Can someone explain me what happened to this game.
Isn't it Gearbox's biggest investment ?
Can someone explain me what happened to this game.
Isn't it Gearbox's biggest investment ?
might have been cool if it was on lnux
They got fucked by not having the right sort of advertisement. The characters they have in their game did not compel people at all. Hell show me Battleborn fan art. Overwatch wasn't the cause of death for the game, but it was the last thing that did kill it.
canceled my overwatch pre-order and bought battleborn. best decision i took this year.
Second steam game, I've got a refund for.
Love the concept but feel like it was confused. Was hoping it'd be like openTTD with factories and production lines but they've tried to make it survivally with a character that runs around and fucking monsters that attack you. Literally why.
i had barely heard of it at all
also overwatch
I'd really say it's the advertising. I barley knew anything about the game when it was released, hell I didn't even know it released when it did. If I spend all day on Sup Forums and didn't know that then I really doubt any normie would know this game even exists. Ontop of releasing near the same time as Overwatch, a game that did advertising very well, it was bound for failure.
SHITFAGGOTS are dead on arrival, rightfully so
there was massive shilling for it yesterday with the price drop
so, instead of being at 1399 users, it'd be at 1402? it still wouldn't even beat Hurtworld, whatever the fuck that is.