We had a great prey 2 thread yesterday
We had a great prey 2 thread yesterday
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what the fuck Sup Forums
No one wants false hopes
I heard the premise was changed though
Of course it was going to change, wasn't the original prey 2 a system shock prequel?
>Doom 3: 2004
>Prey: 2006
>Prey uses Doom 3 engine
>Doom 4: 2016
>Prey 2: 2018
>Prey 2 uses Doom 4 engine
Now all we need is a Condemned 3 and i can die happy.
Holy shiiiit, yes! please be real.
So they gave it to Arkane to work on after Dishonored 2? Sounds feasible but I don't know.
Is the companion loli-bot still in the game?
I really don't give a fuck. The game bore absolutely zero fucking resemblance to the first game, not a single fucking facet of it even remotely reminds me of it other than it's the same genre.
may as well just make an original IP.
I never even played prey
You should, is amazing
Actually I'm wondering the same. Why do they share the name? I never finished Prey 1 so i thought i missed something
It's gonna be nothing like that e3 demo we saw in 2011. Seriously.
I wouldn't call it amazing.
Its good though. Definitely worth a playthrough. Also i'm pretty sure the only connection to 1 is the protag in 2 was on the airplane that was transported to the alien world in 1.
Pretty sure the team was making their own cyberpunk/alien scifi bounty hunting game and some asshole decided it needed BRAND RECOGNITION and somehow thought Prey would be a recognizable brand.
Prey kind of ruled by the way. Insanely gimmicky FPS, but fun and unique.
>believing E3 trailers
Final product would've been ass, limited by 7th gen consoles at the end of their lifespan.
>bum fighting simulator where you scream people's heads off
Get the fuck out of here.
No we don't. Condemned 2 shat on everything good about 1
You people are fucking crazy. Both are great games.
Bump. Will check in on this thread after a few hours.
>played Prey for the first time earlier this year
>tfw understand now why people were upset about Prey 2
Condemned 2 started off pretty good. Absolutely loved the broken down apartment complex level. There were done other good spots here and there, but the end just became a gunfest and it was way too rushed. The first game is the better game.
fuck off
I hear Condemned 2 was shit so often here and I cannot wrap my head around it. I enjoyed it even more than 1
Do you go through life just constantly making shit up because you're too lazy to know things?
it was gonna involve the main protag from prey that would appear in the middle of the game.
This is the same rumor that was going around last year. Bethesda cancelled the title and Arkane came out and confirmed it too.
just more evidence that the games industry is cancer
Right up there with half-life 3 for me. So much time has passed I literally could care less about the series. Which is a shame really.
>all these people who don't know
We aren't getting the Prey 2 we saw, that version is sitting somewhere on Bethesda's servers at 95% completion.
What we'll be getting is something completely different
It won't be the Prey made by Human Head
So why in the fuck should I care?
I'll never buy this game anyways because fuck Bethesda for killing the original Prey 2 because they couldn't trick Human Head into selling their company
>5% completion
lol you're a guillable little boy aren't you?
>boo hoo we had the game at 98% completion
>just look at our pre-rendered highly scripted E3 demo on par with the Bioshock Infinite demo
>Big mean zenimax fucked us over
>He trusts Zenimax
>When they did the exact fucking same thing to Arkane
It wasn't shit it just retarded. Condemned 1 had limited supernatural elements with a normal fat cop as the protagonist. Condemned 2 made Ethan "the chosen one" with super powers just because.
I love how nobody even considers the possibility that the devs really were incompetent and missed every single deadline. Gotta hate the evil corporations I guess.
Prey aged amazingly well. It's like a combination of Doom and Portal.
Bethesda has a reputation for killing the companies it absorbs. Even it's own IP's aren't safe from their own bullshit.
I guess it's safe to pirate the original because digital vendors have ran out of cd keys?
Yeah cause thats what the video announcement trailer showed. Definitely all System Shock dude.
shit... might have to skip this, that is very distasteful. I think about this sort of stuff even when I play a game. Definitely clouds the field for me in terms of my ability to enjoy something, or at times, even appreciate it.
Does the original have controller support?
What about Halo Wars 2? Is it going to be released?
Win10 exclusive like KI and Gears of War?
Isn't the new Prey 2 a system shock prequel? I got a bit lost in those design documents or whatever they were.
It's really shitty
Zenimax is entirely made up of awful human beings
Bethesda has told Arkane (or Harvey Smith has told his team for Bethesda) to treat Prey 2 like a sequel to System Shock 2, but it won't be that
You are by the far the most retarded person on this board.
You can have this Russian Comdemned instead.