Defend this, Paradox fangays.
Paradox Are Cu-cks
Other urls found in this thread:
You shitlord, OP
The mods are on their way to beat you up
DL link with the mod for posterity?
Hello Sup Forums buzzwords.
As the moderator of /r/gsg I am proud to have made a post calling Johan a nigger.
If this isn't a developer trying to push an agenda I don't know what is
>>Sup Forums
>Thread about a video game gets deleted on Sup Forums
>Same thread on Sup Forums has been up for ages
Shitty mods, sort your lives out.
It's vidya related, fuck off m8
Just make a mod to make them all black, it'll not noly be left alone but get top downloaded mod.
people should be able to mod games how they want, Sup Forums memery aside
You could argue that putting out a mod that made all humans white is pushing an agenda, as well.
Include hidden modifiers that hinder research and make your population run all planets into the ground
You don't give a shit about the game, you just want to push your Sup Forums agenda. Also, how fucking stupid can you be if you think a company can endorse a mod like this.
>All those literally triggered faggots in the comments
God forbid an optional mod you don't need to install exist.
and cucks are defending this
Good I've never paid for a paradox game besides Mount & Blade.
Fuck those sjw
Yeah, like girls with dicks in Skyrim, right moron?
A mod like what? Are white people taboo?
Fuck off, pussy.
It's a mod, you can have whatever agenda you want it's not hurting anyone, just don't use it if you don't like it.
So you could argue that, but it doesn't really hold up.
so they're not allowed to pull mods they don't like
Why are you still crying about this? They should do this with every mod that removes content from a game. If this was with blacks or Mexicans they should do the same thing.
>Sup Forums taking the side of the SJWs
Have i accidentally opened bizarro Sup Forums?
Click the link in the OP, there's a link for it.
It's also something you can do yourself, it's easy to do.
>Those comments
And yet they kept the mod for Asian or African only pops.
just neo-Sup Forums
PDX are Swedish, they've been banning swastika mods from WW2 games since I can remember. This is not news except OP just learned about it so he needs to shitpost
>Paradox pre-empting a PR nightmare by quashing this bullshit before anything starts
You know if they didn't there'd be a bunch of faggots on Twitter tweeting at them with a bunch of question marks on the end eg AREN'T YOU GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS RACISM IS BAD??????????????
I would do the same thing. It's not worth the headache.
inb4 mods try to shut it down again
Fuck off nigger.
This is game related
Traditionally, mods are content unregulated by the original creators.
This is still true really, it says in the article you can get the mod on moddb, so it's kinda a click bait article really I mean who the fuck uses official channels for mods?
Fucking why should it be removed? It's an optional mod. For a single player game. Nobody has to use it. This is the same as them removing optional mods that gives swastikas to the germans in hearts of iron, but even more stupid since at least in that case there are actual laws against swastikas.
>"we do NOT however wish to enable discriminatory practices."
>The entire point of the game is your race against every other race based entirely on different aesthetics and beliefs
A huge amount of people that play this game roleplay as some form of space Nazi, be it literally Nazi Germany in space or "The Imperium"
Does Paradox not realize this?
Who pulled it? Steam or Paradox? It seems unfair to force people to limit how they play with their own client.
>It's another episode of Sup Forums crying about Stormfront shit.
>It's also a re-run
>fucking pussy
You think you're hot shit because you defend Sup Forums tier garbage on Sup Forums? lmao
>Traditionally, mods are content unregulated by the original creators.
And that "unregulated" part ends when they start being put on a platform like steam. You can freely make and distribute this mod on your own.
Your rights end where their terms of service begin, welcome to the internet bucko, free speech doesn't on most of it.
I TOLD YOU Sup Forums
Its the new jewniators.
The infiltration of /v is going on.
Shit ton of shilling and so on.
Just report the jewinators for purging game related threads.
>I have no grasp of social or historical context, or understanding of basic human relations in the last two hundred years: the post
I'm not sure if people are just playing willfully ignorant if they think there's no contextual difference here.
>you can literally enslave or purge any population that has a different belief than your original population
>this is a major point of the game and a pivotal gameplay feature
This must be a late April 1st joke.
Racism is racism, user.
At this point they might as well make it imposible to enslave blacks
But White Wolf was always a bunch of SJWs. The three most important members of the Anarchs in bloodlines are a Mexican, a woman, and a black guy.
>Fucking why should it be removed?
Because it has no reason to exist.
>Likes: Islam, Feminism
Shitposters looking to get their epic (You) fix and shills
>being white and liking it is Sup Forums
Fuck off.
Maybe you should read the article
Where are your statistics friend?
Except it doesn't, it adds a "choose your diversity" option
Personally I'm not playing human because I can't stand my empire having no identity
To be fair, WoD has always been gay and had that shit in it.
Mods/Janitors will delete this one as well. Go on, reddit it up dudes.
Yeah it's pretty retarded, why would you go out of your way to remove mods? It's free content and an extra incentive for customers to buy the game.
But also, as far as I'm aware, no one uses the retarded shit like steamworkshop, sites like the nexus and moddb have been doing it way longer and way better than steam.
>So why is it ok to have color pops but white pops are bad?
People should play the game the way they want to play it.
You also have no reason to exist yet you're not getting removed, it exists because people want it.
I'll just enslave and/or purge all non white pops now. Good job paradox.
no. because whites don't have a history and continued system of systematic violence against them.
>we do NOT however wish to enable discriminatory practices.
>Game about purging aliens
Yes it does, some people want to play it
There is no racism.
Just one standing on top shiti g on the rest.
Its called live.
And if i decide to kill all niggers in my game its my fucking bussnes and no one else.
Nobady is forcing this mod on you so stop forcing your retardet idology on others.
>But also, as far as I'm aware, no one uses the retarded shit like steamworkshop
Good joke. Steam workshop has the most downloads of mods for almost every game compared to third party sites, with the only real exception being Bethesda games since they have a lot of adult or otherwise unallowed (executable, extensions, etc) mods
oh gee, i wonder why half the replies of your thread contains Sup Forums memes such as cuck and triggering
surely it's not related to you fags spilling all over the website
>You also have no reason to exist yet you're not getting removed, it exists because people want it.
But I will die in time just like this mod did.
You should've did that in the first place.
The problem isn't that they are cucks. The problem is they are abusing their power to delete mods from modders. They are literally cancer. Basically any mod those scums decide are "problematic" will be removed.
you can literally make this mod by yourself in less than 2 minutes
Haven't you made enough thinly veiled white supremacist threads today, Sup Forums?
>why would you go out of your way to remove mods?
Because you don't condone what they do?
lol, spot the cuck indoctrinated by liberal teachers
>those comments
agenda 21
Well they pulled it off the steamworks, which is under their management. You can still download the mod on the internet
here is a post in defense of paradox :
they did the right thing.
Against themselves they do, but they've stopped for the most part. More money in peace right? Asia is catching up though, the next few hundreds years will be theirs. Actually sort of want a mod that makes everyone asian.
>abusing their power to delete mods from modders.
you're joking right? They can delete whatever the hell they want from their own website and it says so when you register
And some people don't want to
PCfags everyone
>But also, as far as I'm aware, no one uses the retarded shit like steamworkshop, sites like the nexus and moddb have been doing it way longer and way better than steam
Might want to leave Sup Forums and get a grasp of the world of normies these days. Only shit like Fallout/Elder Scrolls get major nexus use. Check the Steam Workshop download counts for most other games mods vs Moddb or Nexus. Steam is the normies king of mods for everything non-Bethesda
Good thing you can still download the mod elsewhere
Then a new one gets open untill bans start and report are send out and the fucking jew crew of janitors have to explain why they purge game threads on /v
>make a game where you can holocaust entire alien species
>somehow you are not allowed to holocaust parts of the human race
So fuckin what? Do you think whites living today are responsible for violnce that happened before they were born? Do you really think they are obligated to apologize just by the virtue of being white?
If they had just left it, no one would've cared. By removing it they have drawn attention to it. Are they mentally challenged?
Guys, guys come on. You might have to have brown humans but you can just ENSLAVE them in game.
Fuck liberals and their political correctness bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of seeing mobs of them ganging up on anything they don't like.
I wonder if this mod will go down
>Be lizard race
>red skinned lizards are allowed to be in science and government
Do you condone horses with giant dicks fucking women in the ass?
I doubt bethesda is into that either, but some people are, why ruin their fun for no reason?
Another reason to not use the steam workshop. What a fucking joke.
>agenda is only bad when its not mine
You do know that almost every board is incredibly racist since the beginning of the site.
>If they had just left it, no one would've cared
have you been in a coma the last 10-15 years?
>mods vs developers
if you dont see the difference there then you are really beyond help.