Overrated, overhyped games

I'll start

ur mom

The shills won't like this thread m8

It sold literally on marketing alone, it's still a good game

It's just pretty pathetic how easily swayed some people are (the same people who will drop the game in a month because they are trash at shooters)

OP you're going to offend the mods

Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit
Overwatch is good
TF2 is shit

>battleborn player

Blizz just pays alot of money to make overwatch seem like a big deal, and in turn it becomes one because of stupid mouthbreathers beleiving the artificial hype

You guys realize people have different tastes. Wait until the streamers, gamur gurlz, and tumblr move on to the next shiny new thing next month

no fuck it I'm seriously tired of being called a shill when I genuinely enjoy a game. if anyone has a problem with that we can make arrangments

why you baitin' son?

Fuck off idiot.

Yep, carried by the type of retards that sub to twitch streams

Also every anti Overwatch thread is being deleted

Also Overwatch is auto-capitalized on mobile, how fucked is that

Actually it's called Overwatch

Best SFM porn ever.
I'll never actually play the game for obvious reasons. But now that I've mentioned it, time to go to /gif/.

You could go to another site where hyper popular casual FPS games get discussed, Sup Forums is not the place for you m8

>Taking a break from playing Overwatch
>Creates shill about Overwatch
Good one OP.

I wish i could

facebook and reddit are only keystrokes away, Not even trying to be a dick, you will have better conversations about this game there.

Literally all of the Dark Souls and Bloodborne games.

Memorize attack animations, Dodge roll, = win.

Game is hot GARBAGE. Only niggers could justify why the game is good.

TF2 actually has balance


How new are you

but I have to fulfill my post quota here :/

Only reason Overwatch is popular is because of Blizzard

Somehow people still think Blizzard Activision is capable of making anything good. They haven't made anything good since WotLK

G-guys, s-so should I buy this game or not?

and 90% of the playerbase are barneyfags

>It sold literally on marketing alone, it's still a good game

You just described every Blizzard game post-Activision. Their marketing division over went a boot camp of sorts when Activision came into the picture. They showed them the art of manipulating the lowest common denominator of consumers. Blizzard has built on that knowledge since then and has become quite adept. I like how they really focus on making use of youtube and twitch celebrities as a form of free advertising and hype build up.

A box full of wet shit can sell if its marketed well enough. And it costs nothing to produce.

My favorite response to shills was how they bring up
>but it's a new release of course people are excited

When blizz has released turd after turd for years now. And even non-turds like Hearthstone, they find a way to ruin


Apparently you're interested in more then just the porn. I'd say go for it.

Just realize what it really is and don't come back here to bitch about what you knew was going to happen.

porn of waifus is the only reason anybody gives a shit about Overwatch

The greatest beauty is being able to pander to waifushitters and the diversity crowd at the same time

What do you mean what it really is?

I'd rather not be singled out for talking shit. I love first person shooters, but I never even batted an eye at this game, not once. Now go eat your slop, you'll love it, I'm being sincere

>And even non-turds like Hearthstone, they find a way to ruin
I still play HS and started in beta. It's very flawed but its a casual card game so it's still fine for what it is.

I'm an ex professional CS and runescape player

>ex professional CS


This game was marketed like it was god itself.

This game is an overpriced F2P (fourty to play) game which will probably be dead in a month.

The twitch viewers aren't even no. 1 (after not even 17 hours after release) anymore

Some time ago i saw the trailer, i was like: "omg i need this is the best thing released in life". One week later i saw a gameplay on youtube and the hype was totally dead. Fucking Blizzard and his fucking hype-injector trailers

Lmao track my IP then faggot. Why are you trying to defend your flavor of the month so much? Why are you trying to act like a tough guy on an anonymous image board? Like my brother got this game last night and we were in a party, all he would talk about is how everyone should spend $60 so he wouldn't have to play alone. He would proceed to tell us we were hating, or just jealous when we all refused.

please just buy the game and some loot cases

I want off this site

See you have the experience that killed hearthstone for me.

Starting earlier this actually having fucking useable cards

backtracing right now

expect me :)

ur not going to act so tough once you're staring down the barrel of my botnet army about to unleash a torrent of DOS attack

If you genuinely enjoy the game then go play it faggot. It's weird, the game is out and available to be played but there's still the same amount of people shilling for it.

Why aren't you playing a game right now bud? Those nickels and dimes don't add up to enough to buy Overwatch, do they Pajeet?

fuck off I'm not a shill I just have invested a lot in this game with cases and if it doesn't do well Im out quite a bit

The server issues were over 20 minutes after launch.

It's a casual game. I really don't expect Sup Forums to like it.

I know this because I am completely fucking casual but I love it; every game I personally like Sup Forums hates because a 10 year old could play it. In a few months this game will definitely be either hated or forgotten here. It's more for casuals and normies with jobs/lives who can only play a few matches daily so they don't notice how boring and simple it is.

>only a few minutes after posting shills have already been triggered
>i've invested a lot in this game with cases
oh honey

I was referring to actual fighting but I see you're too pussy for that shit

time and place

any way you want it I can give it to you

That's a fair assessment to be honest.

I don't see the appeal in overwatch, how ironic it is that the game has unique characters with their own unique abilties and weapons, however somehow that just makes the whole thing even more generic and casual appealing to me.

Maybe I'm just a fucking hipster and I don't know it.

bruh just buy the game and wack it to their asses

it's what I do


Why did anal become so popular? It's actually disgusting. I don't want to see someone's smelly disgusting asshole.


Bro have you ever smelled a girls ass?

No? Why the ever living fuck would I want to smell her shithole? Next you're going to tell me women only fart sunshine and shit rainbows.

It's already hated by anyone that has been here for over a year, don't let actual shills convince you people will continue eating blizzard's turds