>play the game
>99% of the gameplay is entering the arena and enemies spawn, gotta kill them all to move forward
>le epic gore killz xD LE HUGE GUTZ LMAO get repetitive after an hour of play and only ruin pacing

Really? Painkiller: Shitty Art Direction Edition (featuring Epic Memes from Funnyjunk series!) is what people call "real Doom" these days?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you played the whole gang why are you posting a YouTube screenshot?

This smells of troll


>This smells of troll
You smell like reddit.

You're such a pathetic faggot you couldn't even spell it out.

Fuck off and die

Samefag detected

>IP count is still 3
How mad are you, marketer-san :^)

I think it's actually prettyfun


>insert floppy
>99% of the gameplay is entering the arena and enemies spawn, gotta kill them all to move forward
>le epic blood and guts xD SATANISM LMAO get repetitive after an hour of play and only ruin pacing

You think you're fancy or something?
DOOM is back stop being a bitch

>99% of the gameplay is entering the arena and enemies spawn, gotta kill them all to move forward
>le epic blood and guts xD SATANISM LMAO get repetitive after an hour of play and only ruin pacing

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that have never played original Doom games

How many times do you want everyone to tell you how wrong you are before you finally stop making this shitty thread? And wtf about the weed part? Stop being a retard and get your shit together

Huh? Video games?i thought the v stood for virgin

It's been out for over two weeks, lay off the shill-meme already and realize these people are just retarded you fucking faggot.

Except the SATANISM LMAO didn't ruin pacing with the use of Glory Kills. D44M is a pretty good game, but how can anyone deny that glory kill was a mistake and it was provided for casuals who love to see glamor and flashy crap? At least Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare Glory Kills will be the reason you die because of charged projectiles firing at you just as you get out of Glory Kill animation.

>>play the game
% of the gameplay is entering the arena and enemies spawn, gotta kill them all to move forward
>>le epic gore killz xD LE HUGE GUTZ LMAO get repetitive after an hour of play and only ruin pacing

I don't even get your point. So you're mad, that people are liking glory kills?
Let me give you a serious respond.
Get over it or fuck off.

>$0.05 has been deposited to your account


>99% of the gameplay is entering the arena and enemies spawn, gotta kill them all to move forward

>Painkiller: Shitty Art Direction Edition (featuring Epic Memes from Funnyjunk series!) is what people call "real Doom" these days?
It's Quake II 2.0 with Doom's monsters, dude.

The marketing is real son.
Literally half the comments in threads for new games nowadays are shills. Sup Forums is pretty much compromised and you should find a smaller chan.

>haha my le suds imma shitpost and call what others like shit just to be le edgy contrarian fedora Sup Forums kid that i am xDD


Here's trying to imply that because you like this game and post about it on a board dedicated to video games that you're being paid 5 cents per post to do so

>le shills xDDD

fuck off back to Sup Forums retard

nuDoom for a new generation of gamers. I call them nuGamers

>satire post
>on Sup Forums

I like you.

That way Sup Forums will consist of shills talking to other shills... Because we're all totally paid to shitpost here, right?

I played the first two hours of Quake II before getting bored out of my mind with how much worse it was compared to the first Quake and I don't remember there being any locked arenas with monsters being teleported in.

Post favorite track


Gauss Cannon is overpowered as fuck

Well, it's certainly more closer to Quake II (or IV without team-mates) than any previous Doom game. Plus gunplay from RAGE.

In terms of gameplay flow it's more closer to new Wolfs without shitty filler and hitscan enemies (THANK GOD!).

Basically new Doom is alright. It's nothing like Doom I-II and it's a console shootan, but a decent one. And it miles better than Rage and new Wolf combined.

Faggot detected. New Doom is literally the best way the series could have moved forward

>le everyone who likes this game is a shill xdd

>99% of the gameplay is entering the arena

truthfully DooM2016 is the most literal translation of the term "arena shooter", and I like it.

>Basically new Doom is alright.
>and it's a console shootan
does not compute, fagskin! go shill your COD console trash somewhere else.

If i got paid to shitpost market on Sup Forums i wouldnt be working at fucking taco bell

No, it's not and I don't think, that NuDoom is bad.

Don't forget to try the new Beefy Crunchâ„¢ 5$ Big Box for your chance to win an exclusive Overwatchâ„¢ Headset!

Well, it's an alright console shootan. If you expected PC only FPS from modern id/Bethesda, then I guess, the joke is on you.

Sounds exactly like the original doom then

You don't get to talk about games you never played, child.

PCucks on suicide watch

But it's literally better in every way than the original

Get off carmacks cock for just 1 minute and you'll see how shit your epic gore shooter really was.

It's the way the levels are long and have a storytelling element that connect parts of them together rather than being short, abstract and self-contained is what I think you're saying. Unfortunately, it's exactly this type of level structure that I find boring and dislike in an FPS. I found Quake 4 incredibly boring too and dropped it halfway through.

It's just not a Doom game or a Quake game to me if the levels aren't short and standalone with highly abstract architecture that puts realism/practicality and storytelling in the backseat in favor of gameplay.

>99% of the gameplay is entering the arena and enemies spawn, gotta kill them all to move forward
because this was the gameplay of original doom?
seriously guys, i can't understand why you have huge boners over doom. it's just a generic, "shoot everything in corridor" game, it doesn't have a story or purpose.

You type like a raging asspie.

>because this was the gameplay of original doom?

NuDoom apologists are pure cancer.

.... you think that's #rekt?

>play the game
>have fun shooting and punching demons in the face

Must suck not being able to enjoy video games

Funny thing is is that it's Romero that made Doom so good, not Carmack.


>highly abstract architecture that puts realism/practicality and storytelling in the backseat in favor of gameplay.
Did you see the very first room in the game? The game is literally just jogging from battle arena to battle arena with some Metroid Prime/Turok FPS platforming in between.

Doom is not meant to look like overwatch. Completely fucks up the tone.

>It's just not a Doom game or a Quake game to me
And it could never be, but it's still a decent game. It's not the second coming of a Christ like some retards (TB, etc.) saying, though.
>i can't understand why you have huge boners over doom
Because you're a dumbfuck, son.

And where do you work?

oldschools fpses are all the same. blood, wolfestein, doom. just run fast, spam weapons, kill endless hordes of enemies. that's all. i fucking bored.




Great thread OP

the post



>don't worry guys, snapmap is just as good as any modding tool

Try harder faggot. I'm still not buying this shitty game, especially with how short and easy the gameplay is.

You should consider filtering this thread at any point now. You most likely have a lot better things to do than getting angry over the internet because a franchise that you hold dear is being slaughtered.

So do yourself a favor and relax, go play some video games, and leave this thread with a crowd that you have no shape of changing their minds toward the new title.

you don't have an answer, do you guys?
just nostalgia gogles.
>i am just gonna insult him, it'll show him, he'll never dare to talk about my "had been" favorite game

If we're not talking about Wolf3D, then all these games are pretty different because of completely different weapon balance, enemies and level-design.

If you even take all Build engine shootans (Duke, Blood, SW, RR) and play, you'll get completely different pacing and feeling.
Dumbfucks should be called out.


Why does it make Sup Forums so mad that others on here like the new Doom?

I mean what kind of pathetic loser gets bent out of shape over something some likes that they don't like?

But Bethesda told me that I must specifically get YOU to buy the game or else I won't get my $0.02 direct deposit to my bank account! You are a very important person to increase a sale by an entire unit after the release date 12 days ago, we need to keep shilling to get you, anonymous, the great consumer of $60 USD.


>don't worry guys, snapmap is just as good as any modding tool
Did anybody ever say this? For a prefab builder you can do an insane amount of tweaking, but its still shit compared to real modding tools. They already said they aren't releasing real tools too because consolefags feeling would get hurt.


>go play some video games

The irony of this post, so good.

>you will never be as triggered as this fuck nut

It's more DOOM than DOOM 3 so it gets a pass from me.

Cause you've never thought that way when reading other people posts.

>posting anything from the outscourced multiplayer


That's the other big issue I have in the game. The thing is, the whole levels in the original Doom and the original Quake are the "battle arenas". There is no division that says "this part has to be the exploration part then this part has to be the battle arena". You don't simply keep moving forward from one battle to the next, and the past areas where you saw combat simply don't become irrelevant when you progress. Sometimes you have to revisit past areas and often times they get repopulated with new enemies when you do so. Exploration and combat are unified and constant in the original id games. This is one of the fundamental aspects of the original Doom that Doom 4 lacks.

I'm a chef at Wendy's you dumb faggot. Make more than you, have a better job than you, have a better taste in video games than you. Faggot.

I'm afraid it's a product of the continuously declining bar for quality that videogames has endured over the last decade or so. Hollywood types getting ahold of it and etc.

>It's more DOOM than DOOM 3 so it gets a pass from me.

brutal kiddie detected

I make $19.65

And you're tastes in video games suck faggot. Doom doesn't have to be look like the original to be good. If it were a copy people would cry that id didn't put any thought into it.

The projection of this post, so good.

On the original Doom
>play the game
>99% of the game is, open door, SURPRISE WE'RE ALL IN HERE!
>LE EPIC violence in video games, why isn't this Mario World 3?
>just circle strafe and shoot the game

You make 19 bucks to shill faggot. lololololololololololol fuck off kid and play some superior games faggot lolol

>tryhards are now defending Doom 3 because its older

Never played Brutal M8, but I've played DOOM-DOOM3 and DOOM 4 is way better than DOOM "spooky edition" stay triggered though.

don't forget about the shitty enemy design. most of them act like literal niggers.

>better modding
>better multiplayer

Instantly puts Doom 3 miles ahead of D44M

op needs to take a dick in the ass

You write like a fag holy shit. Do you actually talk like this in real life you homo?

No one said that you should get the game, we're just pointing out that you're a retard.

Well I mean you can wait till the ruskies actually find a crack for it or just wait till it goes on sale because this game is actually worth it.

Who cares about the modding and multiplayer when the gameplay is fundamentally shit?

i call them teenage hipster scum

>muh dubmetal xDD

well thats not fair. you cant start the show with the showstopper

>Did anybody ever say this

There are a lot of people who constantly say "Snapmap has potential" even when this video is shown directly to them. Either they are shills or are completely oblivious of what makes modding great.

The fact that you personally make up a name for anything you don't like that consists with video games says a lot about your life and the basement it will end in.

Sup Forums is full of newfag children, holy shit.