Bored yet?

Bored yet?

how do I refund???

Blizzard wont respond to my support requests


Nope, I'm having a fucking blast. Genuinely the most fun I've had with a FPS in a decade.

Of you guys, most definitely.

>most fun I ever had
>sneaks out to shitpost in the 3 minute waittime between the 4 minute matches

I was bored after 5 matches in the beta and didn't buy it. Feels good tbqh

>having "fun" paying for a F2P game that has microtransactions
Found the cuck.


If I say yes, will it make you just a little bit happy to be poor?

I'm bored of everyone running around with the same fucking origin skins, yeah. Christ, I'm gonna buy some cheap costumes when I can, just to look different.

this fami


You're retarded aren't you?


Wait, it's 60 AND with microtransations? I thought all the costumes and stuff were unlockable.

Do you vote republican

They are. But Blizz has made it hard to get the skins and cosmetics you want so people will buy lootboxes.

It's $40, and everything is available without paying any more.

got bored the moment i realised its a shitty tf2 clone that doesnt even pull that off.

Why do people who obviously can't afford the game, post about this on Sup Forums?

Most complaints from this game come from autistic poorfag TF2 babbies, or Literally Yuropoors who can't into money because they work at the EU version of Wal-Mart.


>tfw there will be soon people defending this

same here
>1 hour played
>already got 40 eliminations as roadhog and 9 votes on my card
most fun i've had since i first started playing tf2

I'm at work, but good try. Can't wait to get home and play. I'll think about you while I have a blast later on tonight.

>buy 100 loot boxes
>still only have around 15 unlocks per hero mostly sprays

$140 down the drain


Haha your own fault my friend.
>tfw developers are now so greedy most ingame markets just contain thinly veiled gambling

>Buying loot boxes

nigga please.

>mfw Blizzcucks
>they will never ever learn

>I'll think about you while I have a blast later on tonight.

How sweet user, I'll think off you when I'm furiously jacking off to OW porn tomorrow in return.

No i'm having so much fun!!!! Are you still mad about some anonymous people having fun???

How is it thinly veiled? It is gambling full stop.

I don't think cosmetics or loot boxes are bad in cheap or free to play games like league or CS:GO but in a $60 dollar game, no thanks.

I hope you love the game in 2 weeks when you're playing alone and everybody is back at LoL, Hearthstone or CS.

Didn't fall for the OW meme

They dont call it gambling is what i ment.

>play for about 5 minutes
>both teams are screaming PJSalt and various other cancerous twitch memes
>can't find a way to mute these fucking children

Seriously I thought a 40$ paywall would keep children OUT, this is almost worse than F2P games filled with BRs and ruskies

>most ingame markets just contain thinly veiled gambling

Most games today are thinly veiled honeypots to bring you into their gambling scheme user.

Screencap this post, because it will never fucking happen.

>hard to get
>you get a chest every few games

>yf in 2 weeks

I didn't buy it because there are F2P gambling software which you can play with virtual money. I'm not going to pay for some jackpot simulator disguised as a TF2 clone and pushed around by oversized marketing budget.

Oh man i thought i hit the nail on the head... but i didnt even consider the games themselves... theres a whole other level.

>3 minute wait time
What shit country are you from?

I got bored after 3 hours in the beta

So, yeah
Glad they had a beta though or I might have bought it, dodged a bullet there

It'll float along just like HotS does, they'll never report player numbers - and since its matchmaking you have to get reeeeeeallly fucking low on player numbers to make people wait too much in queues, like 2000 and below daily peaks.

Does my country take out the facebook and e-penis segments after the end of the game? Or the full minute of waiting before the game?

still at work but in a few minutes i should be able to play too.
aw yiss motherfuckers.

me too pham, had it preordered and everything. refunded after an hour

Nah, enjoying myself killing those bastions and seeing dumb shit everywhere, yesterday couldn't stop laughing with my buttbuddy for hours and not long ago just got some hilarious/retarded matches

D.Va is perfection

Thinking about this again, probably he didn't enjoy himself as much as I did, I didn't mind losing matches (win 2-3, losing 1) but he seemed down on "defeats"

I know this is b8.
Why am I even responding?

Does your country make you NOT a Gearbox shill?
No, it doesn't

Same, winning or losing a match gives about as strong of an adrenaline and dopamine rush as a small fart.

I may give a shit once they have community servers - so never.

Why even preorder?

who /best girl mei/ here?

>game that forces you to play in a team with everyone filling one class

Don't be dumb. You know they're gonna add content so kids keep chasing that dragon.

Dead serious, are you guys just upset that the game isn't F2p? because I highly doubt it's going to die based on whatever criteria your using. The fucking subreddit has over 200K subscribers, and Esports teams forming every day. Like I said, NEVER. EVER. HAPPENING.

>he dislikes muh sovereign blizzards newest title he must like the competition then!

user these games are all the same pile of shit, I'll give it to OW that it has the best production values (well blizz only earns like 3bil a year so, uh) but its still the same dumbed down easy-to-play mobashit.

when will there be overwatch legacy servers

You little bitches are salty as all fuck. I'm not even from Sup Forums!

heroes of the storm subreddit had 150k and died within weeks

I give overwatch a few months tops

It's just too shallow

Yep. Confirmed trash.

We can tell. Now fug off.


You can mute them by playing the console versions :^)

if it´s F2P and easy to get it´s immediatly full of kids please do not ever go there with this title

>no community servers

why bother

Why are you always implying people can't afford 40$? 40$ is nothing mate. I just don't support Nu-Blizzard.

I'm upset about people like you user, you think you see X numbers online on some pages, read news pushed onto you by shills and just "accept" that the game is "going places".
Even though a simple objective look at its mechanics tell you how lackluster it is.

Just blindly follow the hype, many people pressed Like on it? I must like it too! in fact it must be amazing!

HotS did the exact same thing user - dumbed down an existing genre to the levels where nobody even cares.

They paid their shills to tell us how its "team oriented" and "more tactical than all other dotalikes even though theres no real leveling or items" but in the end - its a shitty little game riding only on brand names.

Now they did the same thing, except its 40$+

The stupid think OW competes with TF2 - but in actuality it just competes with all dotalikes (and most of them are free)

These threads happen everytime a game like this rolls around. You're going to get more negativity in these threads because this is Sup Forums and also because the game just came out. The people with glowing reviews aren't on Sup Forums. They're playing the game.

BecauseI see so many people complain the game is too expensive for what it is and therefore it must be a "bad game". I agree, $40 for this game is great, sure consoles got cucked but they are used to it. It just not a reason to say a game is bad because you can't afford it. Meanwhile Sup Forums spent $60 on Dark Souls 1,2,3 and Bloodborne and didn't bat an eye at that price.....

$40 is a fuckton for this game user you are a stupid fucking retard

>0 SP content
>multiplayer only
>very few maps
>no community servers, server browser, player hosting, dedicated servers
>no several game modes, no deathmatch, ctf, etcetcetc
>full of microtransactions and gambling

Literally shove a fucking steel pipe down your throat if you think this "is a great deal".

What the fuck was your first game? Black ops 2?

overwatch is not dumbed-down in comparison to TF2
but it has issues in comparison, mostly relating to map design

Stop that you fucking faggot. Also are you srsly comparing From games to Blizzshit?

But it's fun, user.

It absolutely is when so many of your attacks boil down to an instant buttonmash with not even having to account for the time of a weaponswitch - and with ultimates being literal "free kills" all over the game.

Yeah, marketing hype is fun when you are an impressionable 15-19 year old.

It's been a day. Give a couple more.

Pretty much
>Playing match
>Standing on bridge over fight
>Roadhog tries to hook me
>Flies 2 feet away from my face
>I still get pulled
>His hook went through the bridge and into my leg
>Lose the will to play

Yeah its boring. Ok with friends but very boring and frustrating to play alone. Whatever...

$40 isn't much for someone with disposable income, but ANY price at all will reduce the number of people getting the game significantly and it increases the likelihood that players will put more time into it in order to get their money's worth.

>for TF2.3

So is sneering cynicism when you're a career 4channer.

Its not about price, its about conent/price ratio
In overwatch's case its pretty bad

The game was popular because it had mechanics and gameplay that appealed to people. It also looked "fun". People played and decided the same thing so they bought it.
Just because the game doesn't have mechancis your comfortable with ala TF2/CS:Go, doesn't mean it's bad. It's like your penalizing Blizz for making a game thats not exactly the same as ones you've played before.
You are just mad it's outside your comfort zone.

>$40 is a fuckton

Nigga do you even have a job? $40 is nothing.

No, not really.
Everyone is grinning with shit in their teeth, being happy about that they got to pay so much for what is literally not just F2P game tier content - BUT IS LITERALLY A F2P GAME WITH MICROTRANSACTIONS.

Try for once in your life to not make an excuse up just to feel better about yourself right now.
You are paying for free to play games, buying them from the most jewish game company out there and you are over-fucking-joyed about ruining the future of your hobby.

That's why I'll buy it in 6 months when it gets more content and costs less

weapon switching is not some diehard pro mechanic, you people are just finding newer and more and more obscure, random mechanics which apparently make TF2 a skilled game, next up OW is going to be a dumbed-down casualfest for babies because it doesn't have swimming or dispensers

and good players get more effective and numerous ultimates

I mean overwatch is a pretty casual game but it's about the same as TF2

>People who didn't even plan on playing ow actually waited to shitpost to this powerlevel to make people who bought it feel worse
back to stillborn and shit fortress 2 you vermin

>more content in a blizz game
>cost less

>comfort zone

user I've played vidya for longer than you've been alive, its not a "comfort zone".




Which TF2 class can push a single button and kill everyone on his screen without even touching his mouse or keyboard?

Theres SEVERAL of these in OW.
Try to refute this single one point without deflecting to something else.

>as much content as a free2play game
>no SP content like a free2play game
>microtransactions like a free2play game
>no dedicated server support
>no mods

press p, it shows you a menu, you can mute there

Step away from your computer your head is getting a bit too hot. Take a big, big, thinky thinky time and try not to strain yourself on this thought; people spent years working on this game looking to make a profit, you know, like a business does.

nigga i can get diablo 3 for $15



What because there aren't 20 maps?

All future heroes and maps will be free.

What modern FPS gives you free maps and characters for free?