I hope you guys are thanking your healers

I hope you guys are thanking your healers

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet you'd want me to do that you slut.

If mercy gets the play of the game you damn better

What makes her the best character of the game ?

Another Overwatch thread? Alright, I'm cool with that.


I upvote the supports at the end every time

I upvote them almost every time they show up unless they are really bad. Trying to encourage that behaviour because you rarely if ever see a random healing

But I do


GIve me a Hi5 instead

Thank my healers?


No one ever thanks tank, DPS, or support. I'm not going to thank someone for PLAYING THEIR GODDAMN ROLE.

Can't decide if I'm gonna get the golden or the black/blue skin for mercy.

>Bind X to ask for healing
>Bind F to say thank you

Am I the only one?

>Anything else but Valkyrie
As a big legwnd of Valkyrie fan I need this

Never liked this skin or the imp, devil or whatever. I think the base skin recolored is much better.


Waited far too long to go back to being a healslut when the beta ended,

I usually don't play healers but mercy is really fun

Do upvotes give anything? They should at least make them give some money or something so people are more inclined to play healers since healers are always in the top 4.

Bonus exp if you can get 5.

Sexual healers? Yeah sure.

Now if only Zarya was a healer too.

I'm slowly becoming a healslut, please help me Sup Forums.

Nope I use F and T

>playing support classes because you need praise

sounds like someone wasn't loved as a child.

Too late now, just accept that gooey tank love down your throat

>play support class
>expect thanks for doing your job
Fuck off

>want to play Overwatch
>have work all week
Send help

I only thank male healers

Get out of here neonazi.

Oh hi Trap.

Stop playing healsluts then faggot

I just like to heal, i'm not a slut

I want those legs softly wrapped around my head.

Nice and smooth.

But playing one is so much fun though

>You should thank healers

How many times have you seen a healer thank the DPS for killing someone? Or thank a tank for getting hit?

Healers are the most entitled, ungrateful little shits in these kinds of games. They do their job like everyone else but demand gratitude for it, but have no gratitude for anyone else.

I'm gonna quit my office job because my boss didn't thank me for doing my paperwork.

>weekly brawl with tracer

Oh my god it's like I never have to stop blinking


no fuck off if I heal and win

I'm happy

>How many times have you seen a healer thank the DPS for killing someone?
It's not terribly uncommon when a DPS saves a healer that was under attack to thank them.

>Someone switches to Lucio on our team
>Victory is pretty much guaranteed
I love them more than Mercy players. Seeing that Brazilian Spider-Man come to the rescue and hearing that little tune makes me happy.

Ah yea, my daily dose of sissy white boys to jack off too

Post more, lewdster. Male healers are my favorite.

And thank God for it, user.

Aww yeah, this is my jam!

>Kill everything
>don't say a word
>Healer wont stop spaming group chat
>"Pls don't aggro those the tank is not good"
>mfw i kill mobs without taking a single hit while tank and healer are too much of pussies

Thank them

Mercy belongs to Reinhardt

I love it when my tank thanks me by spanking me and calling me a good girl.

Where the fuck is that Mercy slut who keeps begging for a key in these threads? I know you're here you fucking faggot.


But i don't wanna be a healer

[shitposts externally]

>thanking DPS
That's just dumb. The DPS manchildren don't need to be thanked; pressing their rotation of keys and not having to focus on anything else in the game is reward enough for them.

Leave the gratitude and actual work to the tanks/healers.


I'll post my boipucci if someone sends me a key ;_;
[email protected]

Thank God, I've been on the right path erping with tanks for all these years.

I'll spank that ass and ram you while you hug the wall, baby girl.

>yfw DPScheck bosses

Boipucci is free you fool. Why would we pay for yours when we have so many cute boys thst post for free.

>Kill four people with Reinhardt's ult and melee attacks
>Enemy Mercy revives them all and they go on to stop the payload and win
>Play of the Game: Reinhardt
All is well in the world.