Risk of Rain

Host waiting eternity edition

RoR 2 when?


>bounce projectile hits but it doesn't register the hit


>no host

My image got used, cool!

>no host

>tfw bought RoR to play with Sup Forums
>every game is filled with artifacts and shitty game modes that a new comer won't even understand what the fuck is going on
I'm still mad about this wasted money and the fact that not even a single man is willing to host a typical game that makes sense

once you go glass you never go back


huntress needs more porn

>plays with Sup Forums before trying singleplayer and playing each class

Fresh meme

I finished the game with most of the characters but the artifact shit and choose whatever you want from a box shit still doesn't make sense and seems shitty compared to normal game

Waiting for open

It's because game by default is sluggish and painful, especially with 4+ people. Glass makes it a much better and interesting experience, but then it gets too easy. so people started rolling with artifacts that would increase the difficulty.

Most have reasons behind them.

Sacri to stop everyone sitting around chests
Glass to make them game not kite a group of mobs around for 5 mins a level
Spite for fun/make the game harder
Origin for extra enemies

Honor comes with command so you can get items. Most people enjoy it more than getting 200 spikestrips but it can get pretty predictable and boring, and thats where I agree with you

>the only r34 on paheal is acrid


I see no problems here.


action number 1
of Step Event2
for object oInit:

unhandled type (668) for F_JS_ToObject
at gml_Script_move_view
stack frame is
gml_Script_move_view (line 0)


paheal is like 90% horribly gay shit, dude.

bur ror is like the perfect r34 for my robot fisting fetish

I don't have much knowledge about western booru type sites

>fireworks actually went off

the absolute fucking madman


Me either, which is probably why I inevitably only find the horribly gay shit.


Reminder that 1x zoom is your friend.

did host die?

Try to rejoin

Prove it.



>Salt not IP banned

It keeps happening

Seeing more things > seeing less things.

Watching yourself > watching useless things

Not seeing where the wurm is about to come through


Less is more.



>'Salt' has joined the game!


Still open?

>disconnected from host

tfw disconnected again

post when open


someone needs to bump.
So I bump

try again

should work now

Still doesn't work. I got IP banned, haven't I?

we started a few minutes ago

enjoy ur ban, faggot

The game completely freezes when I try to join the server, which means the server is either non-existant or I am banned from it
But why did I get banned this time for?

for being a faggot, cunt

Open when.
I need to snipe again

And what did I actually do to be considered a faggot this time?

not knowing there is no banning function in ror

you can't join a server when a game has started or when the server is full. you've gotta wait for someone to post in the thread letting you know that the server is open

The game straight up freezes when I try to join the server, which means I got IP banned. I could join earlier but then I got disconnected mid-game.
When a server is full or in progress, the game doesn't freeze, it just says "connecting" continuously but I can still do things like move my cursor, but this time, it's just straight up freezing, which means I got IP banned.

How long have you been playing RoR for? A week?

I'm not sure if you're trolling at this point or don't understand what I just said.

Why don't you try to redeem yourself?

I banned you because you are the most insufferable cunt I've encountered.

You realise before we even started the game the first time I saw you I called you out on being a shitter, and I was completely right

Get fucking rekt, you cunt.

So when is that server opening up guys

So why don't you all just go straight to the point and just say what is wrong? Saying indirect things like being a cunt doesn't help.

everyone crash or just me?

Yeah let me just give you a guide on how to be a decent human being, you litteraly have autism please leave

All I heard about you is that you like being a shitter.
I also remember you were playing a loader every time I saw you.
If I'd be you, I'd ask what's wrong about me and then try to fix it.

You could just tell him how he fucked up

>You could just tell me how I fucked up
they already did


worms killed me so hard my game crashed.

stop being a cunt

change your ip


Reverse google image search, I was just using it to prove it was me

Also open

Now full

QUICK, make up an artifact
Most pit- increase enemy spawn x2

You pick all the items instantly without leaving some for others yet can't carry, whine when you can't jew people, and act like a complete faggot when you die.

Suspicious bottle.
Every minute, randomly changes your movement keys.

unknown - changes class to random on spawn

All elite enemy spawns are of the same type for that level

>1000 volitile imps chasing your shit to the end of the earth

Google image search didn't help, pal.

bloodstone - attack and move more slowly, will move faster and shoot faster as you make more and more kills

Is all I gleamed off it

Blur - Game moves at 300% speed

>people complain about me jewing
>I stop jewing
>Chill out with people
>Suddenly people hate me
>people call me a cunt
>ask how am I being a cunt
>never receive an actual answer other than being called a cunt several more times

Actually, I stopped picking the items en masse since 2-3 days ago and actually leave out a lot more crates for other players. Idk what made people think now that I jewed again. I actually left crates for players a lot more.
Stopwatch : You must complete the level before the time limit expires, and if it expires, everyone instantly dies. Invincibility cannot prevent the death.

Someone said it could be Arina Molotova, but I'm not sure.
Dunno who's Arina Molotova, either.

Is safe, Post was afk lol

if you didnt want to get banned, you shouldn't of jewwed in the first place

I thought we've already told you that some days ago. Why would you need a refresher?

He stopped jewing though. Unless of course this was his old ban, in which case, sucks to be Salt I guess. He could try proving he's a reformed jew now or something.

Yay my game crashed

Frenzy Worm
every kill increases move speed by 5% for 5 seconds, each kill resets the timer. works up to a 300% speed increase

Who is danni clanni. I can look it up and get tits. But now im genuinely curious who she is as a person and what she does a profession? Is she just some named tumblr/instagram slut or is she an actual significant person in an industry?

as i said, he was jewing. hes a proven jewer. why would he be trusted to not jew?

Judging by the fake tits and slutty hair color / choker, I'd say she's a cam whore.