What's the biggest "Fuck you" a dev has given to it's player base?

What's the biggest "Fuck you" a dev has given to it's player base?

I think you just posted it

what happened?

Horse armor, paid for mods, removal of dialogue choices, Bethesda has a monopoly on "fuck you"

Sim City?

Payday 2 definitely

>tfw got it on ps4 for 15 bucks for it and all it's dlc
>enjoying it a fuck ton
It might of been because I never got into payday before a few days ago but whats wrong with it?

Console cucks are not allowed

>No real rebuttal
every time shoulda guessed

Blizzard for all the stupid shit they have done

>fuck up diablo 3
>fucking WoD
>ramming Starcraft into the ground
>Hearthstone pay2win. Need cash to compete
>hahahahahahhaahahah HoTS

Bonus: removing the capitals in WoD

A fuck ton of DLC, and adding payed skins that gave players +stats during an event that they advertised as all the content being free. After that all the updates were really shit and any serious player just left.

You want skins user? Pay for the crates to unlock them faster! They're in the game, you just have to unlock them! If you don't want to pay, it's fine! Just play for hours and days or weeks and become fuel for other players! Because it's a MP only game! All cool kids do that now!
Trust me, I'm a dev.

>all it's DLC

how's Jacket? Or the golden grin? Or Hardcore Henry?

the devs added a CS:GO-esc microtransaction system to a game with around 100 dollars worth of DLC. Initially the weapon skins came with STAT BOOSTS, but eventually they made it so weapon stat boosts drop as common loot, so that's fine, but its still rather scummy. Its a shame too because the game is extremely fun.

you poor console bastards have it worse than us PCfags. You're missing over a year of content that the PC version has from the constant paid and free dlc that we've gotten. Apparently they're "working on it", but in reality the PC version has, and will continue to take precedent over the console version. I'm sorry for your loss, but at least you didnt get the Xbone version of the game. They had broken online functions for months.

Pretty much took a fantastic game
>released tons of expensive paid dlc that was shit
>putting the good weapons behind a paywall

I'm sure more has happened since I last played but yeah, they milked the fans good

fucking hell i fucked up that spoiler tag. i need to go to bed.

That Final Fantasy MMO boss that had 100,000 HP and was immune to everything but physical damage and healed 500 HP a second while also having a timer that ends the fight, which also boots you out of the area.


>replace the best character in the first game with an unimaginably bland straight man
>somehow a guy who robs banks for a living is more dull than your dad
>bring Hox back alongside John Wick in an underwhelming heist
>Hox is now a meme tumblrtier stereotype of Britain

The Hardcore Henry stuff is genuinely good stuff, and its all free too.

>Hox Breakout

Hoxton's Revenge was shit, but Breakout was fun as shit. It was a nice conclusion to the Hoxton/Dentist plotline.

so I guess not all DLC but I got a lot of it. not bad for 15 I'm not even upset I am just trying to understand why people hate payday
now that makes sense

What hurts so bad with Payday is it's legitimately a fantastic unique fun game
There's nothing else like it it captures the atmosphere of heat perfectly

But the devs Fuck it up so much
Like playing as 4 professional heisters? Fuck you, enjoy screaming Japanese men, blatant shilling and everyone using their hideous OC donut Steele masks, running around with miniguns and crossbows
the heists themselves have gone ridiculous, stealing goats and emp bombs to fight evil Russian mercs

What it started as playing a video game of heist movies was boner fuel like you wouldn't believe, it was basically my dream game

And the DLC weapons are hilariously unbalanced
It's nigh impossible to enjoy the game without DLC. And every week we get some new terrible heister to clog up the lobby

if you got it for 15 dollars on console thats a pretty good deal. its the equivalent of the GOTY edition on PC, which is 60 bucks. Hope you have fun with it.

I hate almost all of the DLC heisters except Jimmy, he's remarkably fun
I can't complete stealth with pubs so I can't comment on Murky Station but Boiling Point is an extremely fun loud heist


I'm still new to the game. How does selecting the heists actually work?
I understood from the tutorials that I need to just stare at the crime.net screen until I see a job I want to do. IIRC there was also the option to buy contracts with specific heists, does this cost money?

Was that that boss that people spent literally days fighting in shifts and they still couldn't beat it?

go to the crime net and pick what one you want to do. Whats not to understand?

Murky Station is really good with about one other teammate, but the map is very small, so more than that it just gets crowded. It's not as good as Boiling Point, but its a short stealth heist that doesn't over stay it's welcome and has a neat little mechanic with the cameras.

Jimmy is an extremely fun character too, with a great voice actor to boot. The Hardcore Henry promotional shit was pretty good unlike the Wick content.


I got that game for 5 dollars, and it still hurts.

Yes, 40 hour streams of entire clans literally smashing their head against this boss doing fucking nothing

I took it back to the store and convinced them there was a fault with the disk to get a refund, holy fuck it was so disappointing

Could be an OK game, but definitely not what I was waiting for.

>Over half the game locked behind DLC
>Shittons of DLC blatantly advertising other products such as John Wick, Hotline Miami 1 and 2, Alesso, Chivalry, Goat Simulator etc.
>Directly asking players for donations while denying they're donations and hiding behind the "small independent developer" facade
>Adding stat boosting CS:GO key & crate micro-transactions after saying they'd never do it, on the first day of a community event previously advertised to showcase "new free content"
>Extremely slow patching of basic functions such as functioning hitboxes

ace of spades devs .

You posted it.

It's such a fucking shame too, I didn't even mind the DLCs and shit at first since they all seemed to add something new and interesting to the game. A lot of the maps were really good too. I didn't even care about paying $5 for some extra fun content. I think around the time when the Western pack hit the market is when it dawned on me. The final nail in the coffin for this game was the micro transactions that they explicitly said wouldn't be in the game. It's not even purely cosmetic, they actually give fucking statboosts. Fuck overkill I hope each of them die an early death for ruining this great coop game.

Dark Souls 2

>brown, green and grey world.
>patched everything but the right things (ie. hitboxes)
>nerfed everything
>A moment after the third DLC came out announced the Scholar Of The First Shill.
>Bloodborne being Bloodbornemachine4 exclusive

I never pre ordered a game in my life before, and I won't do it anymore, thanks FROM.

You know, I actually enjoyed this game.
The world was beautiful and the cover actually fun.
The biggest fuck you is the hackers, the devs just dont give a single fuck and refuse to acknowledge the problem.

That sounds so shitty, I don't mind being bombed with hats and shit in games as long as they don't give stat boosts and stuff, I would quit/sell it if a cosmetic purchasable where to give stat boosts in a game I play

Hotline is the best heist in the game and Jacket is GOAT

He's then only shill that's okay

The new Hardcore Henry shill is also really good. A solid heister and 2 fun as fuck heists, all for free, unlike Jacket's content. The Point Break heists are also nice, but those cost money, so fuck that. But anything's better than how John Wick was handled.

You can actually get the stat boosts for free though, with the same drop rate as the games weapon mods, but the skins are still a scummy concepts to begin with, in a game with around 100 dollars worth of DLC, and a game where the devs promised that there would never be DLC.

it went from fun team shooter to hat simulator to fund gabe's neverending hunger

The whole crate gambling mechanic is a huge fuck-you move, no matter how pay2win or intrusive it is. Also, has anyone called attention to this to ANY higher legal power? I swear Valve would be fucking obliderated if any good lawyer gave enough of a fuck.

In chronological order off the top of my head:

>At least 6 of those DLC packs were being worked on before release
>They were under contract to produce DLC
>They banned a guy for posting a funny screenshot of the game's special units dancing on a nightclub dance floor because it was proof he modded the game which they had a stance against in the beta, and then fully welcomed and supported for release
>Their justification was that it was "cheating". Here's a fun little bit about it from their community manager::You were given the privilege to beta test PAYDAY 2 by either a gift or purchase. You testing the beta is the equivalent of a person trying out a new bed. You may lay down in it, sleep, talk to others about the comfort of the bed. You are not allowed to burn the bed, put nails in it to see how others react, saw it in half and see what it's made of or try and make a duplicate of our bed
>They planned a big announcement on Payday 1's anniverary, sent an alert to everyone saying they have something big planned getting everyone hyped for what they could be adding to Payday, and then it just turned out to be an announcement for some other shitty game.
>They use the game to shill their publisher's shitty Rift/Vive knockoff and the studio's shitty first-person movie
>They said in some QA or something "we'll never add microtransactions" and wound up stealing CS:GO's microtransactions, except the skins gave stat increases
>$15 game with $120 in DLC and microtransactions


>base game is on sale for 1,99€
>to get the "complete" experience (which means get all dlc) you have to pay 141€

and this is the norm nowadays

The entirety that is hirez

Payday 2? They were pay2win for less than a day. The developers saw people getting pissed about it and fixed it really quick. They're 100% cosmetic now, just like CSGO skins

Just piggyback off someone else who was crazy enough to spend that much.

Only the host needs the DLC heists.

it's also easy to pirate them

Didn't the makers of Evolve pretty much say "fuck you you'll buy it anyway" in an interview when they were asked about all the DLC and shit they were jewing?

>pro-hint: "all the dlc" isn't all the dlc
game of the year edition brought all dlc UNTIL it's release

so yeah, they released what should be the complete version of the game and then proceeded to keep spamming boring shit that no one cares about as dlc rendering that version obsolete in its first month after the initial release

EA Games shutting down Westwood Studio and firing Kane as the director of film.

GTA V's total lack of single player updates or expansions, while arbitrarily adding multi-million dollar items that no one can afford to get because missions take too long and pay too little.

The entire Tortanic debacle with Bioware community management. Removing the 'unsubscribe button' from their website to delay people leaving the game before quarterly earnings were to be posted, and banning those who informed people how to unsubscribe anyways.

and of course, literally everything about Mass Effect 3.

yeah, you can unlock everything from free on csrin but it's still not worth it in my opinion.. hell, the pirated version of the game isn't worth it since you have to update it manually every single week, spliting the userbase about 4 times a month

also the game isn't that good so it gets boring pretty quickly since the mechanics are too simple and the game revolves around a grindfest to level 100 (x5 or how many times you can "prestige" it)

Is there even a story to follow on payday 2 on consoles?

I've not seen a single cutscene or anything relating to the story, I just get thrown into games.

They have some webseries shit that explores the setting and characters. None of it's actually in the game.

Thast's just fucking lazy.

Giving their players a TON of bonus content in the form of DLC. However they've chosen not to enforce or implement systems that stop players from simply pirating the DLC and using it online on live servers with real people.

Basically giving their player base the option to play and/or use new features and content with the option of supporting the devs if they feel the need to.

Also knowing people that play their games play with groups/teams of friends and have designed the game to allow 1 team member to purchase a mission DLC and have it accessible to the rest of the group.

God damn those assholes amirite.

Call of Duty fits the bill. Activision keep making the same old shit every year.

It's also hilariously badly written and badly acted

The story doesn't matter

If 4 guys robbed a bank and killed so many as 4 cops the country would be in turmoil let alone then killing 300 a day

>what happened?


>what happened?

>However they've chosen not to enforce or implement systems that stop players from simply pirating the DLC
I assume you're not aware that Payday 2's "anti-cheat" system exclusively exists to flag people who pirate the DLC instead of actual cheaters?

I mean, is there a better way to do microtranscations?

You're entire complaint seems to be "You have to play the game which is fun for other people, you cuuuuuuck!"

pd2 or Evolve

why did Evolve die when pd2 was fine?

some heists do connect to each other (IE hoxton breakout and hoxton revenge) but the "big plot twist" isnt even shocking because all the characters feel the same

russian guy who talks about fucking a sputnik
white dude with sunglasses that no one knows about(hes knda cool i guess)
black dentist dude
the guy who feels like the sunglasses dude but ends up having to do with the plot twist ohh nooooo

Because they didn't show their Jew level right off the bat.

pd2 still had more base content

And what does the flagging do?

I have known multiple people who pirate the DLC and have not received any bans, limited matchmaking (such as being paired with other cheaters) or noticeable flagging of any kind.

>is there a better way to do microtranscations?
Not having them in the first place?

Payday 2 is not a F2P game, in fact it already has over half of its content locked behind expensive DLC, plus the devs previously promised not to add cancerous micro-transactions, least of all stat boosting micro-transactions.


what happened?

>Too much of a Jew to pay for the original voice actors, so they were going to replace all the characters as an excuse to get new voice actors. In the end 3 of the original 4 came back, and they hired an American to fax a Cockney accent (and it's horrible)
>Artificial difficulty, legs have no bit boxes which is bullshit on enemies whose design is supposed to be bulletproof on certain body parts
>Early Access
>DLC hell, lots of half baked maps and weapons that fuck the game up
>Bundled Payday 2 with movie tickets of John Wick
>Released the game on consoles but give it no updates. Re-release the game on consoles with the DLC included as another game
>Cloakers were an enemy that was supposed to be in the game originally, they didn't get in until after 6 months
>Refused to use VAC so hacking is pretty easy in the game
>Promised 7 day heists and 30 heists on release, still don't have 7 day heists and there was like 15 heists on release
>Glitchy as fuck, enemies teleporting around corners or on top of cars, enemies attacking you through corners
>P2W, briefly introduced microtransactions which gave players an edge until enough people told them to fuck off
>Shit coding, you used to need 30gb+ of space to download and apply a 500mb patch because it made a copy of the original game for some reason
>General butthurt by devs on the forums with rampant banning of anyone who disagrees

flagging just shows a big red cheater above your name

sometimes you will be auto kicked by people with hosts with auto kick cheaters on

literally nothing else, I played with a cheater and he was a pretty cool dude(as in this game cheaters can only really help you)

> years of DLC
> DLC is known to be a powercreep and paid weapons are better than vanilla
> people are surprised that microtransactions are introduced wich do the same thing

Everyone involved is a fucking moron. PAYDAY2 did NOT change their philosophy. You knew that paying players get advatages and nothing changed.

Meanwhile, Killing Floor
> years of cosmetic DLC
> suddenly, exclusive GOOD weapons locked behind DLC

This is an actual change in customer treatment philosophy, this is why it is a far greater "fuck you".

that game was absolutely god awful, how anybody could have been offended enough by that paid dlc thing to turn it into a scandal absolutely baffles me

Interesting. Yeah I've only ever left games with cheaters when its those guys with maxed out talent trees that spawn a bunch of bulldozers and begin 1shotting them and everyone's xp and money starts skyrocketing. I dont understand the entertainment value they could possibly get from doing such things.


Killing Floor 2 was extremely fun but fuck they just had to go full-jew mode with DLCs and Microtransactions

Haven't touched the game for a long time

He was subtly trolling about Overwatch, not Payday.

Just play the first game.

>get RO2 the same time I get KF
>didn't unlock the Thompson for me like it should have
>end up buying the DLC the Thompson is a part of some time later anyway

and people gave me shit about it, "Oh user it's a bad gun, get something better" "I hope you didn't buy that as part of the DLC"

fuck you the thompson balls hard m88, y'all just need to git gud


???? Everygame is a fuck yo to fans

it's not that it's a bad gun, it's that commando is a bad perk

>Be CCP.
>Ban Stunt Flores over something he did out of game.
>Completely neglect Battleships.
>Dude Carriers can blap subcaps now lmao.
>Links still aren't fixed.
>Adds dailies to the game.
>T3C's are still a cancer to PvP.
>T3D's are still a cancer to PvP.
>Introduces SP injectors.
>This completely ruins the character market, so my newbro friends can't hop right into the game anymore for 80$.

CCP Fozzie was a mistake.

what did you do to your donut

the cheater was kind of doing that but it was fun he put us on the roof so it was like an arena and gave us hordes of enemies to kill.

he did end up spawning like 50 of "the diamond" though so I just bought a bunch of useless guns and junked them

thats a screenshot from 2004, user

>commando is a bad perk

> commando is a good perk

Mass effect 3