>log onto Steam
>check best sellers list
>see this
Truly, we are in the golden age of gaming Sup Forums...
>log onto Steam
>check best sellers list
>see this
Truly, we are in the golden age of gaming Sup Forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe it ends with you realising what has happened to planet earth and where humanity is heading and putting a gun against your head and pulling the trigger
save me
So this... Is the power....... Of PC gaming....
Very positive
holy shit
that sounds like pic related but for today's generation.
>tfw this new generation
Just fuck it up family
>pay 3000 dollars for a gaming PC
>end up playing Youtubers Life and MOBAs
woah.... power of... PC gaming....
It's actually a lot of fun. Buy 10.
oh wow, Sup Forums's favourite type of game considering what they post all day
>kiddies will buy this
Not surprised. At all.
How long until someone creates a simulator game where all you do is watch the videos that other people created with the Youtubers Life game.
Only pepe set worth saving
Made me kek
And it's early access, too. God almighty, the world is doomed.
There is no images to properly express my disgust.
Whatever floats your boat though. I just hope your boat fucking sinks to the bottom of the Tian.
I...sorta like this?
>kids these days are totally lost the things i liked as child and early teen was much better
oh my god hes still alive
Sup Forums plays youtubers Life when?
Are you retarded? you don play more than one MOBA, also anything besides Dota 2 is for fucking casuals and you dont need a 3000 dollars PC to run it. Fucking idiot.
I just downloaded it. I like these kind of games.
I bought this game and enjoy it. stop hating things you never played
Are there any games about viral shitposting and shilling of agenda and ideology? If not, dibs.
Anything is better than this cancer, desu
no, get to coding it, it'll be the next big thing.
Why are so angry?
You too, Daikatana was great.
>3k for a PC
>Alienware console kiddies too afraid of building their own rig for a fraction of the cost with the same parts.
God, imagine if Sup Forums had been around to see Romero fuck up back then. Tortanic shitposting would have been nothing compared to that.
That was a /r/eddit-tier reply
What if it's actually good
Only fitting as this is a literal reddit thread.
That's the first game I thought about too
But honestly, the game itself doesn't even look too bad, it would be good as a generic life simulation thing a la my sims, but the whole youtuber concept makes it cringey as fuck
Angry hows angry little bitch? im just pointing how retarded you are. kek
And yeah, they cant even shitpost.
So what if it is? Fuck them and fuck you, this is an issue of the general culture at large, not the fucking gameplay.
>same parts
loma. let me guess, you have a single card setup and a shitty off-brand psu.
>getting triggered over problematic games
wew lad
>More than one card
Spotted the fag that fell for the VR meme.
are you retarded?
Overwatch on suicide watch
>SLI and Crossfire scaling
>not a joke
jesus, you fell for the meme didn't you?
Can I make lesbian youtubers and make them do naughty things while they're recording a gameplay?
>believing you need to waste money in a slide set up to play last game pc games
>believing you need to waste money in the last cpus for the same reason
/v is full of retards kek
so this........................................................................ is the power.................................................................................. of the pc master race................................................................................... whoa.........................................................................................
Requirements to run this game: autism
PC gaming amirite?
autismo master race
Do you think it has like a drop off at the end where like lets plays die off and you struggle to survive or something
Doesn't change anything buddy.
You dont even need a slide for that, i mean its not necessary
Actually this seems really cool
>kids in TODAYS generation like bad things!
>back in MY day
shut up you retards stupid stuff has always existed
good lord
That's not even me you angry boy.
>I'll add a "kek" at the end so it seems like I am totally not angry
are we onion posting now?
What if in the end it's a fun game like pic related? Or at least like those kairosoft mobile simulators
PC master race, right?
>Pfft yeah right there is no way this garbage is on top sell-
>What the fuck man
I just realized this is the game my little sister was playing a couple days ago
Good thing I taught her how to pirate everything
>on wish list
Top zozzle
I pirated the game and it's actually not that bad.
It's like gamedev tycoon with a hint of the sims.
>PC Gaming
>Just people playing mobas and SHITFAGGOTS
>It's a "this new generation marks the downfall of society" episode
No one ever fucking learns anything, do they?
It's ASSFAGGOTS, an actual acronym
No, it's referring to Stereotyped Hero Inspired Team Fortress Action Game Going On Two Sides
Can they even use the name "Youtube" in a product?
ASSFAGGOTS is an actual acronym? I thought it was just a warped meme term for an acronym, like how ISHYGDDT turned into I SHIGGY DIGGY and whatnot.
No, that one is about "mobas" and means Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides. Completely different.
Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides
(Aeon of Strife was before the original Dota)
Stereotyped Hero Inspired Team Fortress Action Game Going On Two Sides
>tfw you see Normies on kikebook use SHIGGY DIGGY wrong and out of context.
>tfw you see normies using Sup Forums and reddit memes
>they don't even use any other sites but facebook
I don't even post shit like this in public. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the normal one.
theres people who use /r9k/ terms unironically and theres people who dislike faggots
pick one
You're a part of the problem by not calling them normalfags. This is autistic but important; the words you use and how you use them has extremely subtle psychological effects on others. By eliminating "fag" from the term, you're making it more friendly to a wider amount of people meaning they can feel safe in including themselves into the positive side rather than the negative side of that situation.
Normalfags say "normie" now. They consider themselves to be weird and edgy for liking bogstandard popular flavor-of-the-month cellphone games and browsing Reddit.
Because fag is a slur it adds a higher layer of insult to the implication they're normal, as well as keeping them from using it themselves because they would consider it a taboo slur for the inclusion of the word fag.
Rather than using "normie", instead consider going back to using "normalfag" or "normalnigger". It's for the health and longevity of our community, and by abstaining from doing this you would be contributing to the death of your favorite shitpost haven.
This has to be bait right?
>console players are kids they said
Not him, but I just don't like using a homophobic slur as a suffix, even having been here for 10 years. But I guess having any shred of human decency or shame makes you a redditor, eh?
Yes, leave.
>/r9k/ term
Damn newfaggot.
found the normalfags
It's not really "NORMIES GET OUT", it's more "don't post this kind of shit where your family and coworkers can see this, it makes you look like a total retard".
But again, maybe I am the normal one, despite my love of anime and the fact I jack it to furry and monster chicks.
Is there a secret mode to run a Minecraft channel and have underage kids send me nudes?
>Early Access
Protip about the Steam "Top Sellers" list.
It isn't just top sales.
It also includes whatever the developers are willing to toss at Steam under the table for "marketing."
You're telling me the people who made this garbage had enough money to bribe Steam to market it?