Does Sup Forums like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?
If the answer is 'Yes': What's your favourite Clan?
Have you ever played as a Malkavian?
Does Sup Forums like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?
If the answer is 'Yes': What's your favourite Clan?
Have you ever played as a Malkavian?
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Of course Sup Forums likes VtMB, it's a Sup Forums cult classic.
Yes, on my second playthrough. I liked the different reactions from NPCs but the dialogue options got on my nerves after a while.
I like it
Nosferatu always seemed the most interesting and the one I would play if I actually did a WoD game
>not playing based ventrue
>I can tell you and I are going to get along just like fire hoses
What did she mean by this?
>Does Sup Forums like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?
Most of Sup Forums seem like it to some degree. Also Sup Forums is not one person.
>If the answer is 'Yes': What's your favourite Clan?
In VtMB its the Toreador, in the tabletop the Tzimisce.
>Have you ever played as a Malkavian?
Yes, I wasn't expecting stripper outfits but it was an overall good experience.
>being a cuck
no thanks
These guys seem like they would be fun to roleplay as, just see how fucked up you can go until either you run out of ideas or the DM tells you to fuck off
>natural leaders
top brujah
Tzimisce and Lasombra best clans.
You're mistaking the Ventrue with the Tremere and not only that, Camarilla fucks with the true Sabbat ones.
It's especially fun if you know a bit of Sade and Bataille, you can go full edge while masking as some sort of iconoclast philosopher.
Just don't open it
>In VtMB its the Toreador
With guns, right?
Gangrels are better in melee.
It's my favourite game. Other games might be technically more fleshed out in story and have more immersive combat, but this game's pure character, setting and atmosphere elevate it far beyond any other RPG, if you're into it.
My niggers.
Nosferatu is best clan. Also pretty comfy and safe afterlife compared to other clans.
Of course, maxed Celerity, Auspex and Presence makes you into an unstoppable killing machine.
Played it recently for first time as Malkavian, cause only they and Nosferatu feels really different.
I think this game aged very badly. Interface is terrible. Sidequests makes you fight boss'es, which i didn't want to. Malkavians spoils twists for you.
>no option to glimpse into your past life by accepting her offer just so you can remove all traces as result
Wasted opportunity, really a shame.
Never played it, but as soon as I get my self some time I'll do it
>Does Sup Forums like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?
>If the answer is 'Yes': What's your favourite Clan?
In game it's Tremere, in RPG Harbingers of skulls.
>Have you ever played as a Malkavian?
No, one day I will.
>Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Anonymous 05/24/16(Tue)17:23:00 No.3387
Yes, ofcourse we like it and the first time i played it was as a malkavian. Shit was odd.
>Played it recently for first time as Malkavian, cause only they and Nosferatu feels really different.
Literally why... the first thing Sup Forums tells you is to do a first playthrough with anyone BUT malk and save it for second playthrough. Everyone is going to feel unique because you haven't played the game in the first place, so it's not like you can appreciate the difference between a malk and a typical clan. It's like playing 2 different games.
He still does, returned a couple of months a go, although he doesn't seem open to do more VtM stuff.
Eh it's fine, he's basically covered every clan in all versions of the game anyway. But yeah I noticed him still doing some interviews and such.
Well, other clans felt different as human races from skyrim.
>Harbingers of skulls
Good taste, friend.
>the first time i played it was as a malkavian
Hell yeah, I also love the Tabletop it's based on.
Favorite clan is a toss up. Tremere or Toreador make for the best default playthrough. Memekavian is fun for s 2ND playthrough.
>Harbingers of skulls
Why are they even called that again? Why are they a clan on its own? They are literally Cappadocian.
I think they're a bloodline.
So yeah, you're right.
I did that too and shit was confusing never beat it that way. Played again after I bought it with brujah or w/e and beat it.
I always chose the Tremere.
Playing Alucard is cool af.
Im playing it right now; holy shit that hotel level is creepy.
Can't talk about a favorite clan, but I'm playing one of these blood magic vampire.
>Im playing it right now; holy shit that hotel level is creepy.
I heard it's one of the best horror part in a game ever.
>Can't talk about a favorite clan, but I'm playing one of these blood magic vampire.
See this
>Playing Alucard is cool af.
Alucard is a Tzimisce and a master of Vicissitude. The tremere are just faggots with shit-tier magic(they get reckt by Ur-Shulgi pretty easily).
I've only played Malkavian
>they get reckt by Ur-Shulgi pretty easily
tbqh I doubt there's any vampire beyond 2nd/3rd gen that can stand up to Ur-Shulgi. That thing could btfo antediluvians if it's at its prime. I'd wager only a few 3rd gen vamps (like Tzimisce) could take it on and safely defeat it.
A question for those who know the lore: Do Nictuku and Nosferatu share the same disciplines? Or does the nosferatu antediluvian have a unique discipline that is shared only with the Nictuku but not the nossies?
Did you give it up?
>Do Nictuku and Nosferatu share the same disciplines? Or does the nosferatu antediluvian have a unique discipline that is shared only with the Nictuku but not the nossies?
According to the White Wolf wiki, they have Auspex, Celerity and Potence.
>Clan Weakness:
"The Hungry suffer from an inability to gain sustenance from kine blood. If a Nictuku were to drain a human completely, they would only be capable of drawing sustenance from roughly a third of the blood drained. However, Cainite vitae nourishes them normally.
Additionally, age is difficult and transforming on the bloodline. For every hundred years since their Embrace, the Hungry become more monstrous in appearance. But their physical bodies also grow stronger, until they reach the peak of human (and vampiric) physical potential. They grow slowly but decidedly bent, twisted, and ever more deadly, slowly aging grotesques that blame the Nosferatu for their condition"
>Do Nictuku and Nosferatu share the same disciplines?
In theory yes, although not much is known about the Nictuku since they don't really do anything other than occasionally kill a Nossie or sleep in the Amazon.
Interesting. I didn't bother to check the wiki because last time I checked I remember that the wiki page on Nictuku didn't exist. I'll go read that then. Thanks.
"I heard it's one of the best horror part in a game ever."
Yeah I can easily see why