies and when you fight something stronger just accept you are going to get hit and waste some estus.

One last tip. Don't wait for healing. Lot of things hit like a tank in DaS III. If your lifebar goes beyond 75% heal as fast as you can. This is even more vital when fighting bosses.

He's memeing you.
Most weapons are are viable in PvE, and 2h mace is still viable in PvP if you're good, you might have trouble against tryhard META faggots though.

This pretty much.

Sure some weapons are better than others, but just use what you want to use.

>attack the enemy ONCE
You mean empty your stamina spamming R1 and pray for a stunlock then gtfo.

DaS III is one of the rare Souls games where being a pussy doesn't pay because with how much faster and more agressive enemies are the longer the encounter the more chance things will go wrong.

no seriously you're just bad at the game

I am a humble butcher and my advice is:
git gud

>there are people right now
>on Sup Forums
>who level up VIT

Why in the love of god would you want to wear heavy armor in this game? For fucks sake, just level up VIG, END and whatever you want from FTH/INT or STR/DEX or DEX/LCK. If you're one of those guys who needs to play mage in DaS3 you're going to suffer because you'll need to level up ATT and DEX as well.

>non-boss problem

run past them

That's why you can never talk about this game, the memers have done mental gymnastics to con themselves into thinking they have skill at something

>he doesn't play fashion

>being stuck on any boss when the white phantom glitch exists

What's the deal with those ghosts that appear on certain spot in the map anyway?

You are aware that "le git gud xD" contributes absolutely nothing and just perpetrates the meme that DaS community is garbage right?

OP seems to suck sure but DaS III isn't exactly a Kirby game so it's legit and justified to have trouble with it. Also gotta love when a faggot with combined 500+ hours on DaS1 & 2 and deep into PvP flexes muscles. You want some sort of medal for being so "hardcore" you learned a game about patience?

Could have given some actual fucking advice like "run and kill the trashmobs before they have chance to gank on you then quickly take out the sorcerer by spamming R1".

Transparent white ghosts are other players
Red transparant ghosts are the last moments of another player before needing to get better
In Irithyll you can also see the dancer and vordt walking by

>In Irithyll you can also see the dancer and vordt walking by
Yeah I'm talking about those guys.

>meme that DaS community is garbage

user, that's actually true, I really dig the gameplay, level design and offline/online transitions, but half the people who play are whiny faggots.

For instance, the irithyll enemies all get staggered in a single hit, the weak mobs can die fast to WA of mace and you can bait witches with knives. If you wait time you'll notice they each patrol at different paces and get separated. But instead of helping, they need to say git gud, when in any other communities players would be glad you're interested in the fucking game.

I didn't even post "git gud", and I never do. my point is, memers or not, they are right

Git gud or use a shield, it really helps a lot

And Old Demon King is one of the 5 easiest bosses in the game, just "hug" his belly

since you're str, equip a crossbow, anyone that doesn't require dex you'll get the arbalest at the cathedral, shit's very nice. 2hand that shit for L1 aiming. use it to bait enemies and separate them. smash their faces individually.

>use a shield
>in Dark Souls 3

Build more vigor. Unlike in the first and second game, vigor is actually an important stat. It makes sure those one-shotting attacks of Aldrich dont one-shot you. Same with most late game bosses.

>fucking old demon king is hard as fuck

In the first playtrough i went 2h katana full weaboo/farron greatsword and got fucked by a lot of bosses (fucking abyss watchers)

The second one i used a shield and the dragonslayer axe and it was literally easy mode

So if you cant git gud use a shield

Stamina consumption is way too high to make it a viable especially before you can get those very high stability ultra greatshields which then aren't worth the fat roll.

Sure a shield is a must have against regular mobs if only to block projectitles but for anything stronger it's a pain in the ass. You're better off rolling if only because if you decide to block you're in for a full combo while if the first hit doesn't connect enemies back down for a bit.

What shield did you use? How much endurance did you have?

Not the same guy. First playthrough I did the traditional "greatshield-great axe" build. Yhorm's Greatshield blocked most everything the late game bosses dished out, of course some of the fire damage coming through and very slowly chipping the health pool. Lothric and Cinder both fell on the 2 tries, since most of their damage could be just blocked.

Then my friend beat them without a shield, Lothric 6 deaths, Cinder 12. Its easier to study the moves and look for openings with a shield than without it.

I still feel like stamina consumption is very high compared to the previous games and lot of bosses and enemies are a nightmare if you try to tank them. Though yeah, Greatshields do tend to get effective late game.

Old demon king is the easiest boss of the game. Even Iundex is harder.

The only shield you'll ever need for shielding purposes is the Dragon Crest Shield.