its been 5 years, why do i still feel the urge to play it?
Its been 5 years, why do i still feel the urge to play it?
Because its shit and your shit taste craves it
It is the best game in gaming history
Because it was pretty alright and comfy
Because you know metacritic's score averaged from 10000 people is a more trustworthy sauce than random user on Sup Forums?
In short because fun things are fun
Oblivion was better.
I honestly have absolutely no clue. I played some 20 hours of the thing few months after the release, then stopped and never felt the urge to come back.
I can't PHANTOM what people see in this game. It's not that I don't enjoy open world RPG's with sandbox qualities, hell I clocked over 400 hours on Morrowind and it's editor, and at least 150 on New Vegas, but Skyrim to me is incredibly dull and unimmersive. The world is shallow and lacks atmosphere, detail, depth or sense of mystery. The quests are painfully dull and the quest lines are laughably poor - I remember that I managed to become a grandmaster of the Mage college within those 20 hours with a non-mage character somewhere around level 14. What little moments of nice landscaping the game does are killed by terrible poi distribution, awful stilted animations, and incredibly floaty and unsatisfying combat.
So no, I don't understand why do you still have the urge to play. I don't find anything about the game justifying the time investment.
Because it's extremely comfy with mods
Because it's the best porn game on the market.
Mods can make it one of the best games
>urge to replay
>install mods
>1 mod doesn't work
>can't fix it
For me personally, female armors and stuff that isn't sjw garbage. Fantasy game that is the last of its breed in a lot of ways. (not even including porn mods, don't really use em beyond the few I think help with immersion.)
Sex mods
Just replayed it on 360 it was a pretty relaxing experience not having to worry about mods for once.
Because you feel, deep down, there is a good game underneath all the dogshit. I feel it, too.
There isn't.
Because it is the best RPG ever created in the history of the universe.
What mod?, maybe I can help you.
Ad populum
Would you rather receive medical atention from 100 chinese farmers or 1 regular english speaking doctor?
Ad hominem
Metacritic is 100 critics. user is 1 person who can't prove they're better than said critics.
450 hours famalan, I never found it.
Just under 800 hours here. I though I found it, but it was just another Draugr tomb.
Skyrim is immortal, thanks to mods it's still better than any new release.
Even though I really enjoy Skyrim I can't help getting bored of it after 4 to 5 caves or forts. I put in so many story and quest mods and yet I've only ever played 2 of those and lose the interest and urge to continue with the other story mods after that. It's the same with Oblivion.
New Vegas and Morrowind I can spend my free time in for months without getting bored. I don't know what it is.
How is that an ad hominem?
Is not a personal attack to have a different opinion nor is to considerate that someone with more experience may have a better jugdement for certain things
wtf? this argument is terrible
You're comparing something that only requires you to like it or dislike it to something that takes 8 years of training, education and experience.
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me with the lengths it will go to to bash someone's taste in vidya
You are assuming people on metacritic is worse than random user. Scale doesn't matter, that argument is bullshit.
You can only assume random user and random critic are the same. Heck, it's usually safe to assume average critics are better than average user because they rate games for a living but yeah I'm gonna let that go. You will probably come up with argument like paid critic or SJW.
you're supposed to test it as you add mods
I installed like 150 fine the other day, the only fuckups that might sneak past you are perk tree conflicts
A majority of gaming critics are not journalist and lack any actual formal knowledge about video games. They're no better than bloggers deciding why they like a game without understanding the technical and other aspects of the games themselves. Anons opinion is just as valid as the critics on ign. If video game critics had a deeper understanding of video games then their reviews would mean something. But they don't.
So you are REALLY saying user and critic are on the same level? Because if you do I can agree with that. I'm being really fair now.
(Still not agree with your "critics are JUST bloggers" mindset. You are still saying they (critics,blogger) have worse opinion than user. That's a big ad hominem.) Seriously you are not baiting me right? Because "gaming critics lack any actual formal knowledge about video games" (while assuming user is more qualified) is a big red ad hominem.
There are so many fallacy. But it take too much effort to make you realize I guess.
Now let's say we agreed that user and critics are all the same, average human.
Now it's your turn explain why an average rating by 100 critic(average person) and 1000 players (average person) is worse than that by 1 user (also average person)
user I said a majority of gaming critics do lack formal knowledge of video games. Many of them do not understand the technical aspects behind graphics, physics and animation. Or have never taken a game design course. This separates them from film and music critics in that those critics usually have an understanding about different aspects in their respective fields. Gaming on the other hand has critics giving games scores based on their personal experience they had and what emotions they felt.
An average rating by 100 critics can be impressive but there's problems with metacritic that make it a poor example. All companies have to self report to them. Metacritic also does weighted averages, were more famous and popular crisis effect the score more. It is also the argumentum ad populum fallacy. There's 2 billion Muslim's in the world. Does that mean Islam is the true religion and world view? 2 billion people can't be wrong.
Also stop pointing out fallacies when you don't know what they actually mean.
I've been thinking about it cause been playing oblivion at a pals house, but I don't know if I can deal with the downgrade in magic (no spell making, have to make borked ring of 9999% MP regen to keep up with melee builds)
hopefully a giant doesn't killsteal a dragon from me this time around.