How long til the game goes f2p?
How long til the game goes f2p?
one year
18 months at most
In 2 weeks lol xD
When the Twitch numbers come back from the tournaments and they're lower than expected.
When Volvo announces TF3
Fuck off poor teenage prick
they'll be low af lmao, lower than the dead game called Street Fighter 5, lower than xcuck Halo 5
Entirely depends on how much content they can steadily release to keep the community afloat. A few years I hope.
Within the month
Two years, maybe a bit more.
fuck off valve shills the game is perfect
When WoW goes F2P
Any day now right?
Kek fucking poorfags
lol enjoy your buyers remorse xD
wow IS f2p...
6 months.
How long did it take until Starcraft 2 to became free? Didn't it take around 4 years?
Also, I hope they don't make this free as I enjoy not playing with stupid poorfags, and foreigners. It's called PCmasterrace for a reason. If you don't make enough money you don't belong.
Honestly I kinda like the game but Sup Forums is redpilling me hard on it and close to refunding it.
Are you retarded or something?
WoW kinda has a f2p portion.
Not sure how it's going to work for OW.
Limiting heroes would be chaotic as only f2p would limit teams and shit.
And unless they add better cosmetics that guarantee idiots to buy full game (see TF2) I hardly see it even having a portion of it being f2p.
uuhh not gonna happen bro, when blizz decides something, they go with it til the end of times
>there are people on Sup Forums who take Sup Forums seriously
Refund your life. No wonder this board is so full of youtubers e-celebs trash. You kids can't even form your own damn opinion.
its crazy, everything i hear about it makes it seem like the typical F2P game, except is paid
Not interested in class based shooters, just wanted to point that out
I don't watch e celeb shit and Sup Forums has been right numerous times in which I didn't listen and achieved buyers remorse.
sc2 is still not free
they did however make a deal that allows you to get the first 2 expansions for free when you buy the 3rd expansion
kind of a big fuck you to everyone who paid for all the expansions
I've already spent 400 or so on loot crates and I'm regretting it now should I double down or sell?
Blizzard will not allow the first tournament to have low view numbers
Expect them to try to piggyback off streamers and their autistic following again
I mean the reason you bought the game was because you're easily influenced
Please either end yourself or stop thinking that the act of getting your own opinion tainted with the ceaseless bitching of a vitriolic hivemind is a good idea
The good thing about a price tag on a game is that it dissuades people from hacking. If you hack and get banned, you have to pay $40 again.
The blatant hackers in TF2 get away with it and their only punishment is having to make a new steam account since TF2 is free-to-play. Yeah, I know they get banned for using LMAOBox, but I was playing TF2 yesterday and still saw Snipers flailing around like crazy getting constant headshots back to back in TWO servers I played that day.
>not even a day out
>already spent 400 or so on loot crates
Son, I hope that you are baiting here or you might be retarded.
As opposed to soulless shills telling them the game is great and that they need to buy it!
I bought it because of a friend and the only one who does play is shit (not sure if you can even be good at overwatch) Game is shallow as fuck.
>Le Sup Forums is always wrong meme
name one time.
Technically it is f2p!!!
Blizzard puts a hold on your card to buy credit for in-game purchases (the game), you buy more credits (loot crates), Sit looking at the skins for a hollow game! (You may not get skins), Stop playing (Refund).
>every single thread since launch
how about going to /vg/ and asking there?
It'll drop to 10/5 bucks forever.
Not sure which country you are in but they have a free to play mode. It's basically the whole game for free.
Why? You bought them all when they were new? Do you just want to make sure your epeen is protected from new people who want to start playing. Do you want a stagnant cesspool of players?
I'm sure you're lying, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Show me a screenshot of your hero gallery (like this)
I'm genuinely curious to see how much unlock progress $400 worth of boxes gets you.
You are so fucking naive, you underage blizzdrones cock in low skill Overwatch shilling drone.
How are those "no Russians" goalposts?
They aren't going to make OW free
They've already said once you buy the game, all the content is free from then out
OW is your standard FPS, people just equate it to TF2 and how that went F2P because uh...they share checkpoints and payloads i guess
1 month.
But isn't it already F(fourty)2P? :^)
on the phone at work atm
more than you can afford pal
SHITFAGGOTS will always be shit no matter how much they cost.
>more than you can afford pal
sick burn, pal. you've sure rustled my jimmies!
>I've already spent 400 or so on loot crates and I'm regretting it now should I double down or sell?
it's too late to sell now user, you can only double down and spend another 400
WOW isn't overshadowed by a f2p game of the same genre.
>The good thing about a price tag on a game is that it dissuades people from hacking.
It doesn't, CS:GO isn't f2p and it still has a fuckton of hackers.
They're kids or manchildren still living with their parents, and their parents are apparently:
-don't give a shit
so it isn't stopping anytime soon.
Though I guess it may be different for $40.
>They aren't going to make OW free
I hope so, but you know, once money gets on the way things change.
Remember when valve said TF2 was not going f2p and that all content was going to be free and accessible?
New hats are no longer obtained via crafting
New weapons or skins either (batsaber is box only)
Rare drop items have been either removed (like taunts, paints, and hats) or lowered their drop rate to be even lower than unusuals.
I fear OW will eventually get there in some form or another. Which is why I jumped in right from the beginning and enjoy its early years.
what does this one stand for
Then show us the transaction please. You can access your bank account from there.
Diablo 3 did not turn F2P. Overwatch wont either.
It still limits the f2p faggotry though.
Stereotyped Hero Inspired Team Fortress Action Game Going On Two Sides
and let you steal my identity?
Tokens make it so that within the first free month, you can easily never pay again.
You pay once and that's it.
why do people want this game to go free to play so badly? is $40 putting a big dent in your wallet or something? just dont eat out for a week
A lot of Sup Forums is from poor countries or just poor in general. That's why pirating is so promoted.
Shitskin and subhuman.
It's ok bro, we tried a microtransaction scheme with a premium priced game, it's not like we sacrificed any IP with that. So we're not risking anything.
>They probably got their investment by the hype they created with marketing though. Anything else is profit.
But I always eat out at your moms place, three days a week. She doesn't charge 40$ for the week though.
I really don't see Activision doing this...the amount of money spent on this shit was massive, if they transform it in f2p it will be really down the road and if it becomes a household title for the blizzard dead body since they maneged to destroy their older IPs
There's no way it won't turn out F2P eventually, but I can almost guarantee you it won't happen until at least two years from now.
Thanks for confirming you are retarded and just bullshiting. You transaction has no information regarding your identity.
>whoring yourself out so someone else will pay for you
>it's free
Everybody knows current day TF2 is garbage and a far sight from what the game was 4 years ago
I heard that CSGO has a lot of hackers because there was one sale when the game was being sold for $3 and they bought up tons of gift copies just to cheat with
Can't believe I fell for the marketing meme.
Game is so repetitive and boring after a couple hours.
Maybe if thye put even half that marketing money into the actual game I wouldn't be refunding this shit.
I legitimately enjoyed it during the open beta. Most fun I've had playing online in years honestly. Call me a shill if you want, I don't care.
I'll be over here actually enjoying vidya. Idiots.
after heroes of the storm i'm pretty sure blizzard won't let overwatch die that easily.
pls don't
I give it 6 months max. The game is fun at first but it's covered with that thick Neo-Blizzard husk that demands you play the game exactly as they wanted with little room to differ. It makes the game become bland and boring after just a couple days.
Whoring? Just with garrisons you can get enough gold for tokens. You literally dont have to play.
>he didn't try the open beta and form an opinion
You hang yourself
Still waiting for the time Sup Forums was wrong.
It's not like there was hours and hours of content telling you what the game was like.
Why do people keep playing SHITFAGGOTS?
>please respond ;_;
Here buddy, I'll you a (you)
>Day of release
>Hype and excitement everywhere
>Day Later
>Why is it so shit
>When will it be f2p
This is Sup Forums in it purest form. Quick to turn sour at the most popular thing at the moment. Also hilarious that all Battleborn threads ceased to exist as well.
i hate this entitlement. you realize that $40 is the equivalent of working for a wholoe day for some people on Sup Forums, fucking entitled rich kids need to kill thesmevles
Credit Card information. Billing informations.
Get a job you filthy shitskin
Today is the release day idiot.
Someone is trying really pushing this SHITFAGGOTS meme.
>I-I can't think of a time
Fuck off .
fuck you faggot. i hope you die in a car accident. video games should be open for everyone and this game is built for f2p. fuck this shit im out of here
Game opened up yesterday afternoon. Clearing you weren't here to see it.
>that feel when you make 6k/month and laugh when people bitch about a $40 game because it's not free
I also grew up in poverty living in government subsidized housing eating expired food for years. No excuses
Poor bitter shitskin that gets offended at being told to get a job. You're probably more likely to get shot than me die in a car accident. I don't even have to hope for it desu.
I actually had a decent amount of fun during the beta but now I'm realizing how boring this will be in a week
does Sup Forums support denuvo too? this place has gone to hell
actually seems like a reasonable timeframe considering the data.
This place has been in hell for a while
That's still not free.
>video games should be open for everyone
Yes because the millions of dollars they spent to create it you should be entitled to it for free, right? Killer logic
The civilized world had their release on the 24th
Still has enough reputation that it's the first thing brought up when people talk about Overwatch.