The gaming crash of 1983

Doesn't this... sound exactly like what's going on now, guys?

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Are there a couple dozen different platforms competing (poorly)? No? Then no, that's not what is going on.

Don't be such a faggot, user.

VR is going to be the poorly competing platforms. We're going to see a lot of garbage games being produced for this tech that no one is buying.

There was no crash its a meme
Just Atari died thats all

Oh, one of the biggest game companies in the world at the time just dying can't be considered a 'crash?'

Fuck off.

You just said it.
The industry never crashed, just atari.

eat shit and die

Atari WAS the industry

Fucking underage

Im older than you for sure, I was playing great games on my computer, the industry continued just fine.
And the second a competent product appeared in the marked (the NES) the console business was back on traction, so really you cant even say that consoles crashed
Just atari

VR has so many inherent problems that I doubt it'll ever be implemented properly for gaming use. It's a really cool concept and all but the execution is just horrendous

>Just atari
>so really you cant even say that consoles crashed
>Im older than you for sure

i fail to see your arguments
and i bet i am

Eh, there's similarities, but the thing is that there's way too much stability to the game industry now for it to crash again.

It's become so large and spread so much that a portion of it falling apart won't mean shit for the other 9/10ths of it.

not that guy, but atari was the only name normies recognized and so they and the press just called it a game crash

it's like if today 9gag went out of business and people started calling it "the great meme crash of 2016"

Best Atari game - Gauntlet
Try to not hear that theme in your brain-meat.

I think 8th gen is best gen. Inflation, higher paying jobs, more money required in taxes etc etc.. Everything has gradually increased in price since forever. Beyond games being more expensive I cannot find a valid complaint against this gen.

not really.
digital distribution takes off the chances of a new crash.
also the fact that we only have three system competitors that might soon shrink to two next gen? Yeah we are no where close to a crash.

Also only in the us. So there's that.

I wish I had a better way to describe this than "reddit". But there is something that turns me off about the attitude towards all new tech vr, tesla, robotics whatever it is. But it all shares this same feeling kind of a very corporate one that I can't really describe but it turns me off. Can anyone put this into better words than my autistic ass.

games are shit but they are playable. you don't have a sea of broken games that can't be finished released every month. That was the late 70's/early 80's in gaming literal buggy and broken games

sounds like your just a faggot

VR is gay af

The video game crash affected mostly the US, which was the target audience for consoles.
The HomePC, which was striving in Europe thanks to game averaging prices much lower than console games, wasn't affected by the crash because companies could easily publish games independently.
There was a huge shovelware problem, but games were so cheap it didn't drive customers away.

VR won't succeed in gaming. It will succeed in TV and online marketing and advertising though. Just wait, you'll see home realtors advertising VR walk throughs of homes, VR streams of sports with special VR centered commercials, TV shows that use VR so the viewer will feel like they're there, etc.

>one guy was paid 2 million dollars to make this (5.8 million in today's market)
It's a shame there isn't a gif that shows that after you eat all the pellets you are just left in that game with the ghost glitching worse and teleporting under the score bar.

you are currently describing most phone games and steam indie shit

not who youre talking to, but literally nobody cared about computers back then except for europe and a very small amount of the US.

It's pretty much accepted that the NES saved the home console markets, with the master system being only fairly popular in Europe and South America

I think it's dumb to say there was no real crash, because there really was, normalfags just stopped playing, atari, Coleco fucked off, sega had almost no hold in the US yet, and the C64 had only just come out, and only europe even cared about home computer, with most of the games just being mindless games you played for hiscores

And I think there will be a small crash soon, even normalfags are getting sick of pre order DLC, stupid prices, and microtransactions.

Though really you should be completely ignoring almost every AAA game that comes out, I'm not saying play only indie pixelshit, but there are enough decent 3d and 2d indie titles that come out

Probably but i think I can most relate it to people who think they are changing the world because they read john oliver and the oatmeal.

It happened in japan as well. Remember the Famicom. It wasn't called a video game. Also the failure of Atari of Japan was then sold to a man that would turn it into Namco iirc.

You dislike people who dislike corporate monopolies' expanding power over their lives? That's fine if you are. Most people are scared to live their lives and find it easier to trust and follow whatever authority tells them to do, be them corporate or political. As long as they get meals and some entertainment they're fine with wage slaving it.

>phone games
so a mobile crash? I don't think you understand that it's all digital on a market where it's a secondary feature.
>steam indie
which is digital and can be ignored because Steam won't go under if people are not using the service to buy indie games

Also remember the 83 CONSOLE crash didn't effect PC gaming.

The mobile market is flooded with garbage, but since casuals actually ENJOY playing shitty games now, another crash will never come.

Aw sweet, is the crash meme back?
I havent seen it in a while and I missed it.

>literally nobody cared about computers back then except for europe
>europe population
>742.5 million
>us population
>318.9 million

Between F2P/99 cent cash shop games and $79.99 AAA bullshit and now fucking VR, I can certainly see the prospect of a crash looming. Maybe not a catastrophic one, but serious repercussions.

>implying everyone in europe owned a PC
>implying europe even matters

even commadore themselves said that you need the US market to survive

They enjoyed it then.
The major difference is:
1. cost: you buy a buggy phone game? you are out pennies. Back in 1980 Atari Pacman was about $110 in today's money
2. digital over physical: Candy crush clone 760 is selling poorly? Takes as much space on the store front as million selling new flavor. In 1980 a bad game clogged shelves to the extreme it was hurting stores profits, hence what cause the crash.

No, it doesn't, but even if it does who fucking cares

It will always come back.
There are a lot of broken people that can't stand people liking what they don't like and wanting them all squished like ants

The moblie market is really about throwing as much stuff you can at the wall and seeing what sticks. Because anyone can make the next angry birds or farmville. The thing about the mobile market is that games don't stick around for too long. so you have a small window to make your money before the audience moves onto the next game.

That and with no overhead stress about selling actual copies it makes it much easier to take those risks because the "store" is wasting a few dollars of bandwidth to upload it.

VR is just gonna be like any other technology war (MP3 player, Bluray vs. HDDVD). Which ever one is adopted faster will eventually become the standard, and any other ones that want to stay alive will have to make their technology compatible with the leader.

>tons of games being put out that nobody asked for
In small numbers? Yes, indie market is same as ever. But yearly releases of Call of Duties and Assassin's Creeds are happening because people keep buying them. And even if one franchise fails, it's not like those are only ones that are making money for the developers.
Same goes for console manufacturers. Even if videogame division of Microsoft or Sony fails, they have their other products to fall back on. And if Nintendo's consoles fail, they can fall back on software developement like Sega did.
Unlike 80s when people could flood the market with fast made poor games, that just can't happen anymore. Low budget titles just don't get boxed releases anymore, you have to go through publisher, at least if you want your shit released on a console. Sure, you can put all the crap you want out on PC, but when there's quality titles available for same price as your shit why would anybody buy it? And people who bought that shit will let others know just how bad it is.

Unless consumers experience some collective awakening that'll stop them from buying games, I doubt anything major is going to happen.

I love when people think there will be another crash. It's 99.999% impossible with how big the industry is. It's like saying the movie industry is going to crash, fucking not happening.

It's so big at this point that even an organized online strike would hardly dent their sales. Games today appeal to the LCD, and those people don't give a shit about anything else besides getting their yearly Madden and whatever else they see on TV.

You'd have to be a complete idiot to think that.

HomePCs were pretty big in pre-NES Japan too, but not having lived there I can't say with certainty to what degree.

>digital distribution
>mobile market
>quality insurances and test markets
>30+ years of a market to watch
no it dosn't

with one key difference: retards still gobble it up

>that feel when it was this response video that made clevernoob leave youtube.
reminder that fighting with sound logic and reasoning can make the world a better place.

>millennial finds out about video game crash
No you dumbass, digital distribution and the internet prevents it. Also Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are the only ones making consoles still.

I get it you want nuclear fire to burn away everything you don't like but the America console crash of 1983 was not as major as you think. It just hurt US markets and shutdown certain console manufactures as you saw in just two years the market was back on it's feet no problem.
and that was an age without the internet.
If a crash happen now it be months and it be like nothing changed

I can only see this happening to VR. Mobile games are already too cheap for it to matter, especially with freemium. Anyone saying console games are shit is a shitty memer. Every console this generation was worth it if you bought it early enough.

Those people are years late with the topic they want to discuss. It's been brought up countless of times before.

Between Nintendo going to shit, VR becoming a thing, mobile games in general and other shitty stuff going on I'm finding it hard to justify keeping vidya as a hobby. Name one fucking reason I shouldn't totally drop it for literature


Who the fuck cares about what media you consume. Either play games or read books, this post reeks of unwarranted self-importance.


we have more porn games these days

r u retarded?

>store retail is dead now
>consoles are dead
>mobile market leading
>digital distro is zero risk max profit
>every idiot on the planet has internet access with mobile

There will never ever be a "crash"
Market is saturated with shit eating idiots

>Back then, you didn't need to buy a license from a company to make a game for their system

You still don't. Sony just says you do.

>current sega

Im dying

The market is so diversified that it would take a mass disinterest in video gaming to make a significant dent on the market. In the 1980s most people could only play games on consoles. This meant that if a major console developer went under, the market would be greatly affected due to the larger market share.

Now you can game on phones, handhelds, multiple consoles, pc, and now VR. Even if one form of that completely disappeared the market share of each company is significantly smaller. The true death going on right now are the mid-title games. AAA is becoming more of an investment, and making games to release on consoles is becoming more of a risk.

Smaller budget games on consoles isn't happening as much. The PS2 thrived on these games, while the ps3/ps4 shifted more towards larger budget games. I think that software developers are more likely to fail at this point, especially if one of their high budget games fails to meet expectations.

All recent gen consoles are too expensive for small devs to work on

This is why sony hand helds died
The 3DS has no games
The crowd funding market exploded on pc

It's a case you mongoloid. It sets down the law. Good law that hasn't been overruled, either.

It's crash only for consoles

So what happened after the crash? How did vidya recover?


The reason the crash was possible back then was video games were considered a fad at the time, which meant the public had a precedent for abandoning them. This hasn't been the case since the late '80s.

>Atari WAS the industry
In America. Europe were master racers since day one.

Since it was just the US, foreigners moved in and marketed themselves as "entertainment systems" because the video games well had been poisoned. Rest of the world just continued to play games on Home Computers because it hadn't affected those countries.

General Mills isn't making video games for the PS4 at $60

>I think it's dumb to say there was no real crash

There was a crash. In America. No where else.

Tards have been saying this for over a decade.

lmao what episode was this?

Season 8 episode 4. Burns, Baby Burns.

Thanks man you're awesome!

The thing is, the video game crash was a little like the housing crash.

Fucked up investments. People in the industry lost jobs and shit. But video games were still sold and made during that period, just in lower quantities from fewer companies.

Problem was game companies were living high on the hog off investments because, for a while, mostly everyone got an atari and were buying games. Then the novelty wore off and there was almost no way of knowing if a game was shit before buying, so people stopped buying.

Lool... no.

Biggest marketshare, sure. But intellivision and colecovision were a part of the industry as well as the home computer industry.

> striving
You mean thriving?

>apocalypse happens when there's tension in the world
>there's tension in the world now
Apocalypse is tomorrow people, get ready

games are just as bad now but people have learned to deal with them. i don't think we'll see another crash.

gets it. When 1983's shitty games clouded out the market, retailers were left with bucket upon bucket of unsold hardware, which they then had to mark down, and then all the people who thought videogames may be a fad would go to the store and see the games were ninety percent off, and the fad was confirmed.

Now, when you go to Steam, and there's 150-200 games being released every month, they don't have to fight for shelf space and they don't get in the way of what people want. They're just a listing in a digital store that wastes space in your browser.

The crash was caused by a glut of physical product that really can't happen today.

Ha. Yes, I did mean thriving.