Help me out pcgaymers

I already have all the consoles i wanted and I've been playing in a gaming laptop so i decided to build a pc.
Since it's been like 10 years since i built my last pc, what would you recommend me?
I wanna buy an i5-6600 processor, should i buy a GTX 970 or a R9 390?

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All the help you'll need

get i7 instead of i5

See for yourself my man.
Also note that the 390 fares much better in DX12 because the 970 lacks asynchronous compute.

>for games

the i7 6th gen is expensive as fuck in my country. Maybe should i get a 4th gen K for overclocking? I don't want to spend too much money on cooling either
With what drivers are these tested? I just watched a video about Doom running like 30 fps better with the latest amd driver

Also note that Fury and Fury X cause housefires

>GTX 970

yep, that's what i have. it's the best reasonably priced shit you can get now so go for it.

Get Nvidia card.
Wait for the new 1000-series to hit the stores in the next few weeks. That'll prolly drop the prices of older cards. Alternatively, you could just grab the 1070, and enjoy superior card, much longer.

Oh, and don't get W10. It sucks.
Use W7 Ultimate, and then start dual-booting a Linux distro of choice, when Vulkan gets more popular.

There is already small but welcome gain in using hyperthreading multicore CPUs in gaming as well. And when the games start to require 4 cores at minimum (getting there), the HT will only help your system stay relevant.

Wait for 1080. Everyone will sell their old cards for super cheap.

The graph is taken from

>Maybe should i get a 4th gen K for overclocking?
You could just as well get a 2nd gen i7 2600K, and it'd get the job done just as well.

There's seriously been an underwhelming amount of improvement in CPU side of PC specs in last 5 years.

I recommend waiting since the next cards are right around the corner retard

Specifically for vega

If you can't wait get a 480

>Oh, and don't get W10. It sucks.

don't listen to this fag. W10 is the best windows to date. you also want that directx 12.

>and then start dual-booting a Linux distro
see? he's a linuxfag. opinion discarded.

You're right, but even without housefires AMD's enthusiast cards are simply not as good as Nvidia's.

R9 390 is better and benchmarks higher in most games on average,, make sure you are looking at updated benchmarks. It's also got 8GB V-RAM and is considerably cheaper. The downside is, it runs hotter and takes more power.

You don't need an I7 if you are on a budget. I would recommend the I6 600 though, but if you want cheaper you can go cheaper without much loss in frames.

For cooling Hyper 212

Except that's wrong because they have water cooling.
Fuck they have over 20 degrees on the 1080 and that bitch goes past 80 Celsius.

What the newest game you've been playing and at what settings?
My problem is that i don't wanna wait :^(
I've been dual booting win10 and archlinux since the beggining in my gaming laptop

Nothing worth building a PC for right now, really.

Especially not if you have a decent laptop.

>W10 is the best windows to date

totally irrelevant.

Fuck you, i need to waste some money

>waiting for overpriced meme cards
>not waiting on AMD for POLARIS which will offer nearly the same performance up front for way less cash
>not understanding that the AMD cards will improve with time and the Nividia ones will turn to shit with drivers

Anyway no reasons to wait 1-2 months, the 390 is all you need for 1080p gaming and the price drops will be at most 10-15%

>What the newest game you've been playing and at what settings?

everything i've tried works on ultra
the newest game would probably be The Division.

This is the worst advice you can give to people building gaming PCs. There is literally no reason to get an i7 for games unless uour doing video editing or compiling or something. You could get an i3 and never notice a difference.

Don't get a shitty 970, its half decent but even the nvidia fans that didn't sold it with the 3.5 fiasco will probably change them for 1070. Better a 390/390X than it

But you should wait until new cards are released both Nvidia and AMD

You need those extra threads for shitposting, like him

For gaming an OC capable i5 is much better than a locked i7, but any i5 should do. Just get the best clocked one/highest model number within your budget. Only spend more if its a small increase for a decent performance gap

Well, what i can gather from all your comments is that the best thing i can do is wait and buy the video card at the end.
What do you guys think of the processor?
Should i go for the i5 6600?

when are the new cards released anyway?

I7 has hyperthreading, games of the future will probably take use of this. Also add a couple frames to your games and your entire system will run better (especially with multi tasking) thanks to hyperthreading the superior power of the I7

Now if you're talking strict gaming purposes now currently, no it isn't worth it for a strictly only gaming PC. But if you multitask a lot on one system the I7 6700k will blow the living shit out of any I5 and does offer some minor (not really noticeable) differences to some game performance (it will add a few frames on comparable systems running an I5)

That would work, but you could go for an older and less powerful CPU, like an i5 3XXX

you could buy that now or wait until the new zen chips come out and see what prices are like

AMD likely in mid to late July

Nividia 1080 on May 27th, 1070 2 weeks later. Expect reference cards for the first month with 100$ added to them in price (basically if you are okay with spending an extra 100$ go for it) but companies like MSI/ASUS/GIGABYTE etc will have their own versions of the card that could be superior (better cooling)

so basically July for both if you want the non reference versions.

That sounds nice. Okay, i shall wait. Thank you dude

PC gaming is always "BUT WAIT TILL" no fuck that, PC is a dynamic platform, it doesn't matter how long you wait for hardware, there will always be something better at some point.

So to OP get the R9 390 now and don't listen to the faggots telling you to wait. The new cards will run you way more $$ for like 10-15% in game performance increases compared to their previous generation cards. Then a year later there will be even BETTER ones.

The question is, is the R9 390 enough for 1080p gaming now? Yes it is. Will it be good for another year or two? Yes it will be. Upgrade the damn card then, like I said PC gaming is dynamic.

The cards aren't all going to drop drastically when the next generation releases either. If you want to wait 2 months for non reference version expensive cards go for it, but the hardware on the market now is fine.

For price to performance beating the R9 390 is not possible right now.

thanks pajeet

Not OP but I also need some help.

Just built a new rig:

I5 6600k
Asus z170-AR
16 GB cosair ddr4
120gb S SD

What video card should I get? I am running 2 old GTX 660Ti in SLI and I think my videos are my new bottleneck.

I saw you guys said wait for the new video cards to hit, then current models will drop price.

What should I get when the prices drop?

This isn't like the usual "wait for the next year and a half for the next cards". The next gen is a few weeks away from retail, so it's worth waiting for them.

What's your budget?

>The new cards will run you way more $$ for like 10-15% in game performance increases compared to their previous generation cards
I think they meant that i should wait because the prices will drop, and also the wait would be only a couple of weeks, I'm not desperate for this project tbqh

massive die shrinks are worth the wait and aren't something that happen every year.

>1080p gaming
R9 390 or R9 390x if you can find one around the same price (both cards are like within 1-5fps in performance)
Fury or Fury X or GTX 980 TI
2 GTX 980 TI

>Recommending Fury cards

Have you looked at the benchmarks yet? Literally the 1080 is the only card worth waiting for. POLARIS is barely any better than what AMD has out now currently, the only thing appealing is the price point.

The cards that come out in 2017 will be worth waiting for over these ones.

Wait for 1000 series as the 1070 should be about the same price range of the 970 (actually that's how the budget tiers usually go), even if it's just a 10% performance increase that's 10% you're getting for free, unless you're buying used in which case knock yourself out.

Also don't go with an i7 off the bat, an i7 is something you can consider if you're on a X80 or X80 Ti GPU and you want to put more money into your CPU for a top build, it makes no sense to go for if you're deciding on a X70 GPU, the majority of your budget should always be on the GPU side if your intention is gaming unless you have specific CPU heavy games in mind, but probably not.

AMD till I die motherfucker

>the only thing appealing is the price point.
Well, isn't it the whole point? Wait for a few weeks and you'll get the equivalent of a 390 that costs less, runs cooler, uses less power and packs more recent technologies.

>Brand loyalty
How old are you?

half the nvidiots that troll this board are teenagers buying pre-assembled computers on their parents' credit cards.

I actually disagree with this. I think the majority of the budget should be on the motherboard and CPU because they are components you build upon. The GPU is something you replace every 1-3 years.

People will bitch at me for this but a good CPU will last you 5 years. A good GPU will last you at most 3. It makes sense to put more money into the components that you will have to replace less often.

>I think the majority of the budget should be on the motherboard and CPU because they are components you build upon.
I would agree if you were making a PC not primarily meant for video games. But here, the PC is worthless if it can't do why it was built in the first place.

Okay, that helped me a lot to refine my budget.
Thanks a lot senpais.

Now, last question.
Let's say i decide to wait for the graphics card.
If the mobo has a vga/dvi/hdmi port that means i can use it without a graphics card, can't i?

Yes, you can use the GPU integrated inside the processor. Assuming there is one.

Oh, so it depends on the processor. Let me check then.

This post just shows how you know fuck all about anything

Well i have all the info i needed so I'm gonna abandon the thread.
Thanks to everyone.
You're welcome to keep cutting each other's throats for liking stuff you dislike.

i built my 4690k with a msi 390 last december
only thing i didn't like about the 390 is that it doesn't have a hdmi2.0 port and my 4k TV doesn't have a DP, so i had to use a 40€ adapter


To be faire literally no card has HDMI 2.0/DP 1.3 yet.
But the 1000 series and the 400 series will.

>There is already small but welcome gain in using hyperthreading multicore CPUs in gaming as well. And when the games start to require 4 cores at minimum (getting there), the HT will only help your system stay relevant.
HT overwhelmingly does nothing for games, there is a generally a big problem with an underutlisation of more than 2 cores, and any prospective better usage of the 4+ physical cores we're starting to see isn't cause to think that HT is suddenly going to start actually being helpful, just that we're going to be getting more out of the quad-core cpus we've had for years.

HT has some use in non-gaming applications, where it can get a small performance boost in well made programs, and a larger boost in programs that are heavily multithreaded but don't do a good job of saturating the available processing power, but for games it's basically snake-oil.

the 970 comes with hdmi2.0 tho

Does it now? Guess I'm not as well informed as I thought.

Go with R9 390 if you need something right now, at /r/pcmasterrace 390 is a meme already.

Wait for R9 480X or GTX 1070 if you can.

Do not buy GTX 970 unless it's for $200. Buying 970/980/980Ti right now is the stupidest GPU purchase you could possibly make.

>at /r/pcmasterrace
Excuse me?

>everything i've tried works on ultra
Of course, it works. At what framerate though?

dont buy a fucking PC right now, at least wait until NVIDIA release their next card in like 2 months