Why's this game so much fun? I haven't had fun like this since Tropical Freeze. How can other games even compare?

Why's this game so much fun? I haven't had fun like this since Tropical Freeze. How can other games even compare?

Its fine, its a solid 2D Mario offering.

Do you have Mario Maker? Endless fun.

It's good if you have really low standards

I don't hate it but it's way easier than Wii version, maybe because of that?

>Mario Maker
Lol no, I'm not touching that trash even if I could get it for free. In fact, my brother has it and I haven't touched it even once. Fucking garbage game. Sup Forums is an 18+ site

Compared to? What are your patrician standards user?

Presumably not shitty enemy spam levels made by 13-year-olds.


It's the best game in the New SMB series, along with SLU. I can't say it's better than Tropical Freeze but sure as hell it's better than many people say.

Are you talking about MM or NSMBU?

No adult actually likes Mario Maker, don't worry too much about it.

Mario Maker obviously.

>Lol no, I'm not touching that trash
>I haven't touched it even once. Fucking garbage game.
>Sup Forums is an 18+ site
Hilarious, now if you were actually a critical thinking adult you'd actually give it a fair review based on it's merits and low points.

Kindly get out, you've lost all credibility for rant etiquette.

His post didnt even refer to MM even once, where the fuck is this coming from?

>Mario Maker's physics suck.
>Mario Maker features about 5% of what you'd find in an actual 2D Mario game.
>THIS is a good level, it introduces new concepts, proportionally ups the difficulty with new concepts in place, every level is memorable and has a right to exist on its own merit.
MM has been discussed to death, only little kids like it. There hasn't been a single good level been created to MM.

Post #3 misquoted #2 by quoting #1 instead, it's not that hard to see reading the thread. And no that's not me.

I know exactly where his quoting is coming from but it just seems like he has a personal vendetta against MM the way he's screaming about it

"NSMBU is good if you have low standards"
"Compared to what? What standards"
"It's not the shitty levels in MM"

Who said anything about MM? So NSMBU is better than the levels in Mario Maker, good, you're really helping the game.

That's not what's being said at all.
>who said anything about mm
Read the fucking thread you ding dong I literally am explaining to you right here
>Post #3 misquoted #2 by quoting #1 instead, it's not that hard to see reading the thread. And no that's not me.

I can read the entire thread you dip.
I know for a fact he's referring to But in the argument against Mario Maker is suddenly brought up, leading me to think he's just an angry child lashing out against Mario Maker by bringing up levels.

I can see for a fact he's misquoting the 2nd post, but theres no way to take him seriously if he's shitting on MM this hard he'd bring it up in other posts.

tl;dr OP is being a fag as usual.

Fuck off child. Sup Forums is an 18+ site.
No adult likes Mario Maker. Fuck off with your persecution complex. Mario Maker is just awful. Fucking awful. Everyone agrees. Now go play with your plastic toys and watch Nintendo Minute. They might call you their friend again.

3D worlds was more fun

3D World can't even get the controls right. It's a shit game, no amount of gloss can change the substance of a turd.

I have exactly no idea how you exploded into an outburst from that, but sure.

I never praised Mario Maker once.

What are you talking about it controls just fine and is more fun. Not that SMBU isn't fun




Someone's mad

>Anonymous misquotes a post on a Mario thread, you will not believe what happens next!

Get a gun both games are terrible

Neither. They're both shit.

But if you have to, get Fatal Frame

So like, was this edited, or is that kid legit powering up.

>lol u mad
Spotted the child

>it controls just fine
3D world doesn't. It's clear you don't own the game

>only little kids like it

Don't believe this guy. He's a regular in the Super Mario Maker threads and always gets mad because people hardly play his levels. And if they do, they don't star them.

Read >Why would I play a game I think is shit? That's some boogeyman non-argument you got going on there.

Dude, no need to be pretending. I realize that is you because of the way you write and what you say.

Persecution complex, boogeyman, not an argument.
Pick three.
You're really pathetic, I've never made a Mario Maker level in my life because they're all shit. Why would I reside in such a thread. I made a NSMBU thread, I don't want you Mario Maker kids in it. Come back when you grow some hair down there

I'm 99% sure it is you. But if it isn't, then you're even more pathetic. Why would you care so much about a game that you supposedly don't even play?

>You're pathetic
>why do you care so much
When you claim Mario Maker is 'endless fun' you're clearly underage. Anyone praising Mario Maker is. So fuck off, Sup Forums is an 18+ site. I care about the quality of a thread. You can fuck off. As I've stated before. You're underage, be glad you aren't banned for publicly outing your age like that.

>I've never made a mario maker because they're all shit

excuse me what

It's exactly as I stated, no ambiguity there. You have to actually quote me though to understand perhaps.

So even if you made the level yourself, it would still be shit?

Its the best one so you spoiled yourself playing it first.

I don't recommend playing them all back to back though if you decide to play the rest

I didn't like how NSMBU blatantly rehashed so many stage gimmicks

It didnt feel like a very original game. More like a romhack.

Read >You're implying what I'm saying is somehow wrong. Doesn't make any sense.

I played 3 other NSMB games before. Didn't even finish 2's DLC.

So if you made that exact level would it still be shit?

NSBM is the ultimate boogeyman on Sup Forums, so much so that people have coined the term "NSBM syndrome". Of course, the majority completely disregards that NSBM, and U in particular, have very tight gameplay mechanics and satisfying amounts of content to offer. And that's really all that counts.

Don't try to explain this to a good chunk of Sup Forums, their heads would explode

I like NSMB, The only one i didnt really like was 2, but i am glad that they made mario maker so there's next to no chance of another fucking nsmb game because the formula was getting stale for 60$ each

What games would you guys recommend getting for the Wii U? I've got pokken, twilight princess mario kart 8 and splatoon, gonna get this and got enough money for 2 more games, thinking about getting xenoblade and i'm unsure what else

Wonderful 101

Since when did New Super Mario Bros U get here

You can get Bayo 2 and Wonderful 101 for the price of 1 game so definitely get those. Also dong freeze is only 20 bucks now and is great

I just recently got TP, Mario 3d world, Splatoon, and Mario Maker. If you're into it, get Smash, 3d world, DKC:TF, or maybe Pikmin 3. I've heard mixed things about starfox. 3d world and Tropical freeze are only 20$ each.

Fatal Frame V

You can't make that level. Do you even own Mario Maker? You can't make a single level with Mario Maker like that. Did you not read:
>Mario Maker features about 5% of what you'd find in an actual 2D Mario game.
And that's being generous.

Whatever you do, don't listen to this nin10 year old unless you're the same age as him.

Just play Super Mario Bros X dude. It's free and it's better than that weak Super Mario Maker with like 5% of the actual mario games content. The SMBX level editor is more complex and is easy to understand, it has more content.

btw they stopped because nintendo told them to stop because SMM ahahah

I tried SMBX. Don't like the engine. It just feels off.

Mario Maker is hardly about level design features and more about playing other people's levels and sharing your own

So it's like a bunch of deviantartists coming together to look at a coloring book?

It's about a wide community.

Okay, so you make your epic SMBX level. Now what? Are you gonna share it with your few autists friend who actually care about that shit?

Yeah because you know how common it is for people on Sup Forums to praise nintendo games and not own them.

Oh wait no that's literally not possible. Yeah I own the game and I have a shit ton of fun with it especially with friends.

>a wide community
full of drooling retards that wack it to their own diaperfur ms paint creation
>so you made on epic painting are you really going to share it with your autistic friend who actually cares
Just using your logic. I didn't pay 60 bucks for a coloring book, you did.

>but it's fun with friends
>it controls just fine
Not an argument, everything is 'fun' with friends. Is this your stock response, come up with an argument that's actually your own.

>look I made inflation vore scat painting and I'm only showing it to my friends :33

Okay dude, keep playing your autistic forever alone romhacks while normal, adjusted people have healthy fun with Mario Maker.

>you're just autistic
>I'm h-h-having f-f-fun

Not everything is fun with friends though also that is a good argument. I have literally 0 problems with the controls which you haven't even gone into detail about you're just generalizing and second having fun is what games are all about.

>No you
Stopped reading there

>waah b-b-but my romhacks are better!
>s-stop having fun!!!

you should get mario maker
is this X 100


Weak bait

stay mad user
mario maker is awesome

>you're mad
weak bait

sure thing bra

Okay, if Mario Maker is so great why are you showing me NSMBU and Wii gameplay?

Where does it say "no you"?

cause i dont have any
i only have 5 mario gameplay webms

they are kinda rare

They aren't rare, there's an entire channel full with them. Like 100+ videos. None of them contain Mario Maker. So stop using it as an argument. No one. Literally no one on Sup Forums that abides by the age restriction likes Mario Maker. Stop outing yourself.

Why did this thread go to shit all of a sudden? Is it that hard to contain your autism OP?

>.t mario maker 10yearold

>going to youtube to get videos
what a dirty casual
and this is my last one

This one doesn't even make sense, it doesn't have anything to do with my statements at all, it doesn't respond to them. It literally is just air

Just post your profile, I'll play your levels and give you some pity stars.

Read >I could read when I was 10, you have no excuse


I'm 27 and like Mario Maker

>not a new IP
Nice try samefag

Everybody like MM, even they guy who is doing the shitposting in this very thread bought a copy. He's just mad because no one likes his levels.

>not a new IP

Yes, user. It's still a Mario game. If you want a new Nintendo IP, try Splatoon.

>not a new IP

How is Splatoon not a new IP? You're being ridiculous, user.

>not a new IP

>.t butthurt manchild

Admit it OP, you are no better than a child. Even the most autistic kid cannot channel as much autism as you are doing right now. You are the only reason why this thread is shit in the first place. There could've been a decent discussion about the game you wanted to discuss in the first place, but alas, you painted yourself as an entitled and triggered babbyman.

Have a pity (you)

>not a new IP

it's not just nintendo, the entire industry is like this now. quality in gameplay is skipped for graphics, and I can't understand how people consider graphics to be the best way of rating games now. guess it's easy to do for people not that interested in depth, if it looks better it must be better

Boring because is soo easy, the 3ds was better