Wargame Red Dragon gets a new nation as a paid DLC

>Wargame Red Dragon gets a new nation as a paid DLC
>Its the fucking Netherlands


Other urls found in this thread:


>still no Yugoslavia

what's the point

>Yesh... We will conquer the world with our marijuana potsh yesh!

>still no coop campaign

>Shithole country

Why would anybody include a country nobody cares about and nobody cared about for the last 500 years?

>Still making DLCs for Red Dragon
Where the fuck is Wargame 2?

>still no FDF

>thinks his opinions matter

Yugoslavia was a large power in the 60's-80's

Your argument is stupid

He's right though.

>inb4 samefag
nah I can't be


Verwijder dit.

They sold all their tanks to other countries why are they even relevant anymore?

>dat view
>dat snow
>dat sunset
>dat nasu


If you ain't Dutch...



Waarom geen Republiek DLC though?

why is your trip so LARP

>Large power for 20 years

WOW amazing

>Put in another Yuropoor nation no one gives a fuck about with some tiny military that has to be overblown to be competitive with superpowers like all the other shitty minors since Eugene dropped any and all notions of minors actually playing like minors that supplement major powers instead of replacing them ever since AirLand Battle came out and fucked the deck system right in the ass.
>Base Red Dragon in Asia
>All the Asian nations are completely slapped together after-thoughts riddled with inaccuracies.
>Red Dragon slowly just became AirLand battle with palm trees because Europeans are asshurt faggots that blow up forums if everything isn't centered around them.

I can't wait to see the train-wreck that will be Wargame 4. I wonder what half-assed gameplay gimmick they'll shoe-horn in this time as a selling point that will never be finished to a playable standard.

>Yugoslavia was a large power in the 60's-80's
What? It was just a reference for the non-aligned countries, but it was far from being relevant whatsoever even in Europe

>Put in another Yuropoor nation no one gives a fuck about
Excuse me?

Yugos and Finns are top candidates for the next packs if they make enough on this one to justify the investment. The Dutch were a bit of a cop-out since they could re-use a shitload of models and cut their expenses, but if there's money to be made they'll go back.

>Red Dragon still getting updates, DLC and sheit.


>Answering our players' requests
Who did request the Netherlands? They have the best porn actresses, but... Who the fuck asked for this?

May as well add Belgians at this rate.

Never under-estimate the power of asshurt Yuropoor nationals sperging out about their tiny nation with an underpowered military not being in the game.

>They have the best porn actresses
I'm Dutch but I never heard anyone say this before, ever.

>large power
kek at you m9, you couldnt even keep it together

>Answering our players requests
Something told me they took all those joke emails from 420_BLAZER_420 and co too seriously.

Fucking nationalism. Mention 10 things worse than nationalism.
Hard mode: No "youre mum"
Nightmare mode: vidya related

I was actually thinking about Sophia Valentine and she happens to be Dutch. I'm also partial because I find your language absurdly hot.

She doesn't look Dutch at all though, more Russian if anything.

I've never heard of her to be honest.

It keeps out Mudslimes

>Mention 10 things worse than nationalism.
I'll make it easy. Read out a list of countries I don't live in.

Funny how most if not all muslims are more nationalistic about the country they left.

Why the fuck leave your country if it's so good and all? Money obviously

>Muh nationalism.
>I don't have anything to be proud for, so I might as well be proud for being born in a specific location.
KEK goes in all fields.

Read again. We're looking for things wore than Nationalism, not further proof than nationalism is shit.

They conquer me with it, it really is good

>Paid DLC
Isn't it usually free?

>can't spot obvious sarcasm
Nice work sperglor.

Is JA: BIA any good?

>They have the best porn actresses

You better give examples or fuck right off.

They also usually release a new version of the game every 1-2 years. Gotta get that delicious money somewhere.

No. It's better than Flashback, but so is gonorrhea.

>pick dinky literal who blufor nation because blufor not enuff cuntries durrrrr
>fill it with a shitload of bleeding edge prototypes and meme units

fucking eugen

Fuck! I'll have to tell my shrink I embarrassed myself in an Kiribati rape support mailing list and that I want double candy next time.

Depends. How bad do you want some tactical with pause game where you go with your mercs around shooting people and managing your finances, choosing objectives and shit? It's just a shadow of previous installments, but I enjoyed it thoroughly.

If you play, use mods (Combat Evolved or Realistic Rebalancing). I'd recommend playing "hardcore", meaning no savescumming. I still remember my first playthrough and how I died in a forest, trying to slither away.

Read the thread. I don't want to get banned. Although it's a matter of personal taste. Sophia Valentine.

If you guys know other short haired hotties that I should know of, just tell.

This shit right here...I fucking hate prototypes and stupid shit. It's fucking HILARIOUS that their mortar jeep has 1 ARMOR all over it and 10 health points. Fucking stupid. It's a jeep not an armored vehicle. Fuck you guys

The Netherlands is one of the bigger European nations.


... This link you just posted... It's not helping your argument. I had to ctrl+f to find it.

It's after Kazakhstan, for fuck's sake. Mine is in the top 8 and I wouldn't go in damage control if Eugen made the mistake of choosing it.

Fuck! It just hit me! It was bait again!

>this is being handed over to the muzzies

80% Are just reskinned already existing NATO units.

Bailey Bae

>other nations getting triggered because of this

>Turkey is on the list

How come neither Italy nor Greece nor Turkey are present in their European games when they have far more diverse gear than scandinavian shitcunts

This list...really doesn't help your position.

>Below Borat's homeland

Kamov made some neat helicopters.