Can we get a cringe thread going?

Can we get a cringe thread going?

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eh, we all were stupid assholes as kids

go to any overwatch threads



RIP Jewario

>This is the jojo fandom now

Is there anything that anime doesn't ruin

that guy tipped his fedora hard

>looking at Youtube comments for cringe

Low-hanging fruit. Color me unimpressed.


This was before the anime though

nice try but jojo fanbase was always cancer

that shit is old as fuck my man, wryyyyyyyyy and za warudo were some of the oldest shit on 4chin



How about I colour you white? with my semen. Oh god I'm horny, user.

Christ. I Couldn't even last a minute.

He'd fit right in here.

>hey Sup Forums, look at these youtube comments!
>they're posted by retarded 12yo!

holy shit Nintendo fans blaming Sony fans for criticism is actually real? I thought it was a boogeyman

>assuming that is a guy



>people picking through random 9 year olds' youtube comments for cringe

Stop being a nigger.


this one takes the cake
I can't believe anyone would talk like that outside of Sup Forums





Aaaand this is why I dont watch "anime" or as I like to call it: shitime.


Jesus Christ

College is just fucked in general. They have optimized the shit out of it to get students in and out with minimum expenditure and you basically get minimum wage adjuncts shitting out this kind of stuff for classes that cost 1000$+ a pop.

Holy fuck this hurts. Where did the parents go wrong.

>S.M the G.O.A.T
every fucking time


that's pretty much every animeposter and anime avatar on steam

What about the Youtube comments of grown men?

Its tough to watch all the innocent people who worked their ass off on this game get shafted but this was well overdue for gearbox and pitchford.


Please tell me someone recorded this

Is there a single video game character that can defeat Sapphirus while he's wielding the Tyrantopphirus?


That's a video game character, though.

I'm sorry you type like that user


>"Since they look and act like female characters, they are waifus. Deal with it."

>I will always let you playstation controller me
What did he mean by this?



it's okay, developers get paid a contract-bound amount with no commission
the actualy money from the sales goes 100% into publishers, CEOs and other worthless suits

Fresh cringe is being created before our eyes

that is some next level fedora


Common sense

>inb4 deleted

Why do niggers love sony so much?

>stop commenting

you guys are assholes
this guy can't help the fact he was born in india

>words of a neet

>I promise i will always let you dual shock me...

Strangley lewd

What's more cringe worthy is that you're Russian.



I truly wish i could enjoy something as much as that guy enjoys that game.

>our relationship is an Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Yes, be my player #2

I got some

Fucking women

Wow, what a fucking autist.


If you want to cringe you need look no further than a SHITFAGGOTS thread.

Is the cringe the fact that someone thought it'd be funny to use those stupid reddit text zoom on shit that's not even funny? Not to mention it's painfully obvious the 2 toilet thing was a joke.

easier to steal than a computer, designed to be so simple as to be usable even by a child and more common than xbone


mario sunshine + beatles + autism =


>I'm sucking my girlfriend's penis

Thats just plain character assassination mate. I'm in college now and the effect of shit like this is easy to see all around me.

what the fuck is the point of this shirt? what the hell would you even tell people if they ask who the people are?


Did I miss something?

>It is your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3™ to be my loving boyfriend now & always. One path of love's Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel™ is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune™. But, because our relationship is an Marvel™ Ultimate Alliance™, I know that we will stand together with a Halo™ above our heads. I promise you will always have a Portal™ to my heart, and I promise I will always let you Sony™ Playstation 3™ DualShock™ Controller me. We are an Army of Two™ and nothing can change that. Love is a Battlefield™ but with you I am in Burnout Paradise™. I don't care that you don't SKATE™ or that you don't play in NHL™. I know that even in a Call of Duty: World at War™, you will protect me. We will stand together even if we get attacked by Mini Ninjas™ or Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin™. You are my Destiny: The Taken King Expansion Pack™ and you will be my Final Fantasy XII™. Can I be your Player #2?

What did she mean by this?

>carlos from tumblrmeme as avatar
>that moment when underfags are stupider than minecraft players

SHITFAGGOTS (Stereotyped Hero Inspired Team Fortress Action Game Going On Two Sides)

Every time I see this image I'm reminded that this is like 96% of gamur grilz in a nutshell

Saw this earlier today.

>I'm sucking my girlfriend's penis

I'll be using that. Thanks, lad.

She loses me at the controller

it's like playing chess with yourself
except you name all the pieces and give them personalities
and you do it for 3000 hours

stop commenting.

What the fuck do they teach in colleges nowadays?

