Bornlets on suicide watch. someone give gearbox the hotline number

bornlets on suicide watch. someone give gearbox the hotline number

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I don't really care for either game, might try overwatch at a friends house later
but to see Gearbox get fucking destroyed after all the shit they pulled brings a grin to my face.

I know all they have to do is release borderlands 3 to the fucking retarded plebs and will eat it up.

but to see this sort of small victory over that smug fuck Randy with karma justice made my day a bit brighter.
Fuck them for what they did to A:CM

Freak off.

Battleborn is doing better than ever due to OW players realizing how shallow the game is

Why do all their characters look like things I drew when I was 8?

>Overwatch is so good people would rather come here and shitpost about another game entirely

overmeme and battlebortion are both terrible SHITFAGGOTS
kill yourself spammer


This is what denial looks like



thorn is nothing like scout or tracer

>Whiskey Foxtrot

He's anything but that. Additionally why the fuck are you trying so hard to make SHITFAGGOTS a thing you Soulsborn loser?


They are the same fucking game

Are you all fucking blind?

Reminder the Gearbox is probably shilling on Sup Forums right now

wtf are you retarded?

ow, is a bad tf2 clone, with less content, less fun, just more sexy girls

bb, is a moba/fps, with a trillion fun characters and pretty good campaing content

clearly you havent played both

Why are you trying so hard to shill your soulless game, SHITFAGGOTS player?

>Battleborn characters are such a stretch and actually original that none of these comparisons make any sense

Montana is a happy-go-lucky manchild
Thorn is a Russian Stick-Elf
Ambra is a crazy bitch who freaks out about improper etiquette, not cold at all. Then again the description doesn't fit Medic or Mercy either
Whiskey Foxtrot is an action hero badass, nothing mysterious about him at all
Phoebe is a prissy fancy girl who has her moments of acting like a child, her engineering isn't really brought up much other than "she's a nerd"

Looks like I struck a nerve there. Jealous that Overwatch is getting more attention that Dark Souls 3?

They've been doing it for weeks now.

Those are the same games

How about you compare it to a real game, Overcuck.

Yeah but counter strike is for fags

>Gearbox get fucking destroyed after all the shit they pulled

What did they do? In a no-bullshit recap

Engineer and medic don't fit.
Zarya also barely fits Heavy.



Like real talk though, real talk. There's probably a few people on the Battleborn dev team that spent years of their lives making this game seeing these numbers and feeling like complete and utter SHIT.

both of these games are complete shit

They should have jumped ship like anthony burch


They screwed over SEGA when they partnered up for Aliens: Colonial Marines, promising them a well made game when it was a pile of shit that made Duke Nukem Forever look like a 10/10 game. All on SEGA's dime.

Yeah, the Medic pretty eccentric and affable too. Not really that cold.

Gearbox and its employees deserve everything bad that happens to them

That's what they get for jumping on a fucking FOTM meme genre like MOBAs. Meanwhile, other devs stole their FPS loot-grinding idea and made bank.