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i hope no one is surprised. platinum has been cranking out turds since korra. No idea what they fuck they're doing.

>playing and reviewing a co op level'n'loot as if it's a single player game

Into the trash it goes

Transformers Devastation was great, lad

>doing the same 5 exact missions + boss in co-op for 5 hours is supposed to make the game a lot better

into the traish it goes

with how shit their past few games have been I really hope they are just saving all their potential for Nier or Scalebound

>yammering on about frame rate and shadows

Yeah, that's what matters.

Oh hey, look at this guy who hasn't played the game.

Are Diablo and Dragon's Crown also shit because you have no friends?

Nah it wasnt, tard

You mean like what people do in MMORPGS all the fucking time, except with much worse gameplay? Those are apparently good games.

Korra and Transformers were both well above average for budget titles

$2 has been transferred to your bank account

I love this meme

Explain why you think so

Don't even think I'm only saying this in context of defending TMNT, I do think this game looks boring but Transformers was legitimately great

We are in a really scary place in games. Devs with good track records and huge producers are making games that could be made as a college project.

Are companies focusing too much on old names that require licensing fees? Are they just churning out games and banking on fans buying games just based on the characters they love being in it?

We aren't going to get any good original games until companies lower their benchmark for what is considered a successful game. We may never see the originality video games once had.

Platinum slowly becoming the next THQ with all this licensed garbage

>mfw the Sup Forums "platinum should make everything!" meme is real
>most games end up being shit or mediocre
You've gone too far, Sup Forums.

Since when do budget titles cost 60 bucks

They either churn out licensed stuff or blow it all on AAA "cinematic experience" games.

Dark times.

>activision pays platinum to squeeze out some medium quality ultra-low-budget games
Grow up

I didn't want to make a thread just to ask this.
Whenever I start it up nothing happens, it just tells me about the auto-save thing and then nothing happens. Is this happening to anyone else or just me?

Neither of thosr games cost 60 on release

I got Korra for 40 and Transformers for 30. Turtles is 50 and bigger than both those games

Since Activision started selling them.


Yeah I had a feeling, especially considering the bosses are just damage sponges to accomodate for the 4 playable characters.

But 30fps? Holy shit.

easy money, since they get paid once at the project start and nick gets the sales money. They don't give a shti if it's shit, it's kid "anime of the week" garbage.

yes it was.
it was literally Bayonetta with robuts

I remember Transformers: Devastation costing $50 on its release date.

crack when

Do you have any fucking idea how huge the ratio of bad to good games was in the snes and n64 days?

No, you don't, because you're 14.


Korra was a $15 downloadable, if you paid 40 you were straight up conned

You must be a fag since Korra was 15 on release

I agree it's not a great game but it's ok. 6/10.

Good music. Cool battle system. A bit overpriced.

That has nothing to do with what I said, dipshit. I was saying that companies now are making bullshit games, banking on the established fanbase of the properties they are using instead of making original games. It's just the state of the industry right now. It's not just low-budget games that are bullshit right now.

Platinum is clearly just doing this shit for extra money. Transformers was just a happy accident with a team making a competent low scale version of Bayonetta.

A Team: Still making Scalebound
B Team: Making Nier 2
C Team: Making low budget Activision games to pay the rent

I don't think Transformers was just an accident. It had the director who worked on MGR, that probably explains why it turned out well.

It looks pretty fun but it's expensive as hell. Gonna wait for a price drop before giving this a shot.

Come on Platinum where's MGR: Revengeance 2?

Not really surprising honestly. This game had the same director behind Legend of Korra, considered to be one of Platinum's weaker games.

Transformers Devastation might of been low budgeted but it at least had the guy behind Metal Gear Rising which is why it turned out to be pretty good.



>it's not good

Well fuck now I'm sad.

Actually, MMORPGs usually feature clever boss mechanics that you have to workaround in order to achieve victory.

That video demonstration showed Bebop just having a cone attack that they had to avoid and not really any other special mechanics to his fight.


>somehow making a game worse than korra

Cowa fuckin piece of dog shit

>companies now are making bullshit games, banking on the established fanbase of the properties they are using instead of making original games.

That's been true since video games first iterations.

Remember ET?
LJN Marvel games?
All those bad Superman games?
Batman Forever?
Home Alone games?
The bad Godzilla games?

Licensed games have been a thing for a long time.

The only thing different is that Japanese developers are now being sought out to help fill in the holes of those defunct Western 3rd party devs who used to do the licensed games.

It's not the state of the industry "right now", it's always been a thing.

Fuck off, you had your 15 minutes of fame.

>action mmo combat with cooldown
>complete with the red danger zones when enemies attack
Who asked for this from platinum?


Yeah, no.

>that list

Fuck off AVGN. You're still a cuck.

They are if you do play at end-game.

Even something as casual friendly as WoW has good boss fight mechanics for their heroics and raids (if you don't do raid finder and actually have a group to do even the regular raid level).

Not AVGN and just because I provided plenty of examples of bad games doesn't mean they're popular only because AVGN played them.

Pretty sure most of those games were suggested to him by people who have a majority opinion that they are bad games.

Korra was not, Transformers was, but it has serious flaws.

Bayo2 with robutts.

>Come on Platinum where's MGR: Revengeance 2?
Do you seriously think this is going to happen? Konami exited gaming. KojiPro is dead. The story line for raiden is complete. Ask for something else.

not big surprise but still depressing, wtf

Licensed games have always been shit, they're special project with gay deadlines that have to lineup with movie release date.

>meme magic caused all these platinum licensed games
Fuckin hell Sup Forums. Look at what you caused.

>Transformers gave me up for platinum's next licensed game
>turn to shit

>surprised that an activision cashgrab by Platinum's C team is bad
Well no shit

It's not the same team that made Bayo 2 or Wonderful 101 or MGR

Did none of you play Korra or Transformers? Hell, I don't know why this guy is pretending Transformers was good.

Transformers was basically Bayonetta but less hype.

It was far better than Korra.

You're literally talking out your ass, platinumdrone.

Korra was a $15 downloadable title. There was no way you got it for $40. And Transformers was $60 when it came out.

The gameplay demo at PAX people could play was TERRIBLE.

>The game quality is decided by performance on consoles

Call me if the pc version has shit fps

Fucking meme company.

Ring ring

It does fucker

>When we think about Platinum we tend to think about this...
>Shows typical press-x-to-awesome QTE
>Rather than this...
>Shows actual gameplay
Oh boy

>guess i'll check the video to see whats the game about
oh nevermind its a retard comparing apples to oranges again

It is, as it's locked to 30 on PC too.

Hold on, why didn't they analyze the PC version?

I dont give a shit, Transformers Devastation was amazing, as a G1 fan I can say it was the game I wanted since I was like 10. It was obviously made on a smaller budget and you can see it in the repetitive environments but they absolutely nailed everything that counted.

They did

It runs at 30 as well

>30 fps lock on pc
I refunded the game right away. Fuck that

Oh yeah I love how Optimus prime moves faster than greased lightning with kenshiro bunches in whack over the top action. Just like h1.
Fuck off plat shill fall of cybertron is a true game for the fans

I bet it's all activision fault. They basically wasting Platinum's resources and giving them pityful budgets, slowing down bigger projects like Scalebound and Nier Automata. Hell, I'm almost tempted to say even SF Zero could have been better without Activision fucking up Platinum.

Maybe this is why the Platinum president was fired.

>Expecting anything good from platinum after anarcy Reigns.

Platnumdrones have only themselves to blame, platinum has been shit for a long time and i dont see them getting better any time soon.


Are you implying Anarchy Reigns was their absolute peak, their finest hour and after that there was nowhere to go but down
that Anarchy was somehow bad

Because if it's not the former you're just a tasteless idiot with no sense of style

Bought it today, anyone been online yet? Whatever trophies there are for online I think better be gotten quick cause this shit will be dead in a week

I just want a good TMNT game. Its been decades.

>"Transformers is dark, gritty, & mature; WFC capture the spirit of the series."
Fuck off Bayfag

Sorry son, I don't pay jews for playing online.

PS3, genius

>Activison has the balls to charge almost full price for this

I love how over the top and whacky optimus is. He took down devastator all by himself by punching the ground causing a giant shockwave XD
Devestation is a disgrace and g1 was trying to be serious for its time. Fuck the canon gen 1 comics from the 80's show the more serious side of the series.
Fuck off plat shill cuhrazy doesn't equal good

It's robot cars designed to sell toys

The gameplay is obviously copy pasted from Bayonetta and it still manages to be the only good Transformers game to date.

>complaints about framerate
Why are the mustards acting like this suddenly makes a game unplayable or bad? 30 fps is just fine

I am serious

turtles is 40 with amazon prime.

It looks like an early PS3 game and it runs at 30 even on PC.

There's no excuse for this, even their other shovelware titles ran fine.

not full price. go home.

>Don't include local coop because you're going for 60fps
>Lock the game to 30fps (even on pc)
Well done Platinum

thats not a bad thing

Quick and easy money while they work on Scalebound and Nier Automata.

the boss fights are fun

REEEEEE, how dare you praising this game, get ou, GET OUT