
Blizzard must pay shit tons of money to bring the game there.

You're right. It looks like shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


What is the connection?

Normie bait

kek 1/10, made me reply

Conan has the shittiest ratings on all of late night.

It's probably not too expensive to get him to shill your game.

What do you expect, they're a bunch of old people, they can't make anything look fun.

They're popular and trendy and hip.


they are paying a lot to shill this game, so question every "preorder overwatch" thread you see

The Overwatch shilling threads mysteriously vanished after launch.

I wonder why.

This is a fucking bomb waiting to happen with all the stuff they're saying about the women being hot.

Notice how sex appeal is the only thing they understood.

>playing a 6v6 game with two people
>these two people don't know what the fuck they're doing and have trouble turning their characters
Dinkleberg was funny.
The game is shit.
FPS are shit on consoles.
You're getting double-dipped shit and the hyper manlet was the only saving grace.

I used to really wonder about Conan's ratings, until I asked my parents about it. People 50+ mostly hate Conan. They just don't understand his humor and find his entire act "childish and stupid". At the same time, they fucking LOVE Jimmy Fallon, who most people under 35 think is childish and stupid.

Incidentally, most people under 35 are cordcutting internet users, while most people 50+ have no idea how to use Youtube. Most of Conan's viewers watch him online, which isn't counted in the ratings, while 90%+ of Fallon's viewers are watching over the air.

This is why Conan has high popularity and great brand recognition but terrible ratings.

Feels like there was almost no point to them playing the game because none of them cared, none of them enjoyed it and just like the sane part of Sup Forums - they only wanted the porn from it.

Would've been funnier if they kept taking the thronelet apart

Where can I get an iron throne toilet?

I still have around 26 shillwatch threads hidden and filtered out

What about Jimmy Fallon and Colbert, what are their ratings like?

>give a game to intended target audience (aka fans)
>they pretend "mature" people like them don't need fanservice
>they'll complain about it and threaten to boycott it

>give a game to normies
>the thing they enjoy the most is the fanservice
>they ask for more

What's the opinion on Kimmel?

Conan is also not on network TV anymore.

I miss the days when Conan's shilling wasn't so obvious.

God damn it. These aren't as funny when he does them with celebrities. They barely even make jokes about the games anymore it's just kinda there. It's literally ever lets play now.

Fallon has the highest ratings in late night.

Colbert's ratings are underwhelming.

Also, Fallon has a pretty big YouTube presence so I don't know what that dude is talking about. Just glancing at both of their channels, Fallon seems to get more views.

Colbert's ratings are better than Conan's but he's in last place for the big 3 network shows. Colbert, like Conan, scores very high with the under 35 crowd and poorly with the 50+ crowd.

Jimmy Fallon is an old media ratings juggernaut. Old people genuinely like his telephoned, giggling comedy. Fallon lacks the same brand recognition that Conan has, and few internet users watch his show, but his traditional ratings are bulletproof.

Kimmel has always been a very solid performer. He's an excellent middle ground and has held that position for nearly a decade.

>even they
>non gamers cant hype a game


>Fallon has a pretty big YouTube presence
Fallon's YouTube presence can be compared to old people on Facebook. Keep in mind that Fallon's show is very heavily promoted and his videos popup constantly on Facebook feeds. Few people actively seek out Fallon's clips.

From what I've seen the two of them seem really obnoxious. Lena is hot though.

I love how when widowmaker strafes her whole movementpattern screams of early 90s tim burton claymation

>PS4 cover
>playing on an Xbox


But it was always blatant promotion. It obviously isn't about reviewing a game.

The main appeal for you (and Sup Forums in general) should be his uniformed opinions and observations as a vidya outsider which were usually on point. He's entertainer and he doesn't give a fuck so he's honest. His comments on Hitman Absolution or RE6 were fucking priceless because he unknowingly pointed out biggest flaws and made the games look pretty bad.
Maybe not for his less informed audience but "gamers" should notice his criticism (intended as a joke) is actually often raising valid points. Again, watch RE6 and Hitman videos.

And look here at this game. More than half of it is butts talk and moaning. Kinda hilarious after the recent fanservice "shitstorm". If anything it shows normal people don't give a fuck about representation of women. It's just couple of retards on the Twitter.

How can anyone not like Conan? His Korea trip videos on Youtube are hilarious.

different shills demand representation of certain parts

They're both trash

Whatever the reason, his channel has 5 billion views.

I get people hate Fallon, but let's stop pretending he isn't stomping the competition into the ground.

Everything about this is awful.

This makes sense, I love Conan but I don't live in America or Europe so I watch it online.

Fallon is absolute cancer, I'm glad I'm not American.

As much as I think overwatch is generic, uninspired garbage, this video is a beautiful reality check for SJW and tumblrshitters.

How so?
I really dont want to watch it right now, too much cringe.

They focus on the asses of some female character and make them scream and moan.

All they talk about is the tits and ass since that's the only thing the game offers.

how hard would you hit this?

I hate dyke cuts.

Pretty hard, with a crowbar.

Conan is on cable, of course there's less viewers.

its for the show I think

I miss Craig Ferguson, the only late night I could stand

>Dinklage actually looked like he was getting into the game

I bet he's going to start playing video games

Meh, since she used body double in GoT where everyone shows their tits, it's probably nothing to write home about.

We live in the era of absolutely MASSIVE synergistic media machines. Fallon is helming The Tonight Show, every other NBC show references The Tonight Show regularly and links to the YouTube channel. Every other NBC show's YouTube videos link to Fallon. Let's stop pretending that organic growth and old media driven advertising are the same thing. And while we're at it, let's stop pretending "interviews" on these shows are anything more than advertising and brand building directed by the media conglomerates banking on the stars.

>Hey, so I hear your a real animal lover, new ruggedly handsome actor promoting his new movie produced by the parent company of this network?

It's undeniable that Fallon is crushing the traditional ratings, but why don't we also disspell this lingering misconception that pageviews, video views, subscribers, and all other traffic aren't packaged and sold. If NBC wants their show to appear to do well with the under 35 internet demographic, it can do just that.

women who are qt in got:

tl;dr wouldn't hit lena

Fucking hard. If a woman isn't holding her abs tight her body will natural have a small paunch in the front. That's because there is a uterus in there. Their bodies evolved to form a slight S curve to make room for a child. That ass looks damn good, and her tummy seems to just be slight bloat from spending the day eating salty food and drinking on the beach.

For a 40+ year old actress in the off season she looks damn good.

Those infomercials always fascinated me. Is there a person out there who has the kind of problems with products like they present it there?

I used to like the Clueless Gamer segment.

This one was worse than the Pewdiepie one though, not even Conan was funny this time.

your loss

shit taste senpai.
Her in a movie where they don't struggle to make her look normal.

So Dinkleberg is the Doom Polygon reviewer...

>also that shit wasn't funny at all

Why did they all bully that white beard guy in unison? I mean I kind of seen Conan do that, but even the celebrities started doing it in that video.

This. I miss Craig.

>so anyways you want to capture the control point and use your weapons

>"blah blah I dont understand what you're saying"

nigga, capture the area and use your weapons...gamer language too hard

Cause... people are playing?

To be fair, she was pregnant at the time.

She is starting to look like shit, even with make up. Pic relatrd is from two years ago.

>forgetting about Kelly C, Miss Sunday and Mart Jory


Did you guys actually expect them to talk about the game?

Its purely for bantz at this point



They don't play games so why would their opinion of the game matter to me.

If you don't like the game user why are you making a thread about it?

>everyone shows their tits

That shit actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen had a cgi body too which was jarring as fuck.

>Most of Conan's viewers watch him online

I'd wager most of Conan's "viewers" only watch 1 or 2 youtube segments every month or so.

>while 90%+ of Fallon's viewers are watching over the air
then how do you explain Jimmy has 11 million and Conan has 4 million subscribers on jewtube?

It is much better without these celebrity bullshit.

>Conan Clueless gamer
>MFW watching him and his guests play

Is there even a game that he got the hang off right away?

I enjoy watching inept celebrities playing bad games, surprisingly.

He can't, he's living in a fantasy where Conan is still relevant because he misses the year 2004.

why are the actors from game of thrones playing it? What's the relevance? I mean if it was a new game of thrones game that'd make sense even if their characters weren't in it. But overwatch has nothing to do with them.

did you watch the video?

they played like polygon journos

They are popular and Blizzard, like Square Enix, is trying to appeal to the mass audience.


Her GoT image is top tier and I wouldnt mind her real body.

He cant make any game fun because they have to make it appealing to the non-gaming crowd as well. You can't show mechanics, story, or systems in any informative way. Clueless Gamer is basically just a 'hey look how wacky video games are these days!' segment.

people hate introverted betas. Even midgets pick on them as you can see


Where were you when Conan took a shit on Atari?

>on a console

That was painful. Lena is so hot tho

pmuch, act like a pussy and you get screwed, plus he's kinda payed to be that guy

Does anyone find it weird how cute Lena Headey can get at 42?

I mean really

Yes, they never said why game of thrones actors are playing overwatch.

It's in the first thirty seconds. He said overwatch is supposed to be an epic game or something those lines so he got two actors from the most epic show on television to play it with him, which is apparently GoT. That's it.

I know, when he said something i though, dude, you are a midget, you of all people shouldnt be judging others, shut the fuck up.

Yeah she's endearing when she's not a raging psycho.

I mean why are they actually there. That's stupid and doesn't make sense.

>x and y are both very popular
>I'll get people from x to play y in combination and make it even better!

This is not hard to understand at all, I really don't see how you're having an issue with this.

>No ass
>covered in tattoos

No thanks.

Excuse me? She's the only relatable character in that show.

Incredibly hard.

She's so pretty with her normal hair, and looks good at 41

She has her reasons to be a raging a cunt but she's horrendously inept. There are tons of relatable characters anyway.

Do you think Blizzard regrets paying for this? I liked it, it showed how bland and repetitive the game is, and that only good thing are the asses.

Is that what normies are like with vidya?

>I wonder why.
The wait for launch ended.