>Buying Paradox games


>White only mod banned
>Black only mod okay

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Also for the janitor playing damage control

Sounds like you're triggered, OP.

>he does it for free

I'm rooting for you, op

>he will never have any friends

Remove janitor please hiro

Sup Forums.org/feedback

>7th thread
doing god's work user

What's the problem? Racism has no place in modern society and I don't know of any company nor sane person that would want to be associated with that toxic crap.

HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK dude the sjws are taking over................................ .......... ..............how dowestop them??? bro

Someone go on IRC and report this janitor shill.

Jokes on you paradox, I alredy remove all the non-white portrays from the files and substitute them for white only ones.


Quick now make a All Blacks mod and make them remove it, and when they don't call on their hypocrisy!


Bless you op

But that mod didn't make all humans white. You could make a full black nation or a full chinese nation with sepecific name selection and everything

When are the SJWs going to stop winning?

Congratulations on Paradox on their brilliant use of the Streisand effect and the gullibility of gamers and sjws in promoting their game.

Not even Blizzard could pull this off any better. Oh wait, they did.

Read the OP link

am I doing this right

Literally the equivalent of a suggestion box connected to a furnace

Also, STREISAND EFFECT, hotpockets. Look it up.

This place is becoming as shit as reddit. Let them fucking discuss it you self hating piece of shit

would be funnier to make an all mexican mod with all the characters wearing sombreros

>thinking people will buy it

Yeah, brilliant work dumb-dumbs.

>When are the SJWs going to stop winning?
When you stop losing.

You are shouting into an abyss, just so you know.

OP here a mod would ban me. It is a Janitor.

>white only company does this
I'm only assuming because only white autists would work at a company that makes these kind of games.

Janitor is a nigger.
Thats why.

Forcing its nigggenda on every one.
Deleting game related threads.

Report the nigger. He is soon gone.

You cannot talk about stuff like this on Sup Forums.

if you know moon runes you could try getting in touch with Jackie Sup Forums

Someone will. This is zero cost publicity.

>game company does silly thing
>it's not okay to discuss here because

Nothing of value was lost

Pic related its the """""""""""""""White""""""""""""""" mod in question

Has never accomplished anything

He will get bored eventually.

I was hoping the huge popularity of this mod would let paradox know who a major portion of their audience is: neo-fascists and alt-history wankers who don't give a fuck about multiplayer
But no we need Mp balance and diversity

The irony is like half the people who play their games are racist whites

Are we just going to sit around and do nothing, GamerGate bros?

>jackie Sup Forums
fuck I never heard this before

Why do white people hate themselves so much?

>remove mod that lets you have only one race, not necessarily just whites
>CLEARLY this is directed at white people specifically MUH WHITE GENOCIDE

I want Sup Forums to fucking commit suicide already

No that would actually be funny and we cant have that in modern mods

sorry if sounds rude but you are wasting your time man.

>accurate representation of humans

Humans like to customise, to personalise, yet when they do you throw a hissy fit? who gives a fuck if someone wants an all white team, there are people playing Skyrim with loli sex mods and others dressed as Nazi soldiers in FO4, you see me bitching? you see Beth taking them down? fuck no. Let people play how they want, it doesn't affect my game so why give a single fuck?

Times to add Paradox to the shit developers list.

Actually Paradox has some blackies working for them

it's time to change those user review

While I think this mod has a right to exist without persecution, (if it really is a whites only mod, can't be arsed to do research on this) the butthurt these Swedes caused white people is really fucking funny.

>cant talk about vidya on the vidya board

Oh wait this is the off topic and shitposting and not vidya board, I forgot, won't happen again hotpockets!

wow that was rude

time to vote that mod

When they enter the last shower.

This can only end in blood.

Thank god we all betas with no children.

Nothing to loose.

They have children. So aim for them.

I don't care about the fact if people think it's racist.

I'm pissed about the fact that a game company is trying to regulate the modding community, and saying no we won't let you.

It's my fucking copy of the game ill do what ever I damn wel please

As much shit as I give Bethesda, at least they dont give a crap what you do to the game once it's on your computer.

OP doing gods work, this is crap!

>still available

did you even read the headline of the euro article?

I thought janitors aren't allowed to delete threads, they can only delete OP pic and other posts

wouldn't it be faster just to complain in /q/?

No, we're going to forge sensible reasoning and provide formal complaints and then be painted as the misogynist internet hacker KKK who attacks innocent civilians because that's what they want to see us as.

Are you retarded? Can you read?

Maybe because several centuries of genocide and oppression costing billions of lives around the world sort of weigh on their shoulders?
And it's mostly women that realize those mistakes. White men are lost cause.

> make niche game for nerdy white people
> shit on your main audience

The other half is cucked whites like that one Norwegian that was making a CK2 mod and turned full SJW.

How does this discriminate? The characters are entirely fictional.

Yeah I was pretty pissed about what nexus was doing, the fact a actual company is doing this to their own fan base is insane

>Than can only end in blood.
Nigger I hate SJW's in video games too but lets not act over dramatic and chimp out here.


If enough people complain, they will have no choice but to listen.

>“That’s the thing. People don’t know that this was the case,” Berlin explained about the Harlem Hellfighters. “We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal. You can see in the trailer that there’s a Bedouin woman warrior on a horse. She’s a playable character in the single-player campaign.”

DICE Lead Design Daniel Berlin explaining the studio’s goal with Battlefield 1

I think its hilarious when a dev starts trying to dictate what is and what isn't allowed when modding a game.

Its nothing but a big flag waving of their head saying "IM A BIG FAT FAGGOT, PLS RAPE MY FACE" to the modding community.

I eagerly await the worse shit to come

>a game company is trying to regulate the modding community
Modding community is also regulated by whoever hosts them though.


Can we start with you? Mouthbreathing retard

Here it comes.

Other races would have done it if they could. Stay jealous, sub-white.

Paradox only took it down off their Workshop page and forum, you fucking mongoloid. Sex mods aren't allowed on the Workshop either.

Now That's What I Call Edgy!

>white people do 99% worth of anything in history
>bad stuff is more memorable/exciting than good stuff
>people document the bad stuff with extra detail and attention
>people think whites were some evil uniform culture who cheated and lied and stealed all the time

It doesn't help white guilt is also super profitable

Depends on the board I think

I just want a succession system that makes sense

>Emperor Hapsburg
>Crown Prince Yamamoto

So, where can I get this mod?

If you look at pictures of their staff it's a bunch of nu-males and pink-haired feminists

>several centuries of genocide and oppression costing billions of lives around the world


you couldn't say what any of those events if your fucking life depended on it, though you'd put a smarmy grin on and say "slavery" (not billions of lives) or "the holocaust" (not billions of lives)

Its niggers. They all niggers.

Today. After what paradox did I switch to the right side.

The last border got crossed. Death to all niggers.

Non-whites have never commited genocide

M8, there's genocide happening NOW in certain areas of the world.

As if asians, arabs and blacks never committed genocide.
Kill yourself retard

Nope. Janitors can delete pics and threads, yet not hand out a single ban.

It wasn't strictly a whites only mod, it just let you have only one race in your empire. If someone wanted they could have a faction of all blacks or all Asians. The only reason this is a big deal is because of Sup Forums degenerates crying "MUH WHITE GENOCIDE" because they always have to have their fucking Jewish cuckold lizardmen SJW boogeyman to make them feel better about their miserable lives

>I'm pissed about the fact that a game company is trying to regulate the modding community, and saying no we won't let you.
It's trying to regulate 1 modding community. It cannot make the mod go away. They do not care what you do to your game.

All they're effectively doing is getting free publicity thanks to your angry tantrums and those other cretins' "righteous" indignation.

They have no power over Nexus and Moddb but you can rest assured that their own mod repository will be heavily moderated.

im pretty sure asians have killed more not to mention blacks have killed more blacks then whites have.

Don't you get it? There is no cultural diversity in the future.

They're still removing it though, even Beth doesn't bother doing that. Stop defending shit practices Paradox cuck.

Then I guess I knew it wrong

We're already entering the age where normalfags have become more aware of SJWs in the media and profit-Jews are not getting the profits they need.
Societal NWO Jew shills will keep trying to push this way of thinking but they pushed it too early. They got too impatient and that's why they have now failed. Society is recoiling against it, you'll live to see us return to the norm of yesteryear. Congratulations on sticking it out, champ.

This is also true, however this is not a "racist" mod imo, clearly mode need to fall in line with the hosts guide lines, but that's not the case here.

If steam took it down that would be more of a begrudging, fine what ever steam, but when a dev says no you can't, it's just asking for trouble.

You are even bigger nigger than those you despise. Why do slavs come here and attempt to speak English?

>performance entertainment industry

Behind closed doors the discussion is racist and sexists as fuck, you're soft as a bunny user. Fluffy and cute as a button.

Fuck me, I wish I knew more people like YOU, they're easier to take advantage of.


>dat feel when the buddists are doing that against muslims with no fucks given.

Based Dali Lama more than anything

So then it was a janny then

I think he fucked off after we talked about getting him recalled anyway

This guy is working at Paradox,let that sink in for 2 seconds