>Literally a moba with guns
>a skill cap so low that even john_fanfan2003 can get kills
if you play this game you are cancer
>Literally a moba with guns
>a skill cap so low that even john_fanfan2003 can get kills
if you play this game you are cancer
God that woman is ugly. She has such a punchable face.
No shit. It's an fps for failed normies.
This is the most accurate description of overwatch I've ever seen.
>ruining an already shit character with shit merchandise
When will the low skill cap meme end?
Since you're so pro, show me a video where you get headshots only with Zenyatta please.
I totally get what you mean. The only people I know who are into Overwatch are the same people who get rejected by both normies and non-normies
What FPS do you think I should play instead?
Jesus this board is filled with aspie faggots who can't stand people having fun. You guys are literally the worst community when it comes to gaming. Enjoy being miserable faggots while the rest of us have fun with our friends you fucking losers.
/r9k/ go back to your containment board.
dont even bother
they all suck nowadays
only insurgency is decent and it doesn't have a large playerbase
>You guys are literally the worst community when it comes to gaming.
You just now figured that out about Sup Forums?
Show me a board that's decent for anything.
/fit/ is mostly flabby and skinny losers who pretend to be fitness experts
Sup Forums is literal Alex Jones worshipping neckbeards who find everything exciting because they lack a life
Sup Forums is filled with young teens who have seen every Hollywood hacking movie and thinks how the world works
There is literally no decent board.
>mfw literally all of my friends are getting the game and they are normie as fuck
One of them even has a fucking gf.
but im gemini
That game was pure fucking garbage
quit with the samefag jesus christ
we under, you dislike the game.
Its great what are you on about m8, shit you can even play WW2 maps.
>There is literally no decent board.
/ck/ has always been decent.
probably too hard for you
you play overwatch after all so you're probably bad at games in general
>getting killed by a faggot with a low skill cap
someone needs to git gud
Randy, please stop making these threads.
You're embarrassing yourself.
death is literally unavoidable because of ultimates
>on overwatch
was next?
competitive gameplay? pf hah
Why do good games make you so mad?
yes but you need to remove that hat from that shitty character
I feel like this needs to be a banner
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Like Quake 3 arena.
Haha. Damn you sound pretty bad.
nice non-argument in an attempt to make me mad
grow up little boy
He got you to reply though. :^)
I think you are mad.
>just about every character loudly announces their ultimate
literally git gud faggot
why are you trying to post as if you are a different person
at least try to use a different posting style
they're both shit. Except one is a fascist and a racist and will start WW3 if we don't elect Hillary
All politicians are shit.
Mei isn't fascist, dummy.
/r9k/ used to be good when it was a bunch of NEETs sharing their stories and their social anxiety and when every image HAD to be original.
Now it's filled with bitter kids who think theyre in some sort of secret club and want to be the next James Holmes.
Man, remember when Sup Forums was golden?
Someone needs to stop being a girl.
I was talking about Trump
/ck/ and /diy/ are best
/tg/'s not half bad as long as you like 40k
That's even sillier.
What's MOBA about this game, exactly?
There's no boring farming mechanic, games don't take a year to finish.
Why are all the normies playing this game?