Modern "nintendo hard" games
Modern "nintendo hard" games
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my dick in your ass
But DKTF is legitimately hard
I'm hard for Elizabeth
>Not giving her the cage
Get gud
>uses a game not on Nintendo systems to make a point about Nintendo
>Johnny CAGE and Sonya BIRD
it all makes sense now
>Muh analogy broaches
Why would a broach have cage on it?
I'm not "making a point" about anything. It's just people call old hard games "nintendo hard" so that's why I said it
>It's just people call old hard games "nintendo hard"
Who the fuck says "Nintendo hard" as a phrase, I've heard of "retro challenge/difficulty" but not that.
The heck is wrong with her left finger? With the thimble, it looks weird
Nothing can compare to the masterpiece that is this puzzle
Wait a minutemind
Did this even affect the game at all? or the part where Booker gets stabbed in the hand?
>not jumping on the tents, jumping over this event and completely skipping it all together
I couldn't do it. Shit's hard, unlike the fair park skip.
Blue ribbon challenges aren't that easy desu senpai
Do not play the game to find out. This little pinky is the whole reason why Infinite takes place.
Lady Comstock was a load of bullshit tho
What's the solution to the one on the left? Mario shouldn't have puzzles in it
>Im only 11
enjoy your ban
holy fuck, two replies in one refresh, it looks like you two have been successfully triggered, how does it feel? :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
>implying a ban means anything anymore considerind 80% of this site is normalfags shitposting from their phones
Joking or not, chances are high you'll get banned for that. Smart.
How old are you
>mfw when (you)
everytime I see image.jpg it fills me with pure rage
>no Dark Souls posted yet
I am dissapoint
I don't get it
Does it really matter?
>boss is a puzzle
>changes in each phase
>you actually have to pay attention to the environment
Chame I will never get amnesia so I can play it again, and it's a shame too the other bosses weren't as good, at least the knights were great too.
only in your head
Forgot the webm
I'm 35 and never heard "nintendo hard" maybe it's a neogaf thing or something.
Also NES era game "difficulty" was because they played like shit, didn't have invincibility frames and killed you if you jumped down before the camera followed you and showed the platform.
Like soul games in many way people don't want to admit.
How can you be 35 but be so unabashedly casual? You're not lying about your age, are you?
>I don't get it
They're trying to make a part of the game look shitty by pretending that the thing they're doing in the webm is a puzzle when the puzzle is already done.
The game is trying to "integrate story and gameplay" in the worst way possible. Instead of letting Drake take pictures in a cutscene, you just run around like a retards and press X so a cutscene will play.
This is the worst shit ever, at least we should be able to control that smartphone
I'll never understand this "BioShock Infinite puzzle" meme.
You guys do realize that those are not puzzle right?
>are not puzzle right
>puzzle=that cardboard piece of jigsaw only
fucking autism
What the hell are you talking about.
How is it not?
Why even have us ring the bells?
It's symbolism you retard
I was going to say that this mario puzzle has no indication as to how complex it is, but then I realized that I wouldn´t expect to undersand a puzzle from mere glance, I only thought of that because of how ridiculously obvious the "solution" to the BSI one is.
Truly a game beyond the comprehension of normal people.
>They're trying to make a part of the game look shitty by pretending that the thing they're doing in the webm is a puzzle when the puzzle is already done.
You are right, they could have shown the actual puzzle, Uncharted´s best attempts at brainteasers are slightly more taxing than bioshock´s take.
They are basically the same kind of problems, only that bioshock has a single page and a single location.
>It's symbolism you retard
People who follow some supposed revelatory information by an insult are usually very entertaining.
Please, enlighten us all.
>uncharted will never have legitimately intricate puzzles and only give you a camera and a journal
>YOU, the player, have to decide what is worth taking a picture of and what is worth drawing/writing down
>the camera and the journal have limited pages/memory, not super limited, but limited enough so that at some point in the game you have to decide what is worth taking note of and what isn't
wasted potential desu
This gave a chuckle
Cage master race.
>tfw you see that cute cosplayer with cage necklace
Yea, Infinite had some of the worst, most heavy-handed writing I've ever seen in a game.
Like holy shit, it's like it was written by a 12 year old.
Too deep for you
this guy is right, it is symbolism
Each Bell rung represents the five acts of the game
The first bell, marked with a scroll, symbolises the introductory act and exposition which is heavily reduced after you and elizabeth escape from her prison
the second bell, marked with the key, symbolizes the 2 things (hence the x2) Booker needs to fullfill his destiny, mainly Elizabeth and the Songbird, even though Songbird does not turn good until the final act
The final bell, marked with the sword, symbolizes the fight between the 2 men, Comstock and Booker, but they are both the same. It could also symbolize the revolution and the final fight for freedom in the game
overall Bioshock Infinite is actually deep, but I wouldn't expect any of you fucktards to actually understand some basic literary elements. If you weren't fucking scum of the earth basement dweller fucktards you'd spend more time trying to improve yourselfes by going to /lit/ more
but /lit/ is terrible, why would i do such a thing
I'm so in love with Elizabeth
Too bad the game is an unfun mess. You sound like those people who defend Final Fantasy XIII to death every thread, about how it's really a great game and everyone else is just WRONG.
>scientism: the board
*tips fedora*
"Nintendo Hard" has been a phrase for fucking decades. Have you had your head under a rock your entire life?
Find one place outside this thread (and anything posted after this thread) that uses the phrase "Nintendo hard". I'll wait.
Not the same guy, but you really are some stupid mofo arent you?
I'm not even the person you're replying to but Bioshock Infinite is 1000x better than Final Fantasy XIII.
tvtropes. I wish they would rename it
Wow you sure showed me
What, seriously?
I've never seen nor heard the term used anywhere, but tvtropes goes with that?
Holy shit you're retarded.
Quit replying to the autist. Even a basic google search can tell you that "Nintendo hard" has been in use since at least the last decade. He's just baiting.
How fucking stupid can you be if this thread is the first time for you hearing the term Nintendo Hard?
what a miserable place that is. Constantly having to justify yourself and why you like a certain thing, trying to come up with imaginary and fake reasons. You can never just let something be, there's always got to be some kind of alternate explanation.
of course when you're looking for a deeper meaning, you'll start grasping at what you see and manipulate it to fit your idea, because there just HAS to be a reason those curtains are fucking blue
Okay, you got me. You can stop making up terms now.
who the fuck would want jewelry with a cage or dead bird on it
Only thing more retarded than that puzzle are people who actually think its supposed to be a puzzle.
Why would you mention that the curtains are blue if there's no significant reason for the curtains being blue?
Would you expect the author to describe every detail of every room/person/whatthefuckever that is in the story, no matter how unrelevant it is?
Or to put the question differently, do you expect everyone else to be as autistic as you are?
You should of just took the credit.
>Why would you mention that the curtains are blue if there's no significant reason for the curtains being blue?
Illustrating the character's surroundings is always nice. We're not talking about every single detail, just the color of some curtains. Calm down user.
>do you expect everyone else to be as autistic as you are?
Autistics are usually the ones obsessing over minute details. Get your memes straight bucko.
this was literally one of the best boss by design though redoing the mission for the full medal count was konda meh. Too bad the other bosses were complete shit besides Kinh Boo
Damn, should finish that game.
>"Nintendo Hard" has been a phrase for fucking decades.
Never heard it before this thread. I think it was just isolated to your retarded friends or something.
>Illustrating the character's surroundings is always nice
Again, why would you mention the color of the curtains but not the color of anything else?
I have. Not op.
Y'all are just milleni fags who've never left the comfort of your chairs.
It's just a couple of jokers baiting.
>"nintendo hard"
Is this supposed to mean something?
>but not the color of anything else?
The sentence in the picture is completely out of context. There very well could be other details. Calm your autism user.
"Nintendo hard" is a common term used to describe NES games that needed to be hard because if you had save states they wouldn't last very long and players would feel like they didn't get their money's worth.
We called those arcade games in my day.
That's why I specified NES games
is that just iphones? My android doesn't do that
Loved the art style but the game play honestly felt like a death simulator. Sometimes it just felt like I could not do anything to avoid getting killed. Haven't finished.
>git gud