The skill ceiling is so low that the best CS player in the world misses 6 head shots in a row

>the skill ceiling is so low that the best CS player in the world misses 6 head shots in a row

How can people defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>the skill ceiling is so low that the best cs player in the world misses 6 head shots in a row

No he's fuking washed up and hes under the influence

>best player
i c... hmm

>playing cs

The game is shit.

the people who play cs only play it for the skins.

>under the influence
>still manages to aim directly at the head
>anti-skill RNG spread on every shot takes over causing him to miss
>'competitive' game

LOL fucking Valvedrones

Every time.

There's not a more pathetic fanbase in the industry.

There's not a lower skill cap FPS on the market either, for that matter.

In that guy's defense, the hitboxes in the game are garbage.

So just because he is good means he should always play the game perfectly?

Yeah, I know. I took the bait.

How can you make this thread everyday?

high RNG weapons are there to balance between good and bad players, take a loot at the R8 revolver, noobs were obliterated and threatened to quit

>high RNG weapons are there to balance between good and bad players, take a loot at the R8 revolver, noobs were obliterated and threatened to quit
rofl cs players everyone

couldn't agree more, if that video doesnt show how much of a joke that game is, then I dont know what else would

hes struggled to get a kill with the p90 since day one.

That weapon spread is pretty fucking terrible. Especially at a range that close. Why do people even play that shit game?

The retarded RNG spread and bullets not even going where the gun is pointed literally creates an artificial low skill cap, the game is fucked.

R8 revolver shouldnt even have been put in the game.

By rights he was playing perfectly, the game screwed him.

just predict rng :^)

ITT: Opinions that trigger Sup Forums

I'll start

- RNG is an acceptable game mechanic in an extremely competitive environment

Yeah RNG dictates all, even ranks.

I'm not an esports fag, but the better player (not the luckier one) is supposed to win in a competitive environment.

Wow, no wonder why I was GN2 back then, they were way too generous.

I'm GN1 now

Why is this fucking acceptable?

Why aren't people telling Valve to fix this?

>shitty valve server
>shitty valve server with a deathmatch mode

find shit like this at competitive games. and no i don't mean matchmaking

>doesn't know how to draw a swastika
Probably European.

when you jump with the deagle the accuracy doesn't reset to default standing for 6 seconds, the video was of him showing that off in a death match.

>Have 3 accounts

1. For solo queue tryharding at LEM

2. For playing with friends who like to tryhard at Badge

3. For playing with friend who rages and throws all the fucking time, even got me to start throwing game just to see people rage was mg2 now mg1.

How can you play a low skill game every day?

M8, the crosshair was right on the dude's head for at least 5 of the shots but the random number god just said nuh.

The game randomly decides who wins, the end.

The R8 was literally the "skill was a mistake" of CS.

read what this user said.
>when you jump with the deagle the accuracy doesn't reset to default standing for 6 seconds, the video was of him showing that off in a death match.
Is the only level headed sane person in this thread.

This is a known mechanic for the way the deagle works and can EASILY be compensated by switching away and back to the deagle before shooting you know by tapping Q twice.

>mmffnghhh i love valve's dick in my mouth

I don't. I havent played in months.
What made you assume I did? The fact I have gold... ANYTHING? Unlike you?
Holy shit you're so defensive, calm down.

watch this video

doesn't it seem a little suspicious?

Do this one.

I'm trying to fill out my Valvedrone bingo sheet.

>getting this defensive

Butthurt Valvedrone spotted

>it's a known bug that we are forced to compensate for

>>mmffnghhh i love valve's dick in my mouth
i fucking hate the game but at least be critical of the right things about it.

You know, how maps have all become homogenous in the way they play how they're all 9-6 maps instead of 11-4s.

How the MG's are still in the game besides the fact that they have no fucking strategic value besides BM, how the auto snipers are actually terrible as shit at high skill levels but too good at low skill levels.

You know, real criticisms? Not this hur durr RNG bullshit.

Shit servers and probably a disconnecting / lagging player. You even saw blood splash.

This is accurate because the deagle is the only gun where this is true.

Counter-Strike's popularity has always amazed me. Having the whole game revolve around these retarded spreads that are unique to each gun isn't fun. It is literally the definition of artificial difficulty. I mean sure, I or anyone who's half-decent at games could put in the effort to learn the spread for each gun and do decently in the game, but why would I waste my time doing that? I just want to jump in and have fun, I'm not some eSports faggot like some of you guys I guess.

Not to mention the community is by far one of the worst ones out there. Just the most insufferable cunts you can play with.

>Resorting to words like butthurt
>Literally restating what I say back to me
I dont even play this game as I said, and I stopped playing because I hate it.
Not my fault you're so blinded by rage you resort to lies like "Why do you play this game everyday?" just because someone disagrees wth yo---
Oh wait I didn't even disagree with you, you're just this easily triggerable

This is why Aiming Down Sight is superior

I tried to give this game a go but it's so fucking bland that is makes Call of Duty look interesting

The retarded sprays only affect low level players.
Afterwards, it's all about map awareness and grenade tactics.

Even at a low level, you can still perform well only pulling down. I did.

The SG553 and AUG are there for noobs. Easy spray pattern and good fire rate mean you can easily get kills... but, they are worse than AK/M4. So you need to graduate eventually.

>I don't even play the game
>I'm just super angry for no reason

>hidden game mechanics introduce RNG and make the results differ from expected one
>this is ok

Deagle is shit in this game.

Same reason people defend Overwatch.

They're underage and skill less and need crutches or excused to play ("waifu, muh gun skins").

What's random about the deagle losing accuracy when you just jumped?

Fucking kek. Saved.

ITT: People want every goddamn gun to be 100% accurate at all times

>You even saw blood splash.
>I don't know what client-side means

>losing accuracy

This is what's wrong.

A weapon changing its abilities through an RNG mechanic is fucking stupid.


I want consistency in an FPS instead of random bullshit.

This is not only unrealistic, but also completely retarded.

They should be. RNG has no place in competitive games.


Almost every FPS changes your accuracy based on things you do.

Also how is jumping an RNG mechanic? You push space and then you count to six or tap Q twice to fix it.

ITT people who are bad at CS

But it's not fucking RNG if it isn't random, you dingus. If you jump around while shooting a goddamn handcannon in real life you will lose accuracy.

Play ArmA or Insurgency and you too will notice that you're just a casual babby who won't learn how weapons work.

And what is wrong with that? Losing to awp with a rifle even if you're shooting right into the head is acceptable?

i understand a weapon losing accuracy after the jump
but for 6 seconds? on deagle? come on

Ok, but what's random about it? Do people in this thread know what RNG is?

How do you think a gun losing accuracy is modeled in games?

That gun is straight up garbage once you learn how to aim, the AUG is actually still great.

>I fucking hate the game
Yeah, sure faggot

Counter strike would make more sense if every weapon was some type of blunderbuss

The AWP is way more expensive and is almost useless in close range

Yeah, because you can one-shot people without headshots.

I don't follow, it's 6 seconds every time after you jump, there is nothing random about that.

Yeah it's bullshit people have been yelling at valve to fix it especially since a lot of guns have almost no penalty.

But valve is shit and they literally only have 3 people working on this fuckin game.

Csgo is more casual than tf2. It just has more players.

i know what RNG is
and i say, making one lose accuracy on deagle after the jump FOR 6 SECONDS is stupid
the fact that the player loses accuracy isn't RNG as he knows that he loses accuracy and it always is 6 seconds (as i understand)
the fact that this period of decreased accuracy lasts this long is counter-intuitive, it confuses the player and makes the game look silly

What is six seconds after every time you jump?

Because six seconds is completely arbitrary.

the time it takes for the deagle to go back to 100% accuracy

Where do people even pull that 6 number from?

so is the drinking age in the US being 21 also RNG?

>csgo requires skill
>pro csgo players being caught left and right with hacks.
>"pros" literally vac banned during tournaments

So do people feel compelled to play because they already bought in so much on skins?

Don't forget to print out your sheet boys

>people are this confused about a webm just because he has a static crosshair instead of a dynamic one which would have shown the huge inaccuracy

Do you not see how fucking long he stands still after the two first shots and how many shots he misses? The Deagle is literally broken post jump. Don't try bringing realism into this when he misses almost a whole magazines worth during 9 seconds of standing still.

6 seconds is ridiculously fucking long though.
It's like the devs deliberately made a broken game.

>I tried to give this game a go but it's so fucking bland that is makes Call of Duty look interesting

this game is older than call of duty, the only problem is they never actually changed the game at all, it's nearly the exact same game from 17 years ago

Basically that and shitters know that they have a better chance in a game where skilled player actions are changed based on a RNG algorithm or prohibited with anti skill mechanics like punishing you for movement.

>the skill ceiling is so low that 99% of Sup Forums is shit at the game

How can people defend this?

Yeah no one is happy about 6 seconds but it's not RNG. It's literally the only weapon that has that long of a reset on it's accuracy after a jump.

A few guns just flat out don't have any penalty for jumping.

how can someone be this mad towards cs
it's been the same for 16 years

>recoil patterns don't make sense in a realistic context
>they don't make sense in a gameplay context
>they don't have any benefit to the player and are just an annoying and slight drawback
>there's no reason for it to exist
>players try to justify it by saying learning recoil patterns is a valuable skill for each weapon
>just spraying with the weapon and aiming at the center of mass provides the same results

CSGO and Dota 2 are just more esports-tier garbage with the same community and same gameplay.

>skill ceiling low
>''best'' player misses
Doesn't that mean it's super high?

I never played it, was the half life mod much different to the official release? (it was 17 yrs ago not 16)

>misses 6 head shots in a row
pick one

so you want to decide where your misses go or what?

don't expect people to understand the gaming terminology
even here, on Sup Forums

because the cs go engine is based off the same system used for half life a heavily scripted puzzle game not suited for gunplay and any authentic attempt to become to become good as cs go the peek around the corner and get a headshot is pure autism.

yes that's the goddamn balance of the game, it's better because it costs alot more, it costs more because it's better

Pretty sure you Overwatch fags are making these threads

Also pretty sure if this guy was playing Overwatch he'd absolutely blow you the fuck out.

Except that HL has nearly none of these mechanics and HL2DM is a bona fide arena shooter that most of Sup Forums would probably argue is high skill

Right, except he loses accuracy by shooting too. He never gave his accuracy time to recover because he kept shooting it when it was inaccurate. I don't get you lads, if he hadn't done that stupid as fuck jump he would've hit. Had he been playing something other than casual deathmatch and had that player been worth anything he would've been punished for his mistake.

You can make the argument that gun recoil and jumping is wildly inconsistent across all weapons, but complaining about the Deagle which is a rare example of a balanced pistol?

>prohibited with anti skill mechanics like punishing you for movement.

Not every game has to be like UT, lad. CS would be another bland FPS if taking a bombsite meant just jumping in with erratic movement and putting your crosshair over people faster than they do. If you're not a fan of the overall mechanics and direction of CS, you should probably play an FPS game with a different, more movement based philosophy like TF2, OW or UT.

Holy fucking shit, to think that one of my friend was stuck in Silver 1. How can you even be that bad?