This is the new atelier protagonist
Literally neptunia/persona level of otaku garbage
What the fuck happened with series?
This is the new atelier protagonist
atelier has always been waifushit you stupid faggot
atelier was always otaku garbage.
damn fine bait user I'm your third fishs
in all seriousness this looks like all the previous series
Cuter than Sophie and Totori
Looks fine to me. Sophie was cuter, but she's hard to top.
We have this thread every time a new atelier girl is introduced. Fags said the exact same thing about Sophie.
Thought she has Chaka eyebrows.
>Thighhighs with thighhigh boots
holy fuck
nice lantern fag legs LOL
Between her looking way older on that magazine cover and the comment on the passage of time I get the feeling that she might actually visibly age over the course of the game. That might be cool.
Sophie actually dressed like a person who spends time outside and gathered ingredients(except skirt part)
New girl is a traveler who wanders around world and doesn't even have workshop and usually doing alchemy near bonfires
Doesn't look like it at all
Coulda been the next Totori if not for those stupid boots. At least her other outfits are cute
>Literally neptunia/persona level of otaku garbage
I'm not sure I understand this comparison.
Neptunia i get, since it has overdesigned characters all over the place, but Persona's designs are pretty down to earth.
Soejima's work is like the opposite of belts and zippers.
>they betrayed their mostly female fanbase for the male otaku money
How is this in any way acceptable?
You're responding to bait you stupid fuck
Why don't you post "weapon who was made for solely purpose to fight monsters beyond human understanding"
Wake up when Gust releases interesting games again. Like Ar Tonelico or Ar Nosurge.
>interesting games again. Like Ar Tonelico or Ar Nosurge.
C'mon now
Well, I was hoping to have a discussion about character designs and the different views on artstyles, but I guess Sup Forums doesn't want to talk about shit like that.
If you're referring to Aigis then I don't get the point. She's pretty toned down design-wise for a robot girl character. I think she has one of the best designs in the series, but that's just personal opinion.
If you're talking about something from P5, then I don't know anything, since I'm keeping myself in the dark for it. Actually, this is my cue to leave the thread since I don't want to risk getting spoiled.
ateliers are trash compared to exa pico universe
>Ar Tonelico
>Lol I'm the male mc and all girls are attracted to me for no reason at all
Thanks, but no
Is it wrong to want another Mana Khemia
they had my favorite turn-based battle system of any jrpg and i haven't found anything similar
>they had my favorite turn-based battle system of any jrpg and i haven't found anything similar
Shallie and Logy games
Shallie has Mana Khemia's battle system
And what's that, being able to manipulate turn order?
Confirmed for only playing AT3 garbage.
When will Gust start porting their games to PC? Even Nep Nep is on that train.
Hot damn. I'll have to pick up a ps3 one of these days
Mostly that, alongside being able to swap characters in and out dynamically
Gust will never make another Ar Tonelico game. ;_;
AT2 game
"lol I have childhood friend and this hot tsundere, and guess what? They all want my dick! By the way. my childhood friend whored herself to the another men"
Yes, you will get spoiled with characters in P5. Spoopy.
The plot is going to be straighforward, forgettable and foreseeable anyhow.
Do you really want people to say it?
Think it's you has only played At3.
Akira Tsuchiya said that there will be some announcement later this year about the future of his games.
Neither of them want his dick right at the beginning.
>Mostly that, alongside being able to swap characters in and out dynamically
Final Fantasy X does this as well you know.
Get a vita or vita tv instead
They have the best versions of the ps3 atelier games
And the vita is still getting new atelier games ig you don't want a ps4
I loved Roxis. He went so meta when he swapped and attacked with the ATB cards, moved you out of your turn by hitting your portrait. I loved the fucker.
Not really the same, like, at all
Ps3 also got Arland plus
You kidding? Aoto is easily the best At protagonist, and his relationships with the girls felt fine. It's 1 and 2 that are bad on that front, since Croix is super boring and Lyner is a total shit. Seriously, how could anyone like Lyner?
I know, I had a lot of fun with it as well but ultimately preferred MK's system to it.
Only Rorona+
Pretty cute. I wish she had a silly hat, and her boots are stupid, but the rest of the outfit is solid. I'm a sucker for backpacks, and the lantern is a nice touch to accentuate the traveling motif.
How about the winter outfit?
This is a new Atelier storyline or is it still part of the Dusk line of Atelier Games?
Holy fuck that's cute
Dusk is done it seems, this is the second game in the Mystery saga. Sophie was the first.
The new 'Mysterious' series started with Sohpie
Snow cunny
Ever heard of different tastes?
When will common skill be coming back?
Ah Sohpie was the first? I stopped caring about Atelier after that game that was after Escha and Logy. I forgot its name, but made me disappointed in Atelier for awhile, so i stopped caring.
Soejima characters have awful proportions.
The men have literal anorexic tier bodies to the point they have ridiculous tigh gaps, non existant calves, impossibly thin legs.
Is Atelier the Call of Duty of JRPG's? New game every year and remakes of old games all the time. Why can't they put few years of work into one game for once.
Don't forget about the necks
Gust has said they literally have to make one a year to survive
>Why can't they put few years of work into one game for once.
what if all these games have been in development for more than a year
Same bruh, many people left disappointed with escha & logy, me included
No no no, I was fine with Escha and Logy, it was pretty fun. It was the game after that one. With the two alchemist girls.
what the fuck?
>silly hat
>puffy fur coat
>nice boots desu ne
>miniskirt why
Very interesting. While the outfit itself is pretty good, I have to wonder if changing the outfit coincides with the passing of time mentioned in the article. It'd certainly be something different than just "buy DLC and dress up in swimsuits!" route from the past.
Reminder that we have a big breasted protagonist in atelier firis
They're fucking tiny brah
Because they're a pretty niche company and all of their games are made on shoestring budgets.
Anyway, where can I find information on the new Atelier title? This is the first i'm hearing about it.
When's Sophie coming out in the states anyway?
Yeah that one, It was so disappointing that I didn't care for Atelier for awhile.
How can they still struggle under Koei Tecmo? Did they make things even worse?
Sophie comes out in the west June 7th
I didn't like escha and logy, feels really bland and lack of souls
Atelier is low budget. All of their games are low budget. They aren't a big dev.
I wonder if Gust knows how to make Vita ports now
Bitchin'. I think it looks pretty swell so far.
I dunno, does Shallie+ still run at a whopping 10 fps?
I heard Sophie runs pretty well actually. I think it's a new engine. Shame they never went back and touched up some of their original vita ports.
E&L+ port was really good. Shallie+ got way, way better than the trailers and plays like E&L+
Yeah I can see that, but ultimately Shallie was the nail in the coffin for me. At least for Escha and Logy, Logy was a pretty cool main character and first male alchemist since we haven't had one in awhile.
>thinks AT games are about the harem
Holy fuck, what have you been missing out on
Convince me to preorder Sophie when I hated Shallie but loved the rest of the series.
I never finished Shallie but i'm thinking of giving Sophie a chance. I might get Shallie+ though since they're baiting me with my two favorite protags returning as playable.
The characters actually look fun and varied rather than Shallie's cast of boring literally whos.
Well, their latest game, atelier sophie is the best selling game in atelier franchise or maybe second if you include the total sales of 3 versions of marie, 2000 pc, 98 playstation, and 97 sega saturn version
Ar Tonelico Plus games when?
Yeah, everyone knows it's about spamming Ion pics in /vitagen/
Right after they localize Ciel Nosurge
You are now thinking about AnS.
The closest you'll get is the user from vitagen that has a translated LP of it
>he dosen't spam pics of perfection
how anyone can get through ciel/ar without waifuing Ion is beyond me
Character interactions are a pretty big part of the games, though. All those cosmospheres. If you don't like them that's going to impact your enjoyment of the game pretty badly.
I can't get through Ar Nosurge because I heard that it's a direct sequel to a game that isn't localized and I lost interest in playing it.
Just learn moon or watch that LP, you have options beyond despair over shit localizations. Or don't, it's your life.
Reading summary of Ciel and watching lets plays, which are quite far already, give you very good start with it already. You will miss waifu minigame with Ion though.
I got Ciel Offline on my Vita and love it.
>thinking one gay anime shit is better than another gay anime shit
Mana Khemia and AT2 had the best 2D battle systems in any jrpg ever.
Too bad Gust threw it all away.
Atelier will never be as shit as Neptunia. Atelier atleast TRIES with the limited budget it has.
Well, Shallie has the exact same Mana Khemia battle system
Neptunia and ch have been improving honestly. Like theyve come a long way since Trinity universe.
>not liking both games
>Those notes about Firis
Fucking nice. Fall can't fucking come quick enough.
I'm so glad it is set in Sophie's world. Based on their clothes, they might live near Cornelia's hometown.
>liking kusoge
Is it as fast though? I remember (albeit it's been years now) that Mana Khemia 1 and 2 combat was pretty fast with fast battle animations.
Honestly I'd like another 2D game again, some of the 3D stuff can feel really cheap at times.
I liked Victory and it was the last one I played, it still had recycled content from other games but it had the most polish it seemed and when I saw Re;birth1 and how it was basically all of V's assets I was done. I don't know a lazier developer atleast images of the girls are free and I don't have to hear the girls 1 note dialogue.
Kusoge meme comes from first Neptunia which was trash on all accounts. Doesnt apply to other games.