More like Overunbalanced
More like Overunbalanced
More like Over It
ovarian cancer at its finest
>Beta 2 weeks ago
>No balance changes
So who is OP?
>t. I died to Mei/Bastion because I have no idea how to counter them and all I can do is cry on anonymous forums
Pharah gets rekt way too easy, she needs more HP than just 200
She's fine, you're just bad.
It's like Sup Forums is filled with people who can't play games, you guys just shitpost about them all day while knowing little to nothing.
>i should be able to run at people or float in the sky without ever dying
try a tank instead
Fuck off, I've been getting highlights often enough now. She does have too little HP and that especially shows in her ultimate where she is stationary in the most obvious target.
Be a cocksucking fanboy elsewhere.
>falling for the waifuwatch meme.
What did you expect?
More like Overpriced.
nice one
Her purpose isn't to tank hits, you shouldn't even be getting hit often. Your purpose is to get in and wreck havoc, to displace their team. Try learning how to fly, or just play Junkrat.
More like poor as fuck, get a job you loser.
>Blizzcucks defending these prices for TF2.3
I'm posting from my office faglord.
If having too much HP can be a problem then so can be having too little.
>lies on the internet
Stupid frogposter.
>I'm posting from my office faglord.
It has the quality of a f2p game and all of its budget went into advertising
More like Overshill.
>Complaining about balance in a SHITFAGGOTS game
The point is to strip it of all gameplay elements and pander to women and casuals.
>It has the quality of a f2p game
Cute, you never played games you shitpost about on Sup Forums. That's VERY original, no one ever has done it before you, user.
Or maybe they're defending the point?
Stereotyped Hero Inspired Team Fortress Action Game Going On Two Sides
The beta was free user
>full game available for free for a few days
>bored of it after a day
So you're just shitposting for the sake of it? Yeah, still not original.
Not him but, she's fine, you're just lacking
>TF2 ponies are so buttflustered they spent their time making this
Sad. You could be ERPing on your dedicated servers with other underage kids instead.
Overwatch is a depthless piece of trash, it's objectively designed to pander to the lowest common denominator (people that eat blizzard's turds)
Go watch one of your streams you've subbed to, aspie
It took you longer to make this collage than servers to fix themselves
I don't have this experience on PC, but I can see console children who want their new cod game doing this easily.
No-one gives a fuck about battleborn.
The downtime was for like what? 30 minutes?
Pretty impressive considering The Sims had like a week of downtime and don't even get me started on Diablo 3.
15 minutes
No one gives a fuck about SHITFAGGOTS period
fuck off shill
Servers and bugs were fixed in 10 minutes (literally)
Nice shitpost attempt though
>BB has nothing going for it so they focus on the negative aspects of their (superior) counterpart
>it's pls buy Battleborn it's already 50% off on amazon only a week after release episode
>it's a deflection episode
This other game has nothing to do with Overmeme being Overhyped shit. Kill yourself shill.
Battle born and Overwatch are the same exact trash, one just had a marketing budget
just goes to show the average tf2 player has nothing better to do than watching mlp all day.
>le cuck so fanny xD
Gonna refund this turd.
It's going to be so successful. If it hurts now, well the next few years are going to suck for you.
>assblasted blizzcucks
>mom bought me a PC!
>mom bought me Overpriced!
>quick let me defend Blizzard's honor
Of course it will, it was designed to be a soulles piece of product first and foremost
battleborn was the filler game to play for a few weeks. It was never intended to be anything more.
So why exactly are shitposters making a big deal of 15 minutes of downtime?
>SHITFAGGOTS are the game to play
Time to call suicide hotline, Randy.
After blizzard pours more money into forcing it competively, yeah
It's completely hollow
Why are people excited over this crap?
It's nothing more than a reskinned Team Fortress 2...
Grow up please you fucking loser, this type of garbage is so juvinile
Played the beta, thought it was fun, bought it, played it yesterday, still fun
Won't deny there are characters that are pretty useless and some that are practically required (Reindhart being required in particular).
B-bcuz Sup Forums said it's gonna be another TORtanic! We called it!
I am more concerned about why are people so angry at it?
I've seen nothing but magnification on minor issues that nobody cares about.
The SHITFAGGOTS audience, everybody.
Because they have nothing else to cling onto
frogposters don't have jobs. nice try.
Too bad you're not grown up enough to even spell, underage.
Speaking of my waifu
Mei is T H I C K
Should I post LE EPIC BTFO pics? I could always take a picture but you cucks would probably try to get me fired.
Because it's nothing more than a reskinned game?
> Anons are probably enjoying the game
> Which is why mostly shitposters are making these threads
> My friends are playing it and enjoying it
> I am at work, unable to play
> Instead I have to put up with this shit hole until it's time to go
Can I get a shitposter to argue with me please? Anything, whatever, I'll bait every single comment you got.
Bastion is fine, might even be underpowered
Mei is overpowered
When will this genre die?
>takes a lickin'
>keeps on tickin'
How can other heroes even compete with Junkrat?
yes! be sure to post more of those meme words like "cuck" too! that one's my favorite
And that is a reason to get angry because?
Post thick art
>Full price for TF2.3
Because there is no innovation or anything original, retard.
Literally the cancer of modern videogames.
It's not really that bad. I don't see any particular character being overused. I hardly ever see Mei (even though I use her), and I see Bastion a little bit more but not that much. I see a lot more Reapers and Reinhardts than anything. I've noticed a lot of Roadhogs too. Other than that, I see a wide variety of characters.
Full price keeps the f2p audience at bay. I am ok with that.
More like fatass or lardass art.
You should thank healers every time tbqh
So if it's not of your taste, instead of looking forward to the game you like... you come to this board and complain about a game you probably won't even play?
Sounds cool bro.
It's 40 dollars lol
holy shit how fucking poor and stupid can you be
>dumb frogposter
>shills tempting me to buy into this trash
>based CD project Red giving a 30 hour expansion for half the price a week later
Dodged a bullet there.
But I do, I tip them with my vote every single time.
Are you retarded? Read my original question, retard.
Literally this, i'm gonna laugh a riot when Sup Forumsirgins drop the game after 2 waifu faps like 2 weeks from now
Its not about being poor its about being a bad game.
Fuck this SHITFAGGOTS genre its a huge meme. Witcher 3 is great.
Now that's some good bait.
>implying Pyro, reaper, or whiskey foxtrot play remotely the same
>Whiskey Foxtrot isn't even a close range character
>implying Thorn has an accent
>implying Ambra heals with beams
>implying Phoebe is actually an engineer
It's a $15-$25 game at best. That would be enough to keep the slavs/huehues at bay.
>not thanking them with your fat tank cock
i kid
Jeesh, calm your tits. Sorry I caught you on your period.
Your question doesn't answer anything though. How does a mediocre game get you angry and why?
You'd have to have some special kind of autism to get angry at things at random like that.
Either you're an absolute retard or some shitskin that can't read English.
You realize that online games use betas as server stress tests, right? as well as free marketing
Nevermind, why do I fucking bother, Sup Forums is too underaged to know what a video game is
Mei folds like a lawn chair to anyone with decent range and damage. 76 is good for fighting her. So are both snipers. So is junkrat. She's nowhere near overpowered. There isn't really anyone who's overpowered right now. Everyone has a definitive place even if some are a bit more situational and everyone has hard counters.
I wish it was 100 for everyone though. Anyone flipping burgers at mcdonalds can afford it at 60 easily.
And in turn a lot of kids will get it.
>playing the actual game is marketing
The game is literally team fortress two, and dumb mother fuckers are buying it. Lots of them, too. Do they just not get it? The hype is real, and I don't understand.
Are people just retarded? It's a rehash of a ten year old game that everyone is tired of. It's got shit for game modes. It ALREADY has hats.
>faggot I will not buy your battleborn
Battleborn is the exact same fucking thing, and the fact that fucking anyone who takes Overwatch's cock but talks shit about Battleborn is blind as hell. They're the same fucking game.
I feel like everyone is taking crazy pills