It's that time for yet another early-ish morning attempt at a Grim Dawn thread

It's that time for yet another early-ish morning attempt at a Grim Dawn thread.

Talk about the game, you wonderful creatures. Let us not have a repeat like yesterday thanks to the kids.

Other urls found in this thread:'s-Rifle's-Bounty's-Hat's-Jacket

Shut up fag this game is garbage and so are you.

Two (2) accusations and two (2) falsities. A shame.

One falsity tops.
This game is worse than D3 or Path of Exile.

You are more than entitled to your opinion, friend.

See, I gave you free bumps but nobody wants to talk about your game.

I know, and I appreciate it them, user. It has only been a short time so perhaps we should wait longer.



Shit game, Play D3 or PoE instead