What's Sup Forums's opinion of this game?


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For only $19.99 you can get the "finished game" dlc
t. Johan

Needs work
Answering the second question: I don't care.

Early game is very fun but after 5h< it's repetitive garbage

Anti white racist propaganda sjw bullshit "game".

It could be better, more aliens would make me love it. Don't care about the Mod that you fags are crying about


Good game, bare bones, will be a must play in 2 years once paradox has a lot of dlc for it but it's still worth playing now.

Another zzzz 4X that doesn't bring anything new or interesting.

Looks awful. Do PC gamers really have to play that instead of Bloodborne?


Poor man's Distant Worlds.

at first its awesome
it makes me interested in some kind of roguelite 4x with more things going on like the semi-random research choices
but the game doesn't seem thought out at all in the long term, resources are basically infinite and combat is literally just either bombarding planets or an awkward dance of mismatched FTLs trying to chase one another in single stacked fleets
if there wasn't only domination victory, i don't even see why you'd expand, there's no real incentive
again, just seem rushed out with a decent early game and no thought went into it past that.


Unfinished, 0 polishing (enormous amount of glitches and game breaking bugs), with obvious functions being cutted out for dlcs. Core game is bare bones right now, like a fighter game with only 5 characters available.

I tried to get into DW but the combat felt underwhelming. I wish it had stellaris is battle summary so I could tell if I need to retool my fleet because they're not doing enough damage

Pirated it bc I don't trust Johan after what he did to CK2 and EU4. Played ~10h and deleted it. Everyone hates your guts when you attack just one neighbor and have fun getting relations up with only 3 embassies. Or only being able to integrate one vassal at a time when it takes a lot of time for even smaller ones.


It's Sup Forums as fuck especially since it mostly ends in genociding the rest of the galaxy.

It's literally JUST the closest we'll get to a clash of the civilizations simulator so shut your fucking trap

Sorry to burst your bubble fa/tg/uy.

Q-Quick, autosage like a fucking coward and allow 30 Overwatch shill threads to be up in the catalogue 24/7!

Hope those free Warcraft™ movie tickets are worth your integrity, you hotpocket eating fuck.

Wow. Now Paradox themselves are so fucking gone they pull a mod off STEAM WORKSHOP.

This is sad.

To me, this looks like the kind of game I'll get in a humble bundle with a bunch of DLCs.

thank god i pirated this piece of shit

looks like it

It's really exciting at first because it looks like there's a lot to do, but completely falls apart in the mid-late game

You literally can't spend your resources fast enough and the AI has to resort to cheating to even come close to matching you. Combat is simplistic and consists of a lot of whack-a-mole. Defense stations lose a lot of utility with the power creep, as 21k fleets obliterate your stations in less than half a second. All of my governors and leaders are black women for some reason and it's putting me off when i'm trying to roleplay as a spacefaring euro-centric monarchy

Maybe Paradox will fix these problems in 20 patches and 30 DLC from now, but taking a look at EU4 makes me think that's unlikely

Ffuuuu i didn't know about that.

Sweeden YES I guess

It's a paradox game without DLC.

pls buy

They're fucking swedes, so this is not expected.

What is surprising is that they should know by now what kind of demographic this game attracts.

Political history revisionist simulators? 4x empire games with intergalactic race relations? who would play these games?people who dont see color?

Originally, I thought of it as unfinished. Now, I think of it as insulting. Paradox can screw off.

So does that mean it's not finished yet?

There is a battle summary that comes up in notifications, its the list looking icon. It shows damage, and accuracy

You didn't know because a buttblasted janitor is deleting threads left and right about the topic.

genocide and slavery don't sound very sjw to me.

Paradox just banned only whites mod. whats the point of purging galaxy, when you cant purge niggers?

Is it worth breaking a self imposed blackout of media products created by swedes?

And that it's buggy.

planet management is offensively bad and lazy
it's just plain NxM grid with pictures of buildings
here's a planet management from a 20 year-old game

You decide for yourself.

If you are that salty about swedes then this game wont change your mind.

Beyond the PC narrative, the fact they would go to the trouble of pulling mods and not fixing their shit game says alot.

fair enough

I think the mod was shit and they were right to quality control it.

The second mod where it allows you to pick an ethnicity and make all humans that ethnicity is better.

All white < All races

I want to have the option of a futuristic Korea leader to govern earth. That mod didn't let me, at least it fixed the problem of black people.

Niggers wouldn't even touch their games since they wouldn't understand how to play.

inb4 janitor/mod deletes this post too

White Genocide

Distant Worlds is the poor man's Aurora.

Aurora is poor man's Microsoft Access.

Funny because DW is written in Excel.

Aurora is a poor man's Space-X

That's not the point. The point is the game has problems and Paradox is busy playing Swedish progressive advocate. Nevermind, that there is a Hammer & Sickle mod, an all black mod or even a mod where you play as nothing but, China. It's insulting. There's no other word for it.

I like the different styles of empires you can play (Peaceful, xenophile democracy vs. purifying, xenophobic militarists, robot-loving space jews vs. highly adaptable zerg-like hive race, etc), but those playstyles only start to shine 50-60 years into the game. The first phase of the game always plays the same no matter which type of empire you're playing, and it's boring. They really need to spruce up the early game.

>an all black mod or even a mod where you play as nothing but, China
Those are on the Steam Workshop still?

> racism against white is OK


I love it, but some aspects are unfinished.

How do you feel about the new patch changes?

This is how you have an actual discussion, not posting a bait image to circlejerk to and screaming like a caged ape when someone disagrees.

>taking five minutes to take down a mod is taking up the time they could be developing
I think they're lazy dumbasses too, but let's not be hyperbolic.

I wish.

still can't see planet pop and pop growth time without going to each planet? it'd be easy to show in the outliner.

"We saw the mod, thought it wasn't in very good taste, but let it remain. Then the creator of the mod decided to update the description of the mod to promote an "agenda" not related to computer games at all, and this was being clearly displayed on our product page. We decided it was a step too far and removed it. Eurogamer did not do a good job describing what exactly it was we removed."

> hurr durr paradox brownwahing

to with you

SJW shitfest


>Devs have authority over which mods you are allowed to make and use

Don't forget the time that also went into talking about with "concerned journos".

What was the '''problematic''' description then?

No, they have authority over what mods are allowed on their own site.

It's not like they changed their game to lock up when using the mod.

>the steam workshop is their site

you can't make this shit up

Most shilling on Sup Forums:

1. Blizzard
2. Bethesda
3. Paradox
4. Mathewmetastasis
5. Dishonored 2
6. DSP
7. [insert indie dev with a game coming out]

!NOTE!: It says it is 'out dated' but it WILL still work.
This is a simple mod that makes it so there are only European Humans - no 'multiculturalism' here!

It also adds a new choice for names; one that is only for European names.

This is the description right from google cashe. They're talking out their asses. They did something stupid and now they're trying to lie about their reasoning.

>not getting their mods from ModDB

Jesus christ do Americans really think that corporations are above the law? I know they are in fact, but have some dignity you cocksucker.

>The bank was right to break my back, my fault for signing the contract

No wonder Steam had no refunds before Europe stepped in.

Someone make an only Asian and only African mod and see how long those last.

>want to talk about the game
>thread get's derailed into political discussion
never change Sup Forums

Can't wait for #vampirelivesmatter faction in VtmB 2

>no 'multiculturalism' here!

There's where they fucked up. Why push an agenda? Just say it's a white-only mod, it doesn't need a reason to exist, it's a mod.

Not only that, their community manager slandered the modder publicly by claiming that "No multiculturalism here!" in the description was a "rallying call of Neo Nazis".

A company that goes after its modding community for doubleplus ungood thoughts. Good that their games are shit so I can't muster much woe.


What a surprise, thanks mate.

>why wo wou wuse wad wowds won we wintewnet

It still feels surreal having these sort of discussions. Having to explain to people how you can do anything in fiction. In theory of course, before normie safeguards kick in.

? every faction?

Just checked, there already are two mods that do that, and both are still up. Seems like it is only whites that need to go.

Too little, too late.

It's unbalanced, empty, boring, mindless, underwhelming, no variety, full of cut content and to top it all off it lags like hell. Paradrones will still lap it up like fucking cumsluts though.

>Their entire playerbase is white pasty nerds
>They make all humans black and get mad when people want to play as caucasians

but you can both purge and enslave them in the vanilla game.

the mod was just for lazy people

Mods has been deleting relevant threads. Blame them.

i just.....
i can't.
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet.....

> Devs censoring mods whilst having a "We

>this is totally realistic, I simply cannot see why anyone would want to play humans differently from how we portrayed them

I'm new to strategy games like this and I'm enjoying it a lot.


I think, my friend, it is indeed to recognize that WE

It didn't get banned because of the "only whites" thing. There are "only chinese" and "only blacks" mods out there being untouched.

That mod also had been untouched since the beginning. No, the reason it got canned is because the mod author added the message "No multiculturalism here!" to the modpage. A message which is often used by Neo-Nazis.

THAT'S the reason it got canned, not because it allowed only white folks. Pre-message=mod is untouched. Post-message=mod gets deleted. Go figure.

70% of them are edgy kids and teenagers. 25% are toothless eastern euros that still haven't gotten over the Ottoman empire

So we are forced to accept multiculturalism now?

fuck off pedo

>A message which is often used by Neo-Nazis
I guess anyone who doesn't want their countries to end up like France and Germany is neo-nazis.

That's right, my friend, if you oppose forced multiculturalism, you are literally a Neo-Nazi!

Seriously your defense sounds fucking pathetic. How else would you call the portrayal of the human race in the game?

America leans towards Employer and business rather than security and freedom.

Why is it okay if three heads of science are white men, but three black women is unbelievable?

Oh, and can you pose a valid argument without resorting to "there are more whites in the world"

>No multiculturalism
>A message often used by Neo-Nazis


Germany, what happened to you