There are people right now on Sup Forums who don't want to play Grand Theft Auto: Eos

>there are people right now on Sup Forums who don't want to play Grand Theft Auto: Eos




In the recent interview with Tabata and Harada, Harada mentioned he saw the full kingsglaive movie without knowing anything about XV before hand and that he got emotional. By the way the website has some cool backgrounds on it.

>Harada mentioned he saw the full kingsglaive movie without knowing anything about XV before hand and that he got emotional
Of course he'd say that

Why? Did you even read the interview where he's being pretty dickish?

>he got emotional
what emotion was it?

This is not in the game anymore.

we saw artwork of that turtle like a month ago :)

Weeping at what Final Fantasy has become.


Jesus christ that framerate. It dips to like 12 fps on multiple occasions.

See that mountain over there? You can climb that

>Hallways are bad
>Train tracks are good

Do you really think that they will just scrap such a gigantic piece of shit that took a lot of time to make just like that?

found it still in the game :)

>I hate final fantasy
>this cheery game with its absurd amount of bromance and lack of self conscience is slowly winning me over
oh no

You actually drive or it's just cutscenes?
No I didn't play the beta don't give me shit

This is a really fucking weird direction for a Final Fantasy game, yet I'm into it.

>Finite gas


GTA had actually locations to visit, an engaging story and good written characters.

Nothing i expect from FF

I'm pretty sure the cheeriness will just be the beginning of the game.

oh... nooooo..............................

>Guy who works for thing says good thing about thing

What if the game starts out really dark but then gets more cheery as time goes on?

>Bat country!

PC version when

harada was throwing punches at tabata he does not work for sqaure suprised you dont know who he is producer tekken or some shit :)

reminds me of FF8 when you can hire the cars to get around the map quicker.

Lol if you think that matters. These guys all suck each others dicks, how else would he have access to kingsglaive before anyone else

That texture popping. I vomited a little

fuck off xv-kun

I preordered it, played Platinum Demo for countless hours and bought a Duscae PS4 Code on ebay literally 10 hours ago, having a blast with Duscae. Fucking 128 days to go according to my PS4 I can't take this REEEEEEEEEEE

aka i'm hyped.

Is it coming out on PC? If not which platforms? Because it has potential, but that pop-in and aliasing is absolutely horrific.

Only PS4 and FagBox One.

It's not optimized yet but already in a playable state (Duscae).

footage is from october



These faggots should wear goddamn seatbelts.

Is there any recent footage that shows off something better?, or will we just have to wait and pray that it doesn't stay this way.

Wait for E3.

I don't understand your worries, every footage up until now has big letter on it saying PRE-BETA FOOTAGE. Not even fucking beta and it runs better than fallout 4 did at release.

How will they jerk each other violently if they have seatbelts in their way ?

You can drive. Cars handle like shit though.

>good written characters.