Get a Vita, now

Get a Vita, now

Not until it gets some games.


Can it emulate games properly yet? I want a mobile SNES player that isn't a shitty phone.

Fisr give it CFW.

2016 games we got so far and what's coming out later:

MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus
God Eater: Resurrection
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Mighty No 9
Grand Kingdom
World of Final Fantasy
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Gal Gun Double Peace
Attack on Titan
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Toukiden 2
Danganronpa V3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Moero Crystal (asain version has english)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (asain version has english)
One Piece: Burning Blood
Salt and Sanctuary
Trillion: God of Destruction
Stranger of Sword City
Samurai Warriors 4: Empires
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Root Letter
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Criminal Girls 2
Yomawari: Night Alone
Croixieur Sigma
Gundam Breaker 3 (asain version has english)
Zero Time Dilemma
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Atelier Sophie
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (asain version has english)
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Ray Gigant
Trails of Cold Steel 2
MeiQ: Labyrinth Of Death
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics

Guaranteed Replies

Muv Luv is coming to vita?

hopefully it isn't completely butchered like Yuno

i have one

None of those are games. Where pokemon?

So is this just a meme to say?

So basically get a vita if you like anime games

First and foremost yes.

$120.00 is a high as I can go.

no deal.

Not hacked yet so it's worthless.

>vita finally gets gundam vs
>its shit
all hope is lost

Is a Playstation TV a bad alternative?

bought one for $110 a year ago
there's barely anything I want for it

might import GB3 and I'm going to get PDX
but that's it

>Mighty No 9

>Got the LE
>Waiting for the LE
>Got the LE
>Preordered on ricedigital that for some reason lists it as physical
>Preordered the Grand Edition
>Got Asian Physical
>Storybook Edition on PS4, will get digital too
>Preordered the LE
>Will get it
>Will get it
>Will get it
>Will get it
>Got Asian Version
>$150 Tier
>Will get it
>Got the LE
>Got the LE
>Got the Bahonkas Edition
>Will get it
>$140 Tier
>Will get it
>Preordered the LE
>Waiting the LE
>Got digital
>Preordered Watch Edition
>Will get it
>LE on PS4, will get digital too
>Got digital
>Will get it
>Waiting the LE
>First time I hear about it desu

if you want at least want to play 5 games or more then go for it

release date already confirmed. And surveys already sent out for which platform you want it for.

Looks like Keiji Inafune is finally delivering.

>Being a weeb

Are memes ever wrong? Chew on that one

No its not.

So you're a faggot.

fuck off weeb pedophile

You have to buy a DS4 and memory card, which will bump up the price close to what an actual Vita is
I say just go for the real thing or nothing

God Eater Resurrection comes with God Eater 2 if you buy the PS4 version. I'm just gonna get that. I'm double dipping on Odin Sphere PS4/Vita, (Storybook edition) and getting Grand Kingdom for Vita.

Grand Kingdom looks more suited to handhelds.

i got a vita tv, plus hardly any games


You're on this board, you're a fucking weeb.

Why? Did something change?

nigga why

Surveys already sent out for Shantae too. Soon bros, soon.

>weebs calling other people weebs, while playing weeb games designed for children

Oh boy, I bet they praise Kirby too for its deep lore and gameplay.

>You have to buy a DS4
You already have either a PS3 or a PS4, and either controller works.

i love how most of those games you just listed aren't exclusive


>he didnt buy a ps tv with 2 games, 8gb memory card and DS3 for $40 in walmart

a DS4 controller? What difference is there from using a DS3 controller since those work with it as well?

>its shit
Doesn't seem like shit to me.

But i don't need two


>Stranger of Sword City
>Recommending I buy a Vita for a Steam game
Fucking Vitafags on suicide watch, can't even get one thing right.

I do really want cyber sleuths but I still cant swing with the current funds

Why is that a problem? Where else are you going to play them on a handheld or at a reduced cost?

Since when are exclusives exclusively good? Look at the 3DS. Most of the games are complete dog shit, and the reason they don't port them to Steam that often is because they translate horribly like Code of Princess.

The DS4 controller lets you use the DS4 touchpad to mimic the Vita's touch screen.

That's about it.

why? some of those games you SHOULDN"T get

If you never try you'll never know

Im guessing it isnt selling so theyre trying to get rid of inventory.
I think people are better off getting the playstationtv for 20 rather than spend 20 times its price for this unless they really want it on the go

Wow tons of weebshit or shit I have on my PS4.
I want a Vita but seriously, it's nothing but weebshit.

It's a list of releases, not recommendations.
>still no Digimon Adventure 02 or Tamers game, JP or not

Stranger in Sword City is an Xbox game, the latest edition was release on the Vita. It was a PC game last, and again, where does it say "recommended"?
Fuck man, people like you would be great to drown.

I love how you can't take a PC/PS4 outside for gaming on the go.

What handheld games have you been playing in the last year? Or are you just samefagging for the sake of being a bitter cunt.

Nigga we say this every thread

What can I say, money is not a problem, if I see something I like I buy it
Like the £190 FFXV LE, good thing I managed to get it yesterday

you better have a good reason to play outside your house

I want a portable Castlevania machine. 3DS a shit and my PSP has a fucked up screen that blurs everything

>literally only 4 actual anime games on there
Is "anime" just the new "weebshit"?

>You already have either a PS3 or a PS4
Says fucking who?

Why the hell are you considering buying a Vita then? The PS3 has way more games than a Vita.

If you can get a < 3.50 fw, then yes.

What's an anime game? A game with anime aesthetic?

>People saying games are weeb
Since when are handhelds all about Western games? The Vita has the most Western support too in terms of handheld releases.
Are people fucking retarded on purpose or what?

Vacations, holidays, or gaming in college in between studying for a test. The possibilities are endless user.

I bought one for half that price. I still regretted it.

Shame, a real piece of good hardware it is, but it's incredibly useless to me and Sony has clearly stopped caring about the Vita. I'm reluctant to buy a PS4 as a result, too.

that isnt the point, i can afford it too since video gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies (or pastimes whatever) but you do you actually find some of those games fun or just average?
shit, i played that one piece burning blood demo and i like it enough to read the manga but damn that game is awful

Bloodstained is going to Vita.

Now tell me how hard will that be?

that's not even the only multiplat game he listed

>Sony has clearly stopped caring about the Vita
Sony has provided maybe 4 quality games for the platform. Not having Sony present doesn't change much.

>Read the manga
Have fun with those damn near 900 chapters.

None really, I have my 3DSXL and I only barely played Xenoblade Chronicles.
I kinda stopped playing handhelds.
I'd like a Vita, but I find myself not wanting to play anything on it.
Most of the games I would I already have on PS4, which I'd rather play.
I don't see any Vita equivalents of Peace Walker or Crisis Core.
It's just all generic RPG weebshit, which I don't care about.
I do have Digimon for PS4, so that's out of the question.

That's the only reason to get a console or handheld anymore.

Then you should have bought more games for it. What does it matter if "Sony stopped caring"?

It's a dead system. I had one since launch and sold it because it's shit.

You have better chances if you buy a used vita. I'm not sure what's the fw version it get's shipped with

I bought the thing for a couple games. Played Ys (which was pretty great), got PDf and F2nd, played a ton of TxK, played Freedom Wars every day until I ran out of stuff to do in it.
had a PS+ subscription for a few months (that I stopped renewing when my PS3 died and I couldn't be arsed to get a new one), played through most of Wipeout 2048 and beat Gravity Rush

Haven't been able to bring myself to get a big memory card for the thing

I've barely any reason to play the Vita when I have a PSP. It was fine for $110, but I'd be pissed as fuck if I paid more than that for the machine.

i did, it was great, even at the low points

Then you simply don't like portable gaming.
Get Soul Sacrifice Delta, you retarded gay bitch.

Fuck off you pedo fuck, rope day is coming

>MFW "vita" means "life" in my language.
>Get a life, now.

Will do, sir.

>Haven't played Soul Sacrifice Delta
Play Soul Sacrifice Delta

I got a 1k model with 16gb memory card and black ops for 81 dolars

>not buying one by selling your 3DS games
Thats how I got my vita and it was the best decision I ever made.

The funny thing is, the games it's gotten are far better than the games Sony would've put on it. What were you waiting for exactly? Another watered down Uncharted game? Another watered down God of War?

At least the games it has now are more suited for handheld gameplay. I bought a 3DS for the same reason I bought a Vita.

You can probably find someone with a used Vita that doesn't want it anymore, but you'll have to ask about it specifically. I don't know if there are still new bundles in rotation.

>nothing but weebshit
This is just another way of saying "Japanese", so I'll just agree with you. Although there are some western releases, and indie games have been ported to the platform with relative success.

sony is a bitch, nintendo abandoned the wii u and people bitch
i bitch at sony for making GR2 on ps4

I don't see how anyone can regret a purchase of a few hundred dollars. People must be really poor.


i regret buying shitty pizza, the amount i put should lead to better results

You're not even the same guy, what the fuck dude.
That's nice, but it still has solid Sony titles on it, as well as current support. Sony support is never a reason to get a Sony console.

>watered down Uncharted game
Golden Abyss was alright. Pretty much standard Uncharted. Don't really see how it was water down.

I just don't like when the hardware lacks the backing of its creator. The Wii U is pretty much only supported by Nintendo at this point, and I'd have rather gotten that had it actually dropped in price and not sit at 250$ for a used one these last two years.

It's why I went with the xbone over the ps4 this gen. I really want a ps4 later on but with what happened to the vita I just don't feel like it's a secure platform.

Just give up. Age of PSP is over, unless you're either a manchild or are underage, there's no reason to own that shit. It has shit games too.

Are you me?
I kept a few games, but sold around 10+ to get a few Vita games, a new memory card, and a case. Best decision ever.

Because you wasted an investment on something shit when you couldve spent that yime investing in something else of better personal value.
Its not all about recklessly spending user.

>You're not even the same guy, what the fuck dude.

it's moreso "could have spent that money elsewhere"
shit, the most mad I've been with a purchase was a $1 song I got on iTunes a decade ago that turned out to be complete and utter garbage and I wanted my money back

How does it feel to eat leftover scraps?

It's not a bad game, but having Uncharted on a console for years. It gives the impression that consoles are always going to be the standard for it. Killzone Mercenaries was actually the most impressive Vita game Sony put out. Tearaway wasn't that bad either.