I'm really losing my mind here, Sup Forums

i'm really losing my mind here, Sup Forums.

you made me completely ruin my character.
you told me to not waste my souls on Vitality or Vigor. and i swear, i didn't. not a single level up. All level ups were given into Strength and Endurance.

Dark Souls 3 up until now was all fun and games until i met this bitch here. She literally one hits me, with each single hit. doesn't matter what armor i wear, doesn't matter if i use ember or not.

i don't know what to do anymore. and i'm not joking if i tell you that i must have at least tried to beat her around 70 times by now (since a try doesn't last too long)

>inb4 gitgud xD

git gud

maybe put some points into vit or vigor fag

Invest some points into Vigor then?

btw i'm level 74 and have 51 strength and 31 endurance, but 13 vitality and 15 vigor.

My healthbar is a joke. what did you do to me?

just don't get hit lol

>not playing it blind
you deserve not having fun you fucking faggot

Have fun getting one shotted at pvp


thats what i'm trying to do. i got very far too, but its too hard. some of her animations start and finish right when i'm already mid-animation, making it completely impossible to avoid getting hit. basically a RNG.

You can respec.
Get about 30 points into vigor and stop listening to Sup Forums ffs.

just respec at rosaria you fucking mongoloid
you don't need 31 END and unless you're using an S-scaling strength weapon you don't need 51 STR

Why wouldn't you ever level up your vgr on your first playthrough? You deserve punishment for listening to Sup Forums memers. Wear the best armor you have for under 70% equip load and get Lloyd's shield ring from the shrine handmaiden and you should be able to survive one hit of almost all of her attacks. Alternatively just go respec at Rosaria.

>15 vig
How did you get past Aldrich and Pontiff?

>going over 40 STR

Full retarded.

>51 strength
stay at 40

Also unless you're wearing a ring that reduces damage absorption there's no way every attack one shots you because I've beaten her sl1 and even then I could survive some hits and pretty much one hit of everything with the shield ring.

Go to rosaria and sort yourself out

>taking advice in a video game from Sup Forums

You reap what you sow

i'm using the Profaned Greatsword

>he didn't put any points in health

top snozzle, at least have 25 points mate

Bullshit. I had a sturdy build with decent armour and still could get one shot killed by this boss. The only way I beat it was to not get hit.

My advice to OP is clear the sides and use the pillars as cover when she spins to win.

being good i guess?

take the 11 out of str and put it into dex or vit
you'll probably get more damage bonus out of the dex than the diminished strength

Do a sl1 run and you'll see that it's not bullshit. If you had a significant amount of vigor then there's no way she could one shot you.

lower str by 10
get vigor to 25
fuck vit and heavy armor is mostly useless anyways

I suppose. They've both got bs moves but I don't think either one shots

funnily enough, the spinning move is the one she never gets me with (spam roll and she doesn't hit me) its the quicker slashes of her, or the grab, that kill me. like i said, the animation of those moves start AND finish right when i'm mid animation, i can't possibly avoid getting hit of those. the pillar idea is neat though.

>literally falling for that lie

Vitality is shit but 27 Vigor is fucking necessary on any build. Your fault for being retarded and listening to Sup Forums.

I'll bet you put points into swimming on Deus Ex.

How do I use Fume sword then?

Two hand it you doofus

what does END even do?

also, just go respec nigga

I would give you a fair point, but you replied with a chinese cartoon reaction image, so fuck off.

>having over 40 Str
>putting ANY points into End at all
>not having 27 in Vig

jesus christ you are a retard
please tell me you're wearing medium or heavy armor instead of Worker set as well

>put all points to vigor and endurance
>raw astora straightsword
>mfw beat dancer at lvl 30 without tricks

literally adquire proficiency

its not a fair point anyway. you arent gonna beat anyone besides shitters if you can switch up your moveset to use the 1hand attacks with fume sword


Rate my character Sup Forums. Her name is Aoi, by the way.

jesus wept what a fuck up

start deprived

get 40 dex, 40 str, 14 vit, 25 vig

use sunlight straight sword, pharis bow, pyro flame, and lothric shield

use knight, hunter, havel + rings and whtever other ring you like. ring of favour or prisoner chain is good

wear either lothric helm and alva armor or assassin hood and faraam armor with leonhard gloves and EK legs. you'll be able to midroll and should have some points left for customisation

stack carthus flame buff and the sunlight sword buff when you need them for huge damge per hit. with full stamina you can swing 6 times with 1 hand r1s

you'll have 80SL and you can easily steam roll your way through the game with this build

put a goddamn helmet on.

If you need souls just white phantom for bosses

You can also respec at rosaria

You're also a god damn retard

>listening to Sup Forums
>a cesspit of kids pretending to know anything at all

you brought this on yourself for taking anyone on this website serious


Much better. 9/10, can still see neck visible.

Who the fuck told you not to level VIG?

That's fucking stupid

>no helmet
>sjw hair
>plate legs, skirt and gloves with a leather jacket

this nigga wears demin jackets, sweat pants and dress shoes IRL


You listened to retards.

go to rosaria. reduce strengh to 40, endurance to 25. raise vit to 30. problem solved

Just sumon someone ffs

soft cap at 27 vit. The game becomes a breeze and now i understand why so many people had an easy time with it. just level it first.

>didn't level VIG
You're the retard for not leveling your HP.

Get dragon crest shield and tank her hits, roll away after a hit or 2 depending on the attack and avoid her dark sword.

Nigga, please. Don't lump me together with those SJW cucks.

>idiots telling him to not level up endurance
Yeah, expect another shit build then. Any normal ds3 build would be 30+endurance, 30+ vigor and then 40/40 into 2 of your damage stats like strength/dex/faith/int dpending on what weapon/spells you are rolling with.

>literal zoe quinn head
>silly cishet white male scum, dont call me SJW tee hee

20 endurance
40 str
+22 hp
build is fixed

20 Vig carried me to NG+++, Nameless King in NG++ included, since I went for the ring achiev

Sorry you got bullied by those people, user.

Do you pillow fight with your brother, Sup Forums?

Level up your Agility to get more i-frames.


Many weapons especially the FUGS get pretty decent returns after 40 str

Going to 66 so you have 99 when two handing isn't a bad idea

For reference the FUGS has like 572 at 50str, like 605 at 66, and 659 at 99 IIRC

That makes it pretty hard hitting, out damaging most big weapons even on a quality build

>Warrior Start
>30 vig
>20 End
>40 Int
>6 Att
>11 Dex
>16 Str
>Moonlight Greatsword
>Magic Clutch Ring
Is best build for "lowish" invading. Level 65. Invading in dungeon. One shotting phantoms. Two Shotting Hosts.

Feels good.

I don't have a brother.

Ignore the loli and waste levels on strength. You do you my man

Don't understand why people sexualize these guys, they just look gross and sickly.

don't listen to the retards and brainlets telling you to stop at 40 str

They're braindead redditors that read this and have started spouting it. remember, it's summer, already

that depends on if you already "maxed out" the other stats and what build you run for PvE

I would rather go for 30/40 vigor + 30/40 end + 15/20/25 vit before I go over 40 str

>I didn't invest any in health and now I can't take a hit.

Don't get hit.

If she one shots you, then get the carthas blood whatever ring and don't stop rolling with your never-ending stamina that you invested so much in.

Any reason why you're spouting memes? What exactly is he going to tout at 51 str and 15 vig?

Fume sword was nerfed though, you're not going to do shut with it in PvP anyways.

Clutch rings add roughly 6% for PvP instead of the full 15% but still make you take 15% more damage

They aren't particularly worth it for PvP

FUGS is terrible for its weight

Heavy Greataxe 50str - 612 AR
Yhorm 50 str - 633 AR
FUGS 50str - 570 AR

the only reason to use FUGS at this point is the one handed moveset or strike damage for PvE, but cathedral UGS does the same thing and weighs nearly 10pts lighter, not to mention.
>cant parry 2h yhorm's or greataxe r1's
>greataxes swing faster
>can parry all fugs attacks besides the stomp weapon art
>warcry is better than stomp anyways
>all greataxes are lighter than FUGS.

I don't wanna sound like a dick but this boss is really easy.

Either you get the timing down with the dodges or you just block through everything with a greatshield and magic shield.

I capped at 19 str and 11 dex to wield the Zweihander and that leaves me with the only greatshield available (Twin Dragon Greatshield) which is still decent enough for this boss and all the previous bosses.

It is but I was just saying that it's not necessarily a bad idea to go 66 str

Yhorms gets a decent dump at 66 and 99 as well

You're right in that they wrecked the FUGS and that it's way to heavy for its damage though. Sucks because it was my favorite weapon in DaS2

Yea bumping str to 60 works for plenty of weapons, the returns arent that bad.

>wrecked the FUGS and that it's way to heavy for its damage though.
Pretty much, honestly it wasnt even that good, damage wise it was the highest yes, but unlike other ultra greatswords, you could parry the 2handed attacks making it parry bait in PvP...which unfortunately, jap twinks couldnt handle anything other than mashing r1, so here we are now.

Honestly they should put the damage as it once was, and just remove the ability to buff it, maybe increase stamina cost a bit even though it already eats a fuck ton. As it stands now it's worthless for its weight.

To beat NG there is zero reason to go over 40 strength.

This. How the fuck could you possibly be so stupid as to avoid the health stat?

I feel like they should at least give it 10% of its original AR back and just remove it's ability to be buffed

It should be the strongest pure strength weapon for the weight but it doesn't need like 720 ar or whatever crazy thing it had before, it just needs more than what it has now

Literally killed her in one try

git gud

Seriously, just get good. Take your ADHD pills and pay attention.

Why did you think that was a good idea?