



Fukken owned lmao.

How is this game btw? I find it hard to drop 20/30 but I really like rougelikes.

>man at arms so low


I'd aruge Crusader should be S due to Zealous and stunning blow alone.

Barely a Roguelike, wait for a sale.

Did they nerf Houndmaster, Occultist, Plague, and Abomination?
I remember them being really good when I played the game

When is this coming to vita? I like to play these kinds of games on it more than on my pc.

I think its coming to ps4, but not sure about vita.

You realize that highwayman is severly underpowered and objectively shit right?

He is a damage dealer with low damage and his ability to deal damage regardless of position doesn't make up for it because Grave Robber can do that orders of magnitude better.

He was one of the first classes and was balanced before the inttroduction og things like PROT etc.

PROT can go fuck itself. It's very common, it makes monsters twice as hard to kill and has like 2 fucking hard counters to it in the whole game and even those take multiple turns to apply to full effect.

It's not a roguelike but it's pretty good. Although sometimes it feels pretty fucking unfair. Like you get hungry in 4 out of 4 corridors or shit like that. I feel a lot more in control of things with games like X-com or FTL. Here, even if you're good at the game, shit can really quickly hit the fan. I guess if you like rogulikes you're not easily frustrated so it's not so bad. It has god tier atmosphere and it's addictive.

Occultist hasn't changed much. Plague Doctor actually got some pretty big buffs (I'm not sure when the last time you played was) and Abomination was pretty heavily nerfed too (especially with the change where camp buffs only last several fights rather than forever so you couldn't stack all the damage buffs onto him and have him one shot everything in the dungeon). Houndmaster also got hit with some nerfs

IMO the best characters are the Grave Robber, Houndmaster and Bounty Hunter, but every character can be pretty good in the right team comp

I'm only in the first year of my new game but I have never gotten a negative town event. It's only been positive. Maybe it's a bug or maybe the chance of bad events progressively grows as the game goes on.

>mfw I've gotten like 4 "free Sanitarium" events and all of my level 4+ heroes have excellent quirks locked in

>hey devs, demo when
>when it's released
>game releases
>no demo
fuck this

Last time I played was on release, got up to lv3 dungeons and stopped playing in favor for other games. Did they change anything?

Why wouldn't anyone who wants to try it just pirate it? It doesn't have Denuvo, user. Making a demo would just be a waste of time.

Why do you fucking assholes shit on abomination
Fucking casuals

Pirate for demo then. That's what I did.

I usually don't need to since most worthwhile indie devs actualy provide a demo, but well.

is the game finally out and finished?

>Pirate to demo
Please, like you actually paid for it afterwards.

Gonna draw some lewds when I get back from work.

Give me some requests.

Well how the fuck am I supposed to get a demo then, smartass?

Stop projecting you insecure faggot.
Why would I play a game I wouldn't want to buy?
I pirate games to try them out. If I like them I buy them and if I don't I delete them.

Why is that so hard to believe? I did the same thing.

Fuck clappclaws!

Man at arms
Plague Doctor

when did "Musketeer" come out

it's a backer reward

it's just a reskin of the arbalest

or is it some kind of mod? Looks very well done

>2 arbalests

I can it's supposed to be a marking party but you would be better off with only one and occultist

The musketeer can be unlocked in the files or with a mod. no need to be a backer

see It's great because Arbalest is easily my least favorite character design-wise and the Musketeer is so much better.

I use two more for quickly killing the backline. They can heal up the party easy enough, and I didn't have an occultist available at the time anyhow.


Fits the theme of an ranged fighter a lot better.

>They can heal up the party easy enough
Last I checked it had pitiful healing value.

I only ever used it for getting others out of deathdoor and to make the actual healer heal for more.

They don't heal for a lot individually, but with two they stack the healing buff very quickly and it adds up. I only do it near the end of fights where the other two members can chain stun what's left

>reskin for arbalast that actually uses firearms
Fuck, now I want to make a 2 musketeer/2 highwayman party.

Looping point blank shots could be pretty good, it's pretty much the last highwayman ability that deal good damage.

I like the rotating point blank shots. but the turn order can be super unreliable sometimes, and corpses can mess things up.

I don't remember exactly, but I also think any party that's going to go into the DD needs to have a guard skill, since you only get the three torches

>I like the rotating point blank shots. but the turn order can be super unreliable sometimes
Well you can use pistol shot in that case, still fits the theme I was going for and it slightly benefits from musketeer/arbalest mark too.

Not to mention both skills are listed as ranged and highwayman has a lot of items that boost his ranged damage in exchange for melee.

>and corpses can mess things up
I can image. Shame none of them have any skills to get rid of them.

>The musketeer can be unlocked in the files
How? I only found the mod solution but the problem with that is that it changes some common files so you'd need to manually keep it updated for every patch.